Sunday 28 August 2011

SS 169 Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep

Gosh, I can't believe today is the first time ALL week I've got anything crafty made! I had a really lazy week last week after work just vegging out in front of the TV.
So, today, Hels's guest theme setter for Sunday Stampers, Alfie-cat, has chosen "birds" for his theme. Hmm wonder why... Don't thinkyou'll find these two very tasty!

I decided to go for a canvas today instead of a tag, and took my inspiration from Lin's demo's at the recent Stevenage show, so thanks again, Lin for sparking off these ideas!

I coloured the canvas with black soot and walnut stain distress stains, blending with some picket fence and then spraying perfect copper perfect pearl spray over that.

For the stamps. I used the Paperartsy Hotpick 1107 plate - Steampunk Peter and Paul, and some cogs and a text.

I stuck some old book pages on some white card and coloured it with blue/green/orange distress stains before stamping the images and cutting them out. 

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday - and tomorrow, as England is enjoying a bank holiday - hurrah!!

Really glad to hear that Hurricane Irene is downgraded to a tropical storm - hope our American friends are not too badly affected.


  1. I nearly used these birds for my piece today, I love them. Yummy background too Helen and love the use of text pages too. Tracy x

  2. Fab fab fab, loving all those different techniques you used Helen... am still not 100% on those birds though... you know what a wuss I am when it comes to weird faces rofl LOVE what you did with them though... thanks for joining in with the Sunday Stamper.. and Alf says ta too! X

  3. Ooooo I like this, I love you choice of stamps and the way you've used them xx

  4. Terrific canvas Helen and a great design, loving your new stamps, such fun. Enjoy your week, Annette x

  5. I just saw those stamps and fell in love with them - you've used them perfectly! Love this piece.

  6. Ooh! You have those fab new stamps! Great canvas! x

  7. Oooo, this is so COOL! I just love those birds! And the background on the canvas is awesome!

  8. What a fab quote! And I love the colours of your birds x

  9. Love the clockwork birds very cool ;0) Dxx

  10. LOVE this canvas :D Is that writing actually a stamp :D Brilliant! Bet tthis is even more gorgeous up close it looks so rich in colour!


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