Saturday 24 December 2011

Happy Christmas Everybody!

Leaving this post to (hopefully) schedule on time... just wanted to wish you all a Happy Christmas and New Year.

Thank you for all your lovely comments and support during the year - as always, and more so than ever this year, it is much appreciated.

I couldn't show this card earlier because it is for my brother and his wife and I didn't want to spoil the surprise!  it is based on day 2 of Tim's 12 tags of Christmas and one I really loved doing., even more so in a large size! 

 made another little "wreath" of silver beads for one, used some of the festive greenery die for the other deer.
Used a piece of the music paper from the Lost and Found stack, clear embossed my own resist on it.
It is mounted on an 8x8 inch card base.

Happy Christmas everyone!  Hope you all spend time with family friends or other loved ones and have a peaceful, happy time.

Since writing this, I have made the Dutch Butter Biscuit recipe we found in one of Mum's recipe books and which my brother and I remember fondly - so have made some as I promised them, to take with me. By the time you see this, they will either be - in our tummies - or the bin!! Not done "proper" baking for a loooooong time! They look similar to how I remember... how far wrong can you go with butter, brown sugar and flour?!


  1. Happy Christmas Helen... hope you have a wonderful time with your Brother & SIL... and those biccies... mmm, nomnomnom they look scrummy! How lovely that you used your dear Mum's recipe xx

  2. Happy Christmas, your mums biscuit recipe looks fab, have a good one, happy Christmas hugs trace x

  3. Happy Christmas Helen. Have a fabulous time with family and enjoy those biscuits. Lovely idea using your mum's recipe. Take care. Tracy x

  4. Happy Christmas Helen :) I've been baking my Mums Rock Cakes tonight. Your biccies look yum!

  5. Its a lovely card Helen - hope you had a good time

  6. Hope you've had wonderful Christmas days. Your card looks wonderful and your brother and his wife will love it.

  7. Hope you had a great Christmas and that card it gorgeous. Fancy sending me one of those biscuits?

  8. Those biscuits look yummy, a lovely way to remember your dear Mum at Christmas.
    I bet your brother & sister-in-law loved their special card, it's stunning Helen.
    See you soon,
    Alison xox


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