Sunday 4 December 2011

Time for Tim's 12 Tags 2011 - Day 4

Hi again! Not sure how long I will keep up with doing the day's tag on the day.... so far so good. At least today's tag LOOKS a bit more like Tim's, lol.  See the original here with all the detailed instructions and how to's....
I don't have the snowman die, so stamped Tim's snowman stamp on gungepaper (not board, it would have been a devil to cut out...) nor the 25 mover and shapers die so I used some grunge numbers from an old set and stuck them to the snowman.

Don't have the on the edge die so the fab plastic snowflakes are missing, I used a couple of stars from my stash.

I enjoyed this one much more!!
This is where I got the tuile from for the trims - the backing for some fabric flowers I found at Ally Pally last year (cheaper than Tim's trimmings, shhhh!! though I do have some of them too)


  1. Love your tag Helen it Looks great your stars .....I never had shaper or mover either so did what you did x

  2. Lovely tag Helen - great idea for the tulle!

  3. Gorgeous tag, love the way you've improvised, super. I've not even started yet, lol xx

  4. Great Tag, Helen. Loved making todays! S x

  5. Just been catching up on your tags. Love them and espesh your improvisation. Really enjoying that side of things!

  6. Helen, your tag looks great. I'm sorry, but there's no time over today... neither tomorrow, so I'll do my tags a bit later.

  7. Lovely tag and yet again fabulous improvisation, love it. Tracy x

  8. Love your snowman! The background is wonderful - I couldn't get the ghosting to work properly nor the crackle so despite having all the right stuff I still needed to be creative! Looking forward to seeing your Day 5!

  9. Lovely tag - like your stars and the colour is great. Still not begun - maybe Wednesday ...

  10. Gorgeous take on the tag Helen! Great idea to use the tulle from that flower trim, I have some of that somewhere! Lol! x


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