Monday 4 April 2011

A Monday Twofer!

I am still so excited aout yesterday's canvas that I posted - because THE WendyVecchi herself visited and left a comment!!!

Anyhow, on to Monday - Monday sees two of my favourite challenges and this week I managed to combine them. 
The uber-talented Linda Ledbetter hosts Grungy Monday - a tribute to all things Tim Holtz and Tim techniques. This week is the second challenge in this series and is based on a Ranger video Tim filmed for CHA and is called Distress Ink with Studio Matte Medium. You can see how Tim does it here .

I took a coaster shaped piece of chip and covered it with a book page.  I ddin't have any of the foam that you need to make your custom stamp, but I did (luckily!) find a foam stamp that I could use instead  - don't have a clue where it came from, and I am sure I've never used it before!! Apart from that, I followed the video technique to the letter.
 I used crushed olive, wild honey and tumbled glass inks, for the coaster.
I rummaged around in my stash of embellishments and found this cute little glass dragonfly charm and added some leftover grungepaper flowers.
The "fly" and swirl, are by Paperartsy.

The second challenge I am entering this for, is Simon Says Stamp and Show - "Anything but a card" - which is lucky!!

Check out both challenges - there are bound to be some wonderful entries again.


  1. This looks fabulous!! I am desperate to have a go at this challenge as it looks like fun, Looks great xx

  2. I agree, t'is beauiful,love the colours, really refreshing :) x

  3. omg! I think I have that same foam stamp---came as a thank-you for an order I had placed. (Hmm, I also think my puppy nibbled on it...bummer!) Anyway, I love your coaster--The colors are perfect together, and I love all your added "bits"

  4. The technique worked wonderfully on your piece and the added embellishments work perfectly. Tracy x

  5. great coaster, love the colours and the embellishments

  6. Beautiful coaster Helen and congratulations on being visited by Wendy. Your canvas was fabulous. Annette x

  7. Your coaster turned out great. TFS

  8. Beautiful coaster! Love the image you incorporated in this weeks GM challenge!

  9. Gorgeous Helen... what an awesome coaster... fab idea...

    Jenny x

  10. Love your dragonfly it really pops with the perfect colors surrounding it.

  11. just come from Jenny's blog and this challenge looks like so much fun .... your blog is awesome and I'll definitely be back ... love your style .. hugz x

  12. Heather's right - your blog is awesome. Great work on the chip - the foam stamp idea was a touch of genius of course!

  13. Your coaster is really fab. Lovely colours, and great design details. Love it.
    Sue xx

  14. Lovely coaster, great colors and you did such a wonderful job with the technique.

  15. Your coaster is beautiful! Perfect example of this week's technique. Love the colors you chose! <3 Candy

  16. Looks a handy stamp actually!
    Great coaster Helen. Beautiful colour combination.
    Have you floated back down to earth yet :0) x Jo

  17. this coaster worked really well - perfect and I love the colours

  18. Fab coaster, the colours really make the dragonfly stand out.

  19. Wonderful background and dragonfly...Donna

  20. Gorgeous. Love the colours and the stamping.


  21. Beautiful coaster :) Love the colours you used!

  22. Oh, I love the circle and the dragonfly motif! Beautiful.

  23. Your foam stamp worked beautifully!!

  24. This is soooo pretty. But in my book anything with dragonflies is wonderful. You have just reminded me that I have a similar foam stamp which was bought from a DIY store years ago and I have a special birthday card to make by Monday - Thanks for the inspiration!!

  25. Your dragonfly resisted brilliantly Helen! Great piece! xx

  26. Gorgeous piece! Your colors are fantastic!

  27. I love altered coasters, and you've made a masterpiece of this one, Helen! Great use of the GM technique, and you brought some spring sunshine in on a grey day, which I very much appreciate! Gorgeous work, as always!

  28. So cool! Love the book page as a background and the stamping!

  29. The GM technique looked fantastic on your coaster Helen, fabulous piece!
    Thank you so much for joining the Simon Says Stamp & Show Challenge!!!
    HuGs Kim & the Team :)

  30. I've been meaning to have a go with a coaster for ages, I've got the coasters, probably from my sister in law, shame she didn't win the best publandlord of the year but never mind she still had a fab time, with all the publicity.


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