Sunday 11 September 2011

Sunday Stampers - A time to remember

Today, fittingly, for the anniversaryof the 9/11 attacks, Hels' has chosen a theme of Memories /Remember for her theme at Sunday Stampers.   In some ways it is hard to believe it is 10 years, but for those directly involved it must seem like yesterday.  Am thinking of everyone affected, as once again the pictures fill our TV screens.

Have used a PSX stamp of New York, and some die cut leaves to represent the beautiful fall day it was before.
I'll be back soon!


  1. Simply stunning Helen... thanks for joining in with the Sunday Stamper x

  2. I try not to look at people's SS entry until I've made mine - but today seems a little different... This is a wonderful commemorative piece - I love the idea of the leaves x

  3. This is a gorgeous piece Helen and so fitting xx

  4. Very fitting tag Helen, live the image and great colours. Tracy x

  5. Hi Helen this is a stunning tag in remembrance. I too have joined the Sunday Stamper to pay my tribute to the horrific event.

  6. Perfect tribute piece for this weeks theme Helen, like the use of the leaves. My thoughts too go out to those affected by this tragedy.

  7. This is lovely Helen. Very appropriate. How can anyone ever forget what happened?

  8. Absolutely gorgeous Helen. Says it all.


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