Saturday 3 December 2011

Time for Tim's 12 Tags 2011 - Day 3

Oh dear!! My day 3 tag is a dis-ahhhh-ster!  Tim's tag here used cut'n'dry felt - which I don't have.... to make your own custom stamp - and a matching stamp/texture fade folder which naturally I don't have either.....

So I had to use the only stamp I had which I have the embossing folder to go with.... perhaps I shouldn't have bothered.  I nearly didn't blog it, but I didn't want to not do a tag today so here goes!!

On a plus side though, I have finished making my Christmas cards... now just to write and post them! And then to buy some presents....!!
Wonder what Day 4 will bring...


  1. Like you I don't own cut'n dry felt. Funny, that we both have taken the same image and folder. Love the red of your Seasons Greetings.

  2. Great improvisation Helen, loving the glisten of the background. x

  3. I think you've done a fantastic job of this tag, it looks pretty good to me. xx

  4. You've done great Helen! Love those trees! x

  5. I love how you have done this tag Helen - great use of your own stash.
    I have still to write my cards - and probably once I start will find I have to make more. Bah Humbug!


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