Sunday 9 October 2011

Sunday Stampers - This Wheel's on Fire

Happy Sunday to you all. 

Hels' had some help setting her theme for Sunday Stampers this week after she was lucky enough to attend the Dina Wakley class at LB Crafts the other day.  Using the colour wheel the theme -chosen by another blog buddy Gillian - is Blue and Orange.

So, had some time today to splash some colour at a sheet of watercolour paper (7x10) - spiced marmalade distress stain, partly watered down and the sunset orange spray by adirondack through a circles mask, and distress inks in faded jeans, chipped sapphire and dried marigold.

Stamps are by Dina Wakley, Dylusions and Tim. I think it needs something else, but I'm not sure what yet! Pity I wasn't able to go to the class, it sounds a whole load of fun and would have helped me!

(for those of you who've been following the story, Mum had the operation to remove the small tumour (for it was a tumour) in her bladder on Thursday, but can't go back to the care home till she is able to be up and mobile - 2 weeks in bed have taken it's toll!  The hospital are hoping to arrange some physio to help and we'll see what happens soon!  They don't think she'll need any more treatment though which is good)


  1. Just gorgeous Helen x Sending healing hugs to ur mum too xx


  2. Fab work! loving this colour combo.

  3. I love this! If it was me I'd add some drips or splats to it but then the last few things I've been working on I've taken a layer or ten to far so don't listen to me :D The colours are gorgeous!

    So pleased to read the news of your Mum. Wishing her lots of luck with the physio and recovery.

    Thank you for you amazing comment over at mine :) I'm exactly the same with books, I found it so hard to part with some in the move when we were decluttering!

  4. Lovely use of those colours - forgot this - must have a go. Love those DW stamps - bit expensive, though :-( If it were me, btw - I'd add a touch of darker orange in corners and around the edges to finish it off - I like things framed, but it's fine just the way it is. Lovely work x

  5. Lovely colour combination and great images, lovely combination. Thinking of you and your mum. Tracy x

  6. Oh this is fun -love the colour combo; don't ask me about adding something else to a collage piece - you're the expert..I suffer from not knowing where to start and worse, then not knowing when to stop!

    Good newss about your dear Mum - hope the backache that this will give her doesn't last long and she's soon up and back in familar surroundings.

  7. Helen, this is fab, these DW stamps are soooo much fun, hope your mum continues well with her recovery x

  8. AW poor Mum... hoping that the physio helps her get back to 100% again very soon.... I bet you have been worried sick hun... sending a mahoooosive hug XX Loving your page, those colours look FAB layered together... Thanks for joining in with the Sunday Stamper x

  9. Fantastic background and great quote.

  10. Wonderful page Helen, love your background! The silhouette looks great in blue! Hope your mum makes a good recovery xx


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