Wednesday 24 August 2011

WOYWW ? a bit of this and a bit of that

 Hi, fellow desk snoopers. Tis time for another Wednesday swoop round the workdesks of the world, thanks to Head Girl Julia.
Today you find me going on my travels - though sadly only in my dreams! At Dragons-Dream, it is Frankie's turn to set the theme for our Tag It On Challenge today - and the theme is travel.
I actually had most of this tag made before the theme was set, but hadn't blogged it, so just had to add a couple of finishing touches!  Result - don't you love it when that happens.  If you fancy joining us, we have a call out for DT members - check the Dragons-Dream blog for details.  Also, this week, travel is the theme at SimonSays Stamp and Show too - so this is my entry there too.

So, on this fine (probably not sunny) Wednesday, what is occurring chez H?  Well, no new stash - I MUST NOT buy anything else till Ally Pally in September -  but there is a new magazine though; waiting to be read - and a tag in progress for a swap I can't share yet  It's currently being weighed down to let some glue fix!
So, come over to Dragons-Dream and play with us - and catch up some far more creative workdesks than mine! Happy Wednesday.


  1. Last year I learned what Ally Pally was, so will watch in anticipation of what you bring home this year. That's a great tag. I agree that if you can use something that was made before, but not specific to any challenge, that's a great way to go. Very nice addition to the book.

  2. Lots of travel themes this week! Like the tag on the book - great stuff... Never done Ally Pally and still contemplating the madness myself...
    Thanks for sharing today. Sarah (at 1)

  3. Love your book cover and such a lovely sentiment

    Hope you are keeping well and thanks for sharing x

  4. Love the tag! Your desk is lovely and clean and I am impressed that there's no new stash - such self discipline you have!
    Happy WOYWW

  5. Great looking tag! Very nice theme this week. I may have to play along! Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  6. Fab desk and gorgeous make. Not going to Ally Pally .. saving up for the SECC in October!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx

  7. The tag on the book is lovely. I wonder what the one thats drying looks like? :-)
    A x

  8. Does the limited size of the tag make you think more about the layout rather than a larger item? I suppose (as a non-cardmaker) that it's more a case of what you leave out makes it more effective? It's very elegant, anyway!! xx

  9. loved your tag. I guess I should try making tags and incorporating it in my pages. thanks for the inspiration!

  10. Oh yes! I love it when you're in sync with the universe. :) Great tag! Eiffel tower is one of my to-do things. :) I've been there but could't go up once because of the wind and once because of the croud. I was really upset about that. Going to Paris and not going up the Eiffel tower.

  11. Morning, yes I finally got to bed about 5 minutes before I got up!!
    Love your tag, really wish I could make one that good! Very busy work desk as usual, have a great day...I'm fighting monsters from the moon...or in other words..mother!! ((Lyn))

  12. If I get chance I will join in this week as I do love Travel as a theme. Yours has inspired me to do it and I must say how much I love the torn strip down the side.
    Thanks for the good wishes and the look around your workdesk. Hugs, Neet #2

  13. Hi ya
    fab book cover, i will miss AP this year its the weekend i get back form me hols, have lovely crafty shop, thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  14. Great interpretation, Helen... yes it was spooky and YOU know how long ago I chose it!!! Still peeps will be able to double up like us eh?? Your "desk" always looks interesting, have a good week

  15. I cancelled all my mags in an economy drive last year. I really miss the Take Tens. Now things are on an even keel again, I must slap Mr D about for agreement to start again!!

  16. Lovely to see a completed tag covering the book. I make the tags and then put them in a box!! I have been wondering if Take Ten is worth subscribing, will be interested to read peoples comments.

  17. Lovely tag, like the roses and the journalling is a perfect touch.
    Jen x

  18. I won't be going to the Ally Pally - for me it's the Armadillo in Glasgow in October instead - financial status allowing :) Love your tag ... what is it about Paris that get's crafters creative juices flowing? Have a great week. Elizabeth x #60

  19. Lovely book cover. I like take 10 mag too, but don't get to see it often.

  20. Love your tag, great Eiffel tower image and I love love the text and flowers . Thanks so much for joining in the Simon Says Stamp and Show challenge Helen. Tracy x

  21. Great tag! I'll be at Ally Pally in September - step aside please :)) Di xx

  22. Great projects H. The mag looks interesting too. X Jo

  23. Love the tag on your desk .Mmmm Ally pally still try to make mind up wether i need anything cause you can't go without spending...well i can'
    Have fab wedensday
    hugs judex 75

  24. It was actually sunny for half the day up here... now it looks like dusk and that rain is iminent.I looks as though you are hidding things on your you sure its not some new stash lol

  25. Fabulous Helen! What's this about no new stash until September?? How ever will you survive till then? LOL! Have a good day, friend!

  26. Your tag is wonderful. I know what you mean about not buying anymore stash I am waiting for the new Stampin' Up catalogue in October.

    Laura #54 x

  27. Cute journal! I might have to check out that issue of Take Ten! It's got a great cover! LOL!

  28. Beautiful travel tag, Helen.

  29. Lovely tag and great that it was mostly already there for you. I like that magazine too, pick it up sometimes for inspiration. So when is Ally pally this year? Think you can hold out??

    Brenda 71

  30. Awesome tag! Great design! I always buy that magazine too!

  31. Lovely tag you have done there.
    Cannot do Ally Pally as I (stupidly!) booked our holiday then! There is always next year ey!

    Thanks for your visit.

  32. you desk is plenty creative H, we just caught you in a reading whilst the glue drys moment...


  33. Love the book! Thanks for joining the challenge at Simon Says Stamp & Show.

  34. I have promised myself I am not going to buy anything for my personal crafting use till next year! I keep finding ways round this though...

  35. Great WOYWW post, lovely travel piece and a fun read too.
    Love joZarty x

  36. Another fabulous tag you were on the right wave length for this one XOXO Zoe

  37. Great tag Helen, no stash until sept, oh my you are going to be good aren't you???

  38. I love that magazine but not seen it for yolks so I thought you couldn't get it anymore - must look out for it, thanks for the peek x

  39. Would love to leaf through that magazine!

  40. Hi there Helen do love your tag and yes do love when things turn out so very nicely that way happy WOYWW!
    Love Shaz in Oz.x (have a friend who say Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous)

  41. A great tag. I love Paris and, every time I go there I pop to see "la tour eifel". It just wouldn't do not to visit it.
    Wanda xx

  42. Love your Paris tag. Your desk is interesting too. Especially the magazine. You can get a lot of inspiration from it. Thanks for sharing. Bye, Franka

  43. Such a fantastic project, looks really wonderful.


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