Wednesday 5 October 2011

WOYWW 122 ? TIO 99 - Moon

Hello, to another Wednesday. 5th October sees us celebrating the weird and wonderful workspaces of the world, co-ordinated by the lovely Julia at the Stamping Ground - thanks to all of you for your visit last week and your kind words of support.    Mum is still in hospital - they are still trying to stop the bleeding from the mass on her bladder but think now they will have to operate to remove it without waiting for that to happen.  She has to be moved to a different hospital for that and we may hear soon when that will happen. (Transport to transfer and a bed being the latest was going to be Monday. it was going to be Tuesday....)

So my workspace is feeling neglected at the moment (I have been doing bits and pieces but not much) This is a tag I've been fiddling with for a while! (some of my new Ally Pally stash)

5th October also sees Dragonsdream TIO celebrating the moon - the choice of one of our new DT members, Blackdragon. Her song choice was not known to me - the Waterboys "Whole of the Moon" but when I googled it I thought it was fabulous. So, here is my "moon" tag.
I used faded jeans distress stain to colour the tag, then the picket  fence stain onto the stamp (stampscapes "rising moon") and stamped it onto the tag.  Added some inka gold in Haematite and Steel Blue round the edges and some more picket fence stain.  Was rummaging in my stamp boxes for some suitable words - couldn't find what I wanted so used a Hero Arts alphabet set to spell out "moonlight" on a scrap of tag, then found an old and unused set from the Stamp Bug with the "mystical" and "magical" which seem to fit the moon theme.  The bauble is from a cheapo junkie neclace I bought ages ago in Primark specially to use for things like this. Felt it needed something else, then thought of the mini flock of birds from the Tim Holtz tiny set (last year's QVC special)

Thanks for stopping by, and welcome to my new followers!


  1. glad to see you cracking open the stash...and I remember that song very well (sigh, old or what)
    Thanks for the peek! Sarah (at 11)

  2. Love the tag, of course, no, I don't know that song either, but it all sounds very intriguing! (I hope that's spelt right and if it is, that it's the right word!)
    Have a great week, happy woyww

  3. Oh my, that moon tag is fabulous, love the colours and texture.
    Hope your Mum is sorted soon, its always such a worry when they are ill and in hospital.

  4. Your moon tag is amazing. Very delicate and ethereal. One might almost say mystical! Thank you for sharing it with us.

    cheers, rachel #21

  5. oh just love that tag and adore the moon one too,gorgeous work love cherylx

  6. So sorry you are going through such a rough patch with your mum. Do hope they get her moved and sorted soon. I never understand how they have such "bed issues" but then I don't know the other side of it. Just keep your chin up - I'll put you both in my prayers.
    Lovely tags and the colours and the imagery on the moon one is beautiful.

  7. Lovely tag - I get my jewellery from Primark too and have a nice little bundle of those pearls to go on tags! will be singing that song all day now. Hope your Mum is better soon. thanks for sharing.

  8. Fabulous tag and I love that Hero Arts alphabet you used.
    All good wishes for your mum!
    Chrissie #28

  9. Gorgeous tags absolutely love the moon hope they get your mum sorted out soon if it's not the bed situation then next is usually transport.Hopefully fingers crossed it will be within next few days so she can get sorted and settled.Take care thinking of you!
    Have fab wedensday and a creative week .Pop by as i have candy on offer until 26th
    hugs Judex9

  10. Oh, your poor old mum, hope a bed is sorted very soon. Like your tag lots! Always had a thing for moon inspired artwork - I like the words you've chosen and the flock of birds is just right, they do finish it off well!
    Hugs, LLJ xx

  11. Having been out of the loop for the last couple of week I've missed all about your Mum. Really hope the hopsital pulls it's fingers out very soon for her and they get her sorted.
    Big hugs,
    A x

  12. Hope your mum gets sorted soon - with my cousin we are getting to see the NHS at its best - It is a shame that their capacity is so limited. More a case of you saw the cresent I saw the whole of the moon........(and I join in with those singing along for the day - still could be much worse)

  13. hi there Helen, so sad to hear of your mum was not around last week, but pray very mcuh that she has transport, bed soon and the op equally speedily and successfully. God be with you all. And wow do I ever love that moon tag - it is super! Happy WOYWW, Shaz in oz.x

  14. wondrous... thinking of you

  15. Awesome tag,Thanks for the peek and sharing.

    xoxo Marjo #48.

  16. Love your moon tag and colour scheme. Beautiful.
    Liz xx

  17. Moon tag is fabby just love the moonlighty feel! Hope Mum is real better real soon. Hugs
    xoxo Sioux

  18. Hi there, hope things improve for your mom real soon. Your moon tag is beautiful and I recognise the stamp from your top tag (I got the other two but not that one!)

  19. Hope that a bed opens up for your mom soon so she can get that bleeding taken care of. Nice looking tags. Great colors! Vickie

  20. Best Wishes to your Mom. Medical stuff is so stressful. I take little things to read and crafts to pass my time.
    Love your colors and adorable tags.Hope there's some fun in your week ahead.

  21. I really hope that your mum can move to the other hospital and have the op Helen, keeping my fingers crossed for you all. LOVE the moon tag absolutely stunning and ah, The Waterboys, that takes me back a bit! Always loved that song!

    Brenda 67

  22. Lovely tag, and I hope your Mum is better soon

    Debs xx

  23. Hi, sorry to hear your mum is still not so good ... hope they get things moving soon so that she can have the op and begin her recovery. Your moonlight tag is just so gorgeous ... the colours are just brilliant and the choice of wording perfect. Hope your week goes well. Elizabeth x #75

  24. Thanks for the birthday wishes -just taking a break to check out my WOYWW blog buddies - oh I do hope your mum is soon better - such a worrying time waiting to hear that they have got things sorted - thinking of you. hugs Jo

  25. Two wonderful tag, love the mystical look of the second one.
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for your mother.

  26. Helen, I really hope that your mom will get all the care she needs and pronto. I'm sorry that it seems to be difficult to get her transported to a different hospital. Why is health care such a drag. All the best to her and you.
    And those are two very lovely tags.

  27. Beautiful tag and I hope all works out with your mum. Not an easy time for sure!!! Thank you for the visit!

  28. gorgeous tags i love the second one. I hope everything works out ok x x

  29. Beautiful tags, especially the moon one. I got some distress stains at our recent craft show in Devon, and haven't used them much yet - looking forward to trying them properly! The picket fence one is very interesting. Lovely effects you've got.

  30. Both beautiful tags and loving the backgrounds. Fingers crossed that your dear mother is moved soon. x

  31. Lovely tags. Hope you here something positive about your mum soon, the waiting must be very frustrating for you both.

  32. I do hopethe docs sort out what's happening with your mum VERY soon... it's always such a worry when our loved ones are not well.
    However... on the 'plus' side... The moon tag is stunning!
    Hope your WOYWW was (and is) wonderful!
    aka Sheleen at

  33. You do realisae that I will be singing that song for the rest of the evening now! Lovely tags especially like the colours on the moon tag. Hugs Mrs A.

  34. So sorry to hear about your Mum. Hope it gets sorted very soon.
    Lovely tags. Good to hear you enjoyed the show.

  35. Love the tags and the 'washed out' look. God luck to your Mum xx

  36. Beautiful pearly effect, love the colours and movement you have got into the sky.Hope your Mum is on the mend soon.x

  37. Hi again - thanks for the lovely comment on my blog. So glad you liked my Clementine photo!

  38. Fabulous tag. Love the dreamy colour and the stamp.
    Wanda xx

  39. Beautiful tags Helen. I truly hope your Mum improves soon and they can sort her out. Hope you're eating!!!!

    Will you have time to watch some of the lovely sport on offer this weekend? Hope it can take your mind off things for a while.

    Take care :)

  40. Am late this week. The tag is PERFECT for that song. Which I love. I stress about YOUR transport issues for hospital to and fro-ing, are you coping? Hope by now (Friday) there's been some progress for your dear Mum.

  41. Fabulous tag, Helen. I really love that blue. And those tiny birds are the icing on the cake.

  42. Gorgeous tags especially the moon one is amazing. Hope your mum is sorted soon. Kezzy x

  43. the blue is really pretty. I pray you mother is much better today

  44. You are in my thoughts and prayers at this sad time much love lynx.

    I love your tag....and i'm glad you liked the song.... its one of my favourites.... i just love the imagery of the words.


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