Wednesday 6 April 2011

WOYWW? episode 96 - the one with not a lot!

Well, as usual I am prepping this post Tuesday night but not a lot will change.  Not a lot on my mat on the floor tonight, I am trying out some bits and pieces for..... well this and that - and nothing is really working. As usual I am trying to watch Holby City, listen to the football on the radio, and write this blog post... nothing like multi-tasking!  (Tea got cold, too....)

So you can look - but it's boring! The "h" thing is a badge I've made for Ally Pally - and I had such fun with these little Wendy Vecchi flowers here the other day, I did a load more!  And Wendy herself left a comment - oh my, I am still on such a high about that! (I am sorry, I can't help it!)
I think the badge needs something else, but am lost for ideas!!   The one at the back by the multi medium pot is a reject!
 So instead I show you my now upright piles of Wendy and Tim stamps (bit like the Janet and John books we learnt to read with, maybe?!!) that no longer sit in one pile on the sofa - it wasn't doing the stamps any good!
However, this has to be a temporary solution as I keep kicking them over going out of the room....
why can't I be TIDY?!
And yes, the box behind them ARE all Paperartsy... (apart from the Paperbag Studios set at the back cos it's too big to go anywhere else...)

So, off with you now to Julia's where she will marshall you round the world's desks and other crafting spaces, have a great day!  Oh, and welcome to my new followers - hope you enjoy the ride!


  1. Gosh you do have aload of stamps !Love to have rumage through
    Have fab time ast ally pally and your badge looks fab!
    Happy creative Wednesday
    hugs judex9

  2. Oh Helen, you made me smile this morning. I love your "why can't I be tidy" - not many crafters can be. We might tidy now and then but two minutes later we have things out again and it becomes untidy.
    Congrats on the comment by Wendy - can understand you being thrilled - should have put that bit in CAPS.

  3. Always amazed by your Aladdin's cave....playing around is also good too.
    Thanks for sharing your space today. Have a fab week...
    Sarah (sasa at 2)

  4. You can't be creative if you are tidy~ Love all those stamps. I would like to nose through them too. Happy WOYWW. #12

  5. What a fantastic collection of stamps!

  6. such gorgeous creativeness.. see I refrained from saying creative mess! lol actually off to look at your flowers, and hope to see you at the weekend!
    Happy woywwing
    Jennie #8

  7. I know why I can't be tidy - although my room is amazingly tidy TODAY, it took a week + to make it so! - because we get inspiration from the mess. The juxtaposition of odd elements in the chaos of my desk often sparks off a project.

    As to your badge, what about backing it with a flower? adding scraps of ribbon in a starburst around the edges? punching holes in the edge and hanging things off from a jump ring (or two or three?)

    I used to love the badge and pin trades at stamp shows - they were amazing little works of art.

    Have fun at Ally Pally!

    Mary Anne

  8. No need to be tidy....just have fun being messy :-)
    A x

  9. Lots of fab stamps there! Happy WOYWW hugs Rebekah xx (63)

  10. I know why I am not tidy, cos I can't find a blooming thing if I tidy up!!!
    Lots of stamps there, lucky you!!!

  11. Hi ya
    fab badge, wow that is some stamp collection, thanks for the snoop, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(27)

  12. Love your post today! So you are off to Ally Pally again....I have so much travelling planned I just couldn't squeeze yet another flight over this weekend! So I won't be there - maybe for the autumn one - enjoy it and buy lots of goodies! And show them!!!!!
    Ha, ha my tea always gets cold too and yes that is the big unanswered question of all crafty people "Why can't I be tidy???"
    Lots of hugs,

  13. Love looking/drooling at your rubber! LOL ;)
    Have a great time at Ally Pally.
    xoxo Sioux

  14. I am like everyone else! How can you be creative is everything is tidy. Love all the stamps. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #88

  15. Love all those stamps -have a great time at Ali pally - wish I was going!
    Rebecca (48) x

  16. Fab desk and stamps! Enjoy Ally Pally. Thanks for leaving me a comment today.

    Hugs, Sandra #66

  17. Lots of gorgeous stamps and a lovely creative desk. TFS.
    Have a brilliant day at Ally Pally.
    Have a lovely WOYWW,
    Karen #107

  18. Oooooh! Those stamps are soooo well organised and very desirable... I'd be able to find the ones I want.
    All your badge needs is a tiny "elen"!!!
    JoZarty x

  19. Ooo suffering here from serious stamp envy. I was blogging, crafting and watching holby last night too! If I see you at Ally Pally with your badge on I shall wave hello!! Thanks for Sharing and hope you have a happy WOYWW. Caroline (No 31 x)

  20. Fab stamp collection. If I spot your badge at Ally Pally I will say hello!!
    Hugs Pam x

  21. nice storage hanging there Helen, hope you find a better place for it soon, can't have you falling over it now can we?

    The badge is looking good. I think I'd add a little distressed stamping to the right of the h that is off the edge.

  22. Take care with that "trip up" storage! Maybe Wipso and I could design an improved version to go with our "hangabout" and "hangover" ! lol

  23. I'm so envious of all your cool stamps. And how wonderful for you that Wendy left such a nice comment on the other post - of course you are on a high, I would be as well!

  24. OMG being tidy will take up too much time!! Nice to see your artsy stamps all together. The badge needs a swirly bit stamped on it. Did that sound confident and know all? Hope so!! Have a great time at the AP.

  25. This Blogger is getting complicated. I am looking at your pictures using IE, but commenting using Firefox. Your photos are missing on Firefox, but IE makes such a fuss about accepting comments. That aside, well done for that comment from Wendy. You must be so proud.

  26. Hi Helen, I'm tidy but I won't give you any hints because it's an illness - it's compulsive and I can't help myself and you don't want to be like that, do you? Congratulations on the comment from Wendy - I'd be cock-a-hoop too:) Have a great week. Elizabeth x #108

  27. Craig and I had a discussion today. We've decided when the girls have left home we need to win the lottery. Buy 2 houses or flats side by side, he'll live in one and I'll have the other. Then I can be as messy as I like without him sobbing about it and he can go all 'Monica' like and be a clean freak without me wanting to throttle him and we can just meet up and not kill each other *g*

    Love your badge. I think you need a restraining order at Ally Pally.

  28. Hi Helen, Geez you could start up a stamp 'library'! ;)
    Oh and I think 'Tidy' is Overrated!

  29. Simples... you can't be tidy because you work on the floor and you obviously have waaaaay too much stuff of the fun kind... so send it all to me and your problem is solved!! ;) LOL Your badge needs a bit of bling or background stamping... to keep the H company!! ;)

  30. love the badge H... and thanks for popping over and for sharing and happy WOYWW! Shaz in oz.x #25

  31. Wow! What alot of stamps you have there. Perhaps you would benefit from making a few of my stamp books so they can be kept filed away tidy and clean! I will post requirements list on the weekend. Hopefully the stairs will not be off limits for too long so I can get to my craft room without supervision!! LOL!!

  32. Wow! I now have serious stamp envy!
    Fiona x

  33. What a lovely stash of stamps! Surely there won't be many more to buy at Ally Pally (hmmm...think that you just might find a few more...). Hope you have a great time,

    Bernie x

  34. Thought I left a comment earlier today, but guess not. Thanks for dropping by. Ally Pally always sounds like a lot of fun! Did you finaly get a badge made to your liking? #114

  35. Thanks for the tip on where to go to get crafty goodness! I knew I'd be better if I could go outside of Central London, but the schedule does not permit. :( So I shall just have to "escape" for a bit, I'm sure they won't miss me! And tidy? I'm only tidy on very special occasions. :)

  36. You are a treasure Helen....thanks for your happy comments on my stamp set debut ;) Please tell me I'm not going to be responsible for even less room on your floor!!! LOL
    xoxo Sioux

  37. Hi Helen,
    Who said you can't be tidy and creative - I am obsessively tidy - that's why I don't join in on WOYWW...I have nothing on my desk til I get something out - want me to come and sort you out lol!!!!!

    I do need to find a way or storing all my stamps though, so I can see them - they tend to be in boxes - tidily put away - at the moment. x

  38. I'll happily pay my own airfare to come over and sort out your stuff, the only caveat being that I get to keep whatever I touch!!! Ally Pally! More new stuff, lol! Have a great time, and here's me thinking I've done really well this month with my 8 new stamps (that arrived late on Weds)!

    Brenda 98

  39. However do you know what stamps you have.......brilliant load of stamps. Have a great time at AP and look forward to seeing your buys........Annette x

  40. Wow look at all those stamps!! great badge in the making too.
    Sorry for the late visit, my internet is being a bit tempermental as I am on holiday this week.
    Cathy xx (121)

  41. So many stamps, so little time! I am green with envy just looking at all those stamps!
    Happy belated WOYWW.

  42. I would be thrilled with a "famous" crafter visiting my blog as cool!..Just remember...there is a method to our crafting madness LOL!

  43. Wow thats a lot of stamps - love all the stash you got at Ally Pally really must get to a craft show one day ~ thanks for sharing

  44. Sorry I'm sooo late getting here, I really thought I'd been! But I have been clearing out my small crafty space and moving into a new slightly bigger crafty space. Never been to Ally Pally, just tooo far away, and I'd get lost! Pity you can't frame comments from "famous" people!
    Happy WOYWW ((Lyn))


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