Wednesday 19 October 2011

DragonsDream TIO 101 - WOYWW?

Hello again and once more I am thanking you all for your wonderful words of support, cards and good wishes last week.  It's been a tough week, lots to sort out, but we're getting there!

So, it's Wednesday and you're here to see my desk (I wish!) my craft space on the floor - well, there's new stash (don't like to disappoint!) in my new, limited edition Timmy Distress inks - not a shade of wee wee among them, Julia!  Head here for the rest of the desks to snoop at!

Haven't had much of a chance to play, they just arrived in time for their big reveal here....

This week at Dragons Dream we are onto a new series of themes for Tag it On - we're going for film titles this time round and my teamie Elizabeth has chosen The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.  I couldn't get the ugly in, and I'm not really happy with this but it was all I could do.... go check out the others, I'm sure they will be cracking!
Coloured these tags alternately blue - for the angel in heaven (clouds are by stampscapes) and red for the demon in the other place! (couldn't find a stamp with flames... )  Used Marci (stampotique) with wings (a dragonfly stamp) on parchment paper, coloured with a gel pen and (very badly) drew some horns on her alter ego! Reminds me of the rhyme my dad used to say to me about the girl with the curl on her forehead, "when she was good, she was very very good, when she was bad, she was horrid!" I had very curly hair when I was little - but I am sure I was always good......

Hope you have a good week and enjoy snooping at desks, don't forget to check out the Tag it On challenge too. Why not come and play?  We'd love to see you.... Just make a tag, use at least one real stamp (not digi) and the theme - and that's it....


  1. I like how you colored the good and bad. I hope you get your life sorted soon, too. Time will heal all, but of course, time varies and is different for everyone.

  2. As Elizabeth said "Time is a healer" and thought it does not seem that way now it will later.
    Love your tags - don't be hard on yourself those horns are fine.
    Thinking of you and thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet #1

  3. Gorgoeus tags and my new Timmies distress inkls turned up yesterday arent they just Lush can't wait for Chrsitmas ones to come out!
    Hope things start to settle down a wee bit ,it will be tough but firm believer time is a great healer.Have wonderful wedensday and creative week ahead Hugs Judex 16

  4. Fab tags. My TH inks arrived on Monday and I have had a quick play with the purple one .. its a bit lush!!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx

  5. argh mine still arent here !! dammed weather has gone to pot again, gales, sleet, hail, snow, solid sheets of icy cold rain. taint fair !


  6. There's always such a lot to sort out isn't there?? Official stuff, personal stuff... little steps, it'll all get done eventually.
    I love the tag - am always drawn to the bad girls myself, can't think why...!!!! And I always wanted curly hair when I was younger but have poker straight locks. My mum used to put rags in for ringlets, which used to last 5 minutes before dropping out...sigh. I did have BIG HAIR in the 80s so my quest for curls was satisfied then :)
    Hugs, LLJ #41

  7. Why don't you like them? They are so much fun! Love the colours and the little angel/demon.

    No flame stamp? Am shocked - I think (may be wrong) that Bombshell Stamps do some flames.

    Hope you are bearing up Helen - Keep creating, it really helps.

  8. Just fab Helen I love it! Thinking of you lot's Love Elizabeth xxxx

  9. We are all full of praise for others work and the harshest critics of our own I think. You can't completely not like them surely - there is soooo much to like :)

  10. Those new colours do look gorgeous and your tags are great! Thanks for sharing and I hope each day has a little sunshine in it for you.

  11. Yeah, I'm sure you were always good too. Like I was.
    Nice new inks - I wish I had the job of coming up with the names. Just think, we could have the first seven colours as Wee Wee 1, Wee Wee 2, !!!
    Your weeks are bound to be frantic just now, be kind to yourself though, very glad to see that you're carving out time to do something that you like - v important.

  12. Great to see your creativity shine through despite your pain. It must be hard but you'll get there and feel able to accept things soon. Angels come in handy for help at such times!
    Love JoZarty xxx

  13. Ooh er! You'd be a bit on the poorly side if your wee wee looked anything like those colours!!! HOL
    Take care
    xoxo Sioux

  14. Gorgeous coloured inks and love the effect you've got with them.
    A x

  15. Bridget # 28 pity the distress inks are so limited, I am crossing my fingers that it will come to Australia, the colours are awesome

  16. I'm sure you were always a good girl Helen and those tags are definitely good as well. I also got the seasonal Tim H ink pads - the colours are so vibrant.
    Ann #50

  17. Things will sort themselves out in time, hopefully time will heal a little too, but I know it's difficult. Love those new Distress colours and what a fab idea with the tags, love how you have coloured the good and then the bad LOL. Tracy x

  18. loving tha tags, the colours are fab trace x

  19. Great tags vibrant ...I have been trying not to look too much at atash so i had no idea there were limited edition TH inks Grrrrrr ...maybe its a good thing though lol.

    Keep strong remembering the fun times xx

  20. I havent succumbed to the new inks yet kind of wishing I had now! love the tags. (No. 34)

  21. Hope things are going OK Helen, so much to sort out, takes a lot of time with not much time to actually think until it's all over. Love the new DI's but don't like the concept because of the cost! Cheapskate here can't use a coupon on them, lol!! I do like the colours of the tags and empathise with trying to be creative when your mind is elsewhere.

    Take care
    Brenda 86

  22. Oh yes, I remember that rhyme, but Inever saw myself as horrid, as in naughty so I thought they meant horrid as in nasty to look at, it stuck! Still once a year I can come out say say BOO! great tags! have a great week
    Happy WOYWW

    (Lyn) #81

  23. Great tags there, and I love the colours of those new ink pads. Take life easy, if you can, and allow yourself to recover properly from your loss.

  24. Great tags, fun image..have a great WOYWW

  25. Anything called ripe persimmon and seedless preserve deserve a place in our stash ... how does TH think them up :) It will take only as long as it takes but life will settle back down again for you soon - in the meantime hope this week is a better one for you. Elizabeth x #55

  26. not yet, we are not going anywhere for years yet...hope you are muddling through after your sad and somewhat traumatic

    the tags are lovely,


  27. Like the tags. Good, bad and couldn't make an ugly as your work's too nice

  28. Now that looks like fun!! Love your stamped bat girl. Keep smiling and creating

  29. Love those inks - my wish list just got longer!
    Jo x

  30. I am sorry to hear about your mom passing away, I haven't been woywwing lately so I have a lot to catch up!
    I just got those Halloween TH DI myself but I haven't used them yet!
    Lots of hugs

  31. Adorable Tags! I thinks it's great you work on the floor ...LOL ~ #118 WOYWW Robin Panzer Art. Happy WOYWW!

  32. Gorgeous tags and those new DI's are just lush xx

  33. I have just read about your sad news Helen, sending you hugs. x

  34. Rather like the purple TH ink and the name Seedless Preserves is just perfect for the colour. Your tags are fab. I wouldn't know where to start on that theme. Hugs Mrs A.

  35. love the missing wings on the bad, very good, and really jealous, I havent even got round to ordering my limiteds yet, Lou P #124

  36. Yummy tags, can't wait to give my alcohol and distress inks a good workout..

    thanks for the peek and sharing
    xoxo Marjo

  37. Hello you... how's things? I just popping in to let you know that I had forgotten to draw a winner for my taggy giveaway last week... anyways.. comment #1 was drawn... and it so happened to be your comment... can u email me your addy please hun and I will pop the tag into the post for you? Ta x

  38. You got 'those' inks Helen, I am gereen, they dissapeared before I got my grubby mits on them.

    Great tags.

    Have a good weekend.

    B x

  39. Aww! Marci looks cute good or bad! Great tags Helen x

  40. Very creative Helen, love the colours and additional horns!!
    Have a great weekend.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  41. love the new limited colors! I have a set waiting for me when I get home! I have been in Spain the past three weeks and have had sketchy internet so I didn't post this week but wanted to try and get around to a few blogs anyway. Home soon! Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  42. Hi there Helen lovely tags and great colours there to play with too thanks for sharing - and Happy WOYWW.
    I just scrolled down and read last weeks post and realised it has been a rough passage for you of late - and pray for you all in weeks ahead. it sounds rather like my mum going except mum had been no well for her last thirty years with bad Rheumatoid arthritis, they are very precious though and only one of them - thanks so much for popping over starting to feel better now thanks fully. God bless, Love Shaz in oz.x


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