Wednesday 14 September 2011

WOYWW? Tag it On #96 - Fashion

Well, my week off flew by and I am back at work now. Had a lovely time and had a couple of days in London, playing tourist (see some of the photos here)  

So, you're either here for WOYWW - Julia's brainchild when we all gather to share our (sometimes strange) places we craft...
On Saturday my brother and I went down to Mum's house to start boxing up some of her belongings, if she stays in the care home she will have to sell the house and there is a lifetime's stuff to move!  I brought a few bits home that I can "use" -
Some old maps, dictionaries and a great box of my Dad's that I will "do" something with!

Or, you may be here for Dragons-Dream Tag It On - this week the theme is chosen by Wanda and we're listening to a Dedicated Follower of Fashion  The Kinks - here is my fashion tag. 

I have used 'my mother's dress' by Inkadinkado - a stamp I love but don't use often - shocking! Painted a piece of white card with sky Paperartsy fresco paint and stamped and cut out the dress. the handbags are Hero Arts.   There was a fashion supplement with the weekend paper so cut out some suitable words from the pages and added some fab multicoloured fibres. The coathanger is one of Tim's idea-ology hanger clips
The tag is coloured with antique linen distress ink and sprayed with blue patina perfect pearl spray.

Make sure you check out Frankie's blog for the results of the Bird Cage swap she recently organised to celebrate her blogaversary. I hope the link is right as at the time of writing, it isn't there yet! But check out her blog anyway, it's fab. Here's the one I made - distress stains, Tim stamps/dies and idea-ology.

I hope to get round as many of you as I can, but with being back at work it may have to wait till later.


  1. Love those tags, specially the bird cage one. Great colours.

  2. Lovely swap bird cage and great fashion tag. Like that dress stamp.
    Jen x

  3. Fab London pics - I need a Metropolitan weekend away too! That dress stamp is mighty fine and needs more exposure and makes a lovely tag! I'm wondering where the acquired stuff is going to live???? Thanks for sharing today! Sarah (at 2)

  4. Helen, you've created two wonderful tags. Love the blue dress and all the fibres on it. The flower on your birds cage tag looks fabulous.

  5. Ooh I am going to enjoy this challenge!

  6. Great tags , Helen, and looks like you had a busy week off :)
    Happy Woywwing!
    Jennie #11

  7. What a fab show and tell this week.
    A x

  8. Oh goodness, what a task you and your brother will have sorting out your parents effects - it ain't going to be easy, is it? Enjoy the memories that items will remind you of but don't feel guilty about passing stuff on either. I peeked at your London shots, wow, you packed in a lot into a couple of days, must have walked for miles!! Glad you had a good time! xx

  9. wow, you've been a buzy bee! nothing but lovely stuff. and you brought some yumminess from your mom's home. no better way of loving it than to give it a second life ;)

  10. Helen your tags from your desk are gorgeous.
    Wonderful work.
    Happy WOYWW. Sandy #1

  11. Such a daunting task having to sort out your Mum's home. I don't envy you but good luck.
    Love your tags and now I'm off to see your London pics....
    Love joZarty x

  12. Your London piccys are fab,i love London and enjoy going back regularly as a tourist too since no longer live there.Always something to watch.Did you go visit the
    Your tags are both beautiful
    Have fab wednesday
    hugs judex22

  13. sad news for you mum. have fun with those treasures you rescued.

    WOYWW blessings from Angela

  14. Tags are fabulous! And the box is awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing what you up with. :)

  15. That dress stamp is gorgeous, you've made a great tag with it. Have a happy Wednesday! Mel #51

  16. What a busy time you have a head ...but what a treasure trove. When I had to sort Mums house I found 15 years of household receipts all boxed and banded in quarters ...had to check them all incase she had hidden things amongst them ...which she had!!!

    That 9/11 tag is amazing.

    Thanks for your comment on the 'watching' post ... love it when others read those types of my posts.xx

  17. Oooh what a nice pile of 'old' stash you have got there and I love both of your tags.

  18. Those are great tags and I love the treasures you brought from home. The box looks like a Cuban cigar box to me. Off to look at the London photos too.

    Brenda 88

  19. Very fun tags and that box is great!

  20. OOooo Helen I like both tags, but my favourite is the follower of fashion, this is fantastic, love all the colours xx

  21. Love both your tags.
    Happy WOYWW

  22. Fabulous dress stamp and great choice of colours, love your flower. Great birdcage tag too. I bet sorting through your mum's stuff brought back many memories. Super useful box!
    Wanda xx

  23. Gorgeous tags, especially the little blue dress.

  24. Love your tag. It just never occured to me to face the bird the other way round. What a difference it makes.
    We had to clear my FIL's propeerty out earlier this year. 4 generations of the same family had lived there during a 100yr period and nothing had been chucked out. It was a mamouth task and we have only just finsihed looking through the last box of keepsakes this week. Such a lot of memories and t photos of relatives which were only names to us previously. Hugd Mrs A.

  25. Can't wait to see what you do with those maps. I have a collection of them and know they will make some fab projects when I can think how it will be done!
    Monkey says Hi!!

  26. Just a quick visit this week due to illness but hope to do better next week ... thanks for sharing your desk and I hope you have a great week. Elizabeth x #121

  27. Two very beautiful tags, and those old maps are just great! I sometimes use maps as backgrounds etc.

  28. What a fabulous fashion tag! The dress is awesome. Love the tiny coat hanger!

  29. Ooooo love all the bits you found from your mums. Both the tags are gorgeous, I also really enjoyed the swap it was fantastic to do. Kezzy x

  30. I love your tags Helen :)

    It must be so hard sorting out all your Mum's stuff but lovely that you have found some things that you can incorporate into your crafting.


  31. Well, I'm here for WOYWW, but I LOVE those tags. Sorry about your mom. That lifetime of memories is going to be hard to box up.

  32. Oh that box is scrumptious! I know when we cleared Mums house, the random stuff she'd squirrelled away had us in fits of giggles. I remember carefully carrying down from the loft a meticulously wrapped parcel. Undid layer upon layer of brown newspaper to reveal.... a plastic red cheese grater! She was the Queen of hoarders, trust her to make us laugh doing that job!

    Sorry to hear your Mum may have to sell her house.

  33. I love your fashion tag Helen (got that song in my head now - doh!) Great birdcage too, I like the colours you've used and the sentiment is great.

  34. Late! Love the Dress image, mine is pretty underused too - it always seems the wrong shape for my needs...but I'm not about to part with it!! Frankie's swap has been marvellous to see - love your tag.

  35. Hi there Helen, thanks for popping over and some loveliness at your desk today, would you believe I have only ever made one tag, and Morti has it! - happy WOYWW! Shaz in oz.x

  36. Fantastic dress tag. I agree that dress stamp is great. I drew mine and then embellished with stamping and more. I won't be posting until the weekend as there are others to do first. Great challenge. Loved it.

  37. Hi Helen )

    You made me shop ! tut tut lol I had to go search out that dress stamp !

    re PanPastels Just wait till you see my introduction post over the weekend ! Nothing has ever impressed me as much as these pastels have ! I've used them now on 20 diff types of paper, wood finishes, textiles, tyvec. I've masked, stencilled, smudged, smooched, painted, mixed. It doesn't seem to matter what you ask them to do they do it & with fantastic colour and cover ! I'm already planning to order more ontop of my DT samples.

  38. Love, love, love your Fashion tag! Fabulous inspiration and why don't I have that stamp?? Your birdcage tag is wonderful too, must check out the others. Cheers!

  39. Hmmm...I'm now thinking I need to have some 'tourist' time and take a mini vacation!

    Great fashion tag...that dress is so fun!

    Can't wait to see what you do with the old maps...

    Happy belated WOYWW!


  40. Gorgeous tags Helen! I have that lovely dress stamp & those bags, some of my first ever stamps! Lol! x

  41. Awesome tags! Sorry I am so late this week! Just wanted to pop by to visit your blog and say hello and see what you are up to! Didn't have the time to post(except about newest Doswell addition) or craft the past two weeks due to being in Virginia visiting with the son's family to see the newest granddaughter born. Definitely a fun time none the less. Hope you have a great week. Vickie aka okienurse

  42. Nice to see everything you have to show. Do something to remind you of your dad with the box. I did one for my mum once and love it still. It's somewhere on my blog. Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting my blog. Hugs, Neet x

  43. Glad you had a great time on your vaycay. Would Love to visit sometime!

    Darling tag with my mothers dress. I've always liked that stamp.
    hugs Lynn


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