Thursday 24 March 2011

Simon Says - show a word

And the word is - Love!  Check out the challenge here.  I wasn't sure what word to choose, but in the end I went for love, because I got some new stamps today (more of that in a bit)

Some time ago I started to decorate this canvas but didn't like how it was turning out, so painted over it with some Claudine Hellmuth paint yesterday.
I used some of my new Paperartsy stamps and some idea-ology.
This flower trim is beautiful - and you can colour it however you like! This is a distress reinker/perfect pearl mix I made up but I haven't labelled the mini mister so I can't remember which colours!!
The hearts are coloured with spun sugar and edged with worn lipstick. Mwah!!

And these are my new stamps - just a few!!  Thanks to my SIL! I picked them up from hers on my way home from work - just a few £££ lighter....!

I have the day off tomorrow but sadly won't get to play more - got the long awaited hospital follow up with the neuro-chap about why I've lost some vision in my eye (as burbled on about in November!)
Will let you know what they say!


  1. Love the hearts and gorgeous trim on this piece Helen. Hope your appointment goes well. Tracy x

  2. Beautiful canvas Helen, loving your hearts and all those wonderful new stamps. Hope all goes well for you tomorrow. Annette x

  3. Wonderful canvas, Helen! Love that trim! Hoping your appointment goes well!

  4. Loving the flower trim, gorgeous canvas, good luck with the hospital appointment x

  5. p.s. And Thank you for joining the Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge!

  6. Fabulous canvas, I love the colours! x


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