Friday 25 March 2011

Thank you

I made a card this evening, for my best friend Claire who came with me today to the eye hospital for my follow up appointment (the referral from last November!) to check my loss of vision in one eye.  Thankfully, (and as I had suspected) it has improved - the loss of vision is less - so they think it is, or rather was, some kind of inflammation of an optic nerve (I think - already I've forgotten what he said!)

Anyhow, they think it will continue to improve for another few months and don't want to see me again.  They took some pictures of my optic nerve, which I saw on the computer screen - boy are they pretty, I would have loved a print out to put in my journal!! Sadly they couldn't get a printer connected because there was no-one around who knew how to do it........

Anyhow, this is the card I have made, (keep scrolling, you will get there!!) and it fits two challenges - the Everything Wendy Vecchi (EWV) yahoo group is working on page 8 of book one - a scallop frame and a small grungepaper flower - and Play Date Cafe gave us this gorgeous picture to inspire us to use purple turquoise and white.

I used distress inks to colour the flower then went over that with sparkly gel pens, and sprayed the frame with a dusty concord/pearl perfect pearls mix.
The chip letters are painted with sky blue claudine hellmuth paint.
The bubble background (Wendy) is also dusty concord.

It's been too long since I managed to enter the PDCC and I am so glad I made it this week.
The base card is 51/2 by 5/12 inches.

There is also a new home for the Tag Tuesday challenge here as Louise has had to step back, but Rebecca is taking it on. Good luck Rebecca, and here is my entry for this week "think spring"  When I think of spring,I think of butterflies and this simple tag uses Tim's butterflies and a Wendy flower scroll, & lots of shimmer!

The card for my friend is going in the post tomorrow, & I don't think she will see it before it arrives as she is playing badminton(actually I think I mean tennis) tonight and has a first aid course tomorrow - hope it goes ok!!  Thanks for the company today, Claire.

(edit) I have had some problems with this post and the pictures aren't showing, I have re-inserted them but it looks as if they may re-appear twice... or not at all! (Mon- further edit - Blogger help has come good and fixed it!)


  1. Lovely shimmery tag!

    I've had a couple of eye surgeries this past year, so I can sympathize with you! I pray that you will continue to see improvement.

    Thanks for playing!


  2. Great projects... I hope you continue to heal and improve. Just love that butterfly tag!

  3. Beautiful projects, fabby tag and your friend will love her card. Great news from the hospital Helen. Have a lovely weekend, Annette x

  4. Great card and great tag, Helen! Love the shimmer on the tag, and I love those butterfly stamps. That card is great with the scallop frame turned that way, I love it! The turquoise letters are awesome...

  5. Really pleased that your eye is getting better, such a relief. Great projects and the tag is awesome, love the butterflies and the shimmer xx

  6. great card Helen :) Glad you found time to join in the fun at the Play Date Cafe this week!

  7. Great card & tag Helen! Glad all went well at the hospital, look forward to seeing you at Ally Pally in a couple of weeks time! xx

  8. I'm so glad you had good news about your vision Helen. It must have been such a worry for you in recent months.
    Loved the card and tag - love your style!
    Lesley x

  9. Love the card and tag, but more importantly, how great
    is the news about your eye. Hope things continue to get better for you.

  10. Great news Helen - and I'm really pleased you didn't go alone, however good the result has been, better not to huh! Claire will be chuffed.

  11. Great news for your vision! I love both pieces; particularily the butterfly tag! Very springish indeed!

  12. Wonderful card!!! I'm so glad your eye is improving!!! I think of butterflies for spring too... can't wait to be seeing them outside.

  13. Great projects, love your spring tag.

  14. Lovin' all that shine, Helen, and those background circles are genius! Thanks so much for joining us this week at The Play Date Cafe! I hope they're able to figure out what has happended with your eye and that it won't get any worse.

  15. I'm glad to hear you got good news at the eye doctor! Your friend will love this card :) Thanks for joining us at The Play Date Cafe!

  16. OH! That tag is stunning--love the mixture of colors and misting! I also love your TU card--those letters are so fuN! Thanks so much for playing along with us and joining in the fun over at the PDCC!


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