Wednesday 21 December 2011

WOYWW 133 - it's Chrrriiiiiissssstmaaaaasssss!

Well, hallo again -  didn't mean to leave it a week between posts - but I haven't done any crafting this week! (except a card I can't share yet cos the recipient reads my blog and won't be getting the card till Christmas Day!)

Anyhow, it's Wednesday - which means it's WOYWW? (what's on your workdesk Wednesday in case you're visiting from another planet) Click the link here for Julia's gaff, for all the desks you can imagine. 

This being just 4 days before Christmas I had some wrapping requirements - so I have a "before" and "after" for you today. 

(my bag of bling from Paperchase has lasted several years - but this was the time to use it!)
and after .... how can it take nearly 2 hours to wrap such a small pile???
I went to town with the bling this year, I figured we deserved it!
No peaking now!

Not sure when I'll get to post again so in the meantime, it just remains for me to wish you all a very happy - healthy - funfilled - Christmas and don't all work too hard!

Thank you for all your visits during the year and for your comforting words.  They meant a lot at the time (still do) and helped. So thank you. 

Happy Christmas!!


  1. Nice to get all the wrapping done, isn't it? That's my job for tonight, or tomorrow, or the day after ... Happy WOYWW

  2. I still have wrapping to do ... so disorganised this year!
    Happy WOYWW and Merry Christmas.
    Cathy @23 xx

  3. I think most posts will be of paper wrapping,you did well only taking 2 hours to wrap it all, must have been very precious
    Bridget #21

  4. Ive finished my wrapping had done most of it as i went along.But last couple buts did yeaterday and have one to do today sometime.Your prezzies look lush!
    Have very Merry christmas and please pop by i have candy on offer
    hugs judex 22

  5. Hoping your Christmas will be peaceful, and happy
    Jennie #9

  6. morning helen thanks for the 4 days to christmas peek of your workdesk......wishing you and yours a wonderful christmas...hugs kath xxx

  7. Your pile of pressies looks very sparkly and festive!! Have a lovely Christmas!! Annette #8

  8. Oh Dear!
    I havent even bought most of mine yet!! And here you are all done and dusted, looks like the ususal Christmas Eve job for me!!
    Happy WOYWW and Happy Christmas,
    Lou #34

  9. Pretty Packaging..the only thing about presents is I HATE to wrap, so lucky my DH loves to do it. And he's got it all done and labeled.
    Happy WOYWW and may you and yours enjoy the merriment of the holiday

  10. Yes I was surprised how long my wrapping took to do too - seemed to go on for weeks and is still not finished! Love your parcels there - I have gone for the brown parcel with gold trims this year. Have a wonderful Christmas. Sunshine Girl – No 38

  11. Your desk looks so wonderfully seasonal.... hope you have a really wonderful holiday season and if you have some spare time would you mind popping in and doing the rest of my wrapping...xx

  12. Love the bling on your parcels :-)
    Happy festive time to you too.
    A x

  13. I wish I were you! Congrats on getting all your wrapping done! Hope you and your family enjoy a Merry Christmas holiday. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #44

  14. Love Paperchase and could spend a happy hour in that shop so your presents are looking very good to me.
    I finished mine last week, and didn't my back know about it, still it will all be worth it on Christmas Day.
    Have a great Christmas
    Ann B

  15. There is no such thing as too much bling in LLJ land!! More sparkles, more glitter..yay, happy Jan :D
    Please can I have a feel of your prezzies and try to guess what's inside??? Lol.
    Wishing you joy and happiness this Christmas,
    Hugs, LLJ #43 xx

  16. I am useless at wrapping as how I try so my gifts look nothing like yours. Yours are truly beautiful and the bling helps so much to enhance them too.
    Hope you have a lovely Christmas (even though I know there will be moments of sadness for you)and enjoy all the company you have around you.
    Take care - Hugs, Neet xx #4

  17. Thanks for stopping by and lovely to see such festive pressies. Yes I can believe it took hours to wrap and two seconds to open!!

  18. Hullo Helen and love your blog and wow your wrapping is really quite a work of art puts mine a bit to shame we dont go very overboard with it here!! Happy WOYWW! and thanks for being a blessing to me through 2012.
    All the blessings of the season as we celebrate the birth of the dear Lord Jesus and the greatest gift of all, love Shaz in oz. x #20

  19. Got all my wrapping done too, and Paperchase factored heavily here as well :)

    Happy WOYWW and have a joyous and merry Christmas!
    Mary Anne (#1)

  20. WOW your wrapped pressies look beautiful and I love all the bling. I still have a few pressies to wrap here!
    I wish you peace, joy and happiness this Christmas, Take care, Karen xxx (#66)

  21. Bling indeed! A fabulous display of gorgeousness.

    LOVE your photo in your profile pics!! Look at you all glam!!

    Will be thinking of you too on Christmas Day xx Here's to a better 2012.x

  22. It is strangely ridiculous how long it takes to wrap things, all Monday I spent sitting on the floor watching HP and what do I have a strained back to show for it mostly lol! Remember to use a table next year. I do love Paperchase (fortunately we only have a little one in Coventry to avoid too much carnage.....). Hope that 2012 is a better one for you, merry Christmas to you and your family :)

  23. Lovely lot of bling there Helen, just need to find out which one is for me???! Wrapping gifts does take an inordinate amount of time doesn't it? I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family.

    Brenda 71

  24. Now that's my kind of table! I want to slip right through the computer screen and get wrapping happy! Thanks for the peek and have a Wonderful Christmas and All The Best for 2012

  25. Hello Helen

    That's some real blingy pressies.........and most the right colour !

    Wishing you a Very Happy Christmas and to thank you for your blogland friendship in 2011 which I really do appreciate.

    And lets beat the Wigan curse tonight.

    B x

  26. Great wrapping, hope you ave a fabulous Christmas and New Year. Take care. Tracy x

  27. The presents look great, haven't started my wrapping yet! Hope you enjoy your Christmas, I'm sure Mum will be right there with you all xx

  28. I felt like my wrapping took forever this year too! They turned out beautifully! Hope you and yours have a wonderful Holiday Season! ~ WOYWW #29 ~Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  29. I love wrapping presents - finished mine today but they're all behind the settee so no pictures! Happy Christmas Helen

  30. Merry Christmas! Love your pressies, all fabulously decorated.

  31. They take pigging ages to wrap, there's just no getting away from that, but you made such a bright lovely job, who couldn't fail to be cheered by the bling. Just for a teeny second, I saw the black tray and wondered if you'd really brought someone a roasting tray as a gift! Thank you friend, for your thoughtful and really lovely card...the pleasure is all mine, honest.

  32. Your wrapping looks fab! I still have mine to do, I am just not organised! Have a fabulous Christmas x

  33. Such fun Christmas packages! Merry Christmas!

  34. How lovely those gifts look! Nice festive post so I'll take the chance of wishing you a very Happy Christmas!
    Lv JoZarty x
    Be sure to check out my blog candy...

  35. How festive it all looks - I love your parcel bling! Have a great time. x Jo

  36. Can we not take just a tiny peek if we carefully prise up one corner and then stick it down again quick!!! They all look a million dollars so time well spent. Have a fab Christmas and A Happy New Year to you. Hugs Mrs A. & Two Monkeys.

  37. Merry Christmas, love the bling, Hugs May x x x x

  38. Have a lovely Christmas Helen. Although it will be a different one for the pair of us, here's hoping it's lovely all the same x x x

  39. Hi Helen, wrapping presents is one job I can delegate to the EM - he just loves it and is quite an expert. Your parcels look really blingy and festive - a joy to behold. Have a lovely Christmas and be sure that you don't work too hard too - relax and enjoy the festivities. Elizabeth x #46

  40. I have the paper. I have the tags. I have bows. I have pressies. Wanna come round to do the wrapping?
    Pleeeeese? While I finish making the pressies and cards still needing to be done?
    Merry Christmas Helen

  41. Just dropping by to greet you and your loved ones a joyful and blessed Christmas season! That looks like a lovely pile of gifts!
    Thanks for sharing your life and projects with us in your blog!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  42. Oh crumbsssssss seeing yours it has reminded me I havent wrapped anything yet

    Have Happy WOYWW Christmas
    Hugs xxx

  43. Did all my wrapping last night and am now a slightly more sane woman! Thanks for sharing in such a busy week! Hope you have a very festive and wonderfully merry time - see you in 2012! Sarah at 11.

  44. Sorry I am posting by pasting the same to everyone …I hate to do this but it saves on energy that I lack and time, as I am a slow typer.
    THANK YOU so much for your good wishes …they cheered me up so much. I will up date you all on my health issues after the festive break but at least my balance problems have sorted them selves out and I think I shall be well enough to enjoy the Festive Holiday break. I enjoyed reading your post as I always do.
    All my good wishes to you and your family. xx

  45. Now I am panicking - still two Christmas cards to make, and two birthday cards before Christmas Day. Your pile of parcels look lovely and festive. You might like to pop back to my blog and read about yet another scam which seems to be doing the rounds (we have just been called from them), just when we are up to our eyes in last minute preparations. Have a lovely Christmas.

  46. Wow, that is really festive blingy paper! Well done on being so prepared! Merry Christmas xx

  47. Oh how i've missed the desk hopping, here's hoping i find more time in the new year. Merry Christmas my friend, hope its a good one for you x
    Hugs Minxy

  48. Hope I caught you in time - have a lovely time with your brother and family. Will be thinking of you. Hugs, Neet x

  49. Thanks for sharing the view of your desk.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  50. Oh I love the blingy wrap! Brilliant! Have a wonderful Christmas. Kim


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