Friday 14 October 2011

SSSS - Things with Wings

Hello.  I didn't think I'd get time to join in the Simon Says challenge this week "show things with wings"  but I needed to get inky today!

There isn't much more to say other than show you the page in my journal - I actually wrote on this one!!
To those of you who stopped by on Wednesday, thank you all for your lovely comments.

We're not really the kind of family who express our feelings much - but that doesn't mean to say we don't have them.

The angels are Denami, the sentiment is on the back of a pack of paper chains I bought at Ally Pally.


  1. I am SO sorry to hear about your Mum. My heart goes out to you. This is a lovely tribute - she'll be thrilled, I'm sure. I can understand why you needed to get inky. Thinking of you x

  2. Beautiful page and tribute, the images are perfect as is the sentiment. Thinking of you. Tracy x

  3. What beautiful tribute Helen, gorgeous thinking of you x

  4. I am glad I am not with you in real life. That page brought tears to my eyes - the sentiments and the whole thing is such a wonderful tribute. Take care of yourselves.xx

  5. Helen, that's a wonderful tribute to your mum.

  6. It's beautiful Helen - the sentiment at the bottom is just perfect!

  7. I am so sorry to hear that your Darling mother has passed away. My mum is 83 and so far has good health. My thoughts and love go to you and your family. Love your tribute to your beloved Mum God bless you all much love Jo.xxxx

  8. Oh, Helen, I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum! This is a wonderful tribute, my deepest sympathies to you and your family!

  9. Those three worsd say it all.x hugs

  10. Sorry to hear about your mum Helen. This is a lovely tribute, the words are perfect and the saying is one I believe it's so very true. My sincere sympathies & thoughts are with you and your family.

  11. A beautiful, serene page, just for your Mum xx

  12. Say what you need to say - be it lots or nothing...glad you could put it on paper. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Thanks for sharing with us and at SSS&S.

  13. Such a lovely tribute to your mum Helen! Thanks for sharing it, those angels are beautiful xx


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