Saturday 19 March 2011

Adapting Wendy's book

Well, I had to try a project from Wendy's book, didn't I?  Didn't know where to start, really, they are all so lovely.

This doesn't really look anything like the version in the book - for a start Wendy used a large art part which I don't have - I used a maya road chip coaster, which I then had to trim because it didn't fit the art part scallops... etc etc.  Still I tried! And Tim's scissors cut through the coaster just fine - it's me who can't cut straight!

I also mis-read the instructions for the flower and didn't gesso it first so the colour was too dark..
As you see I also had trouble photographing it with all the shimmer on it affecting the flash.  Maybe tomorrow in the daylight I'll try again!

Blimey!  full frontal male nudity on BBC2!!  Just looked up as this young man got out of bed.... it's a play about the writer Christopher Isherwood, starring Dr Who himself, Matt Smith (it wasn't him naked.... but I may just keep watching, lol - according to Radio Times, that comes later!)


Kaz said...

OOO THIS IS GORGEOUS!! That book looks fab too lots of great makes! right off to check BBC2 !!

Netty said...

This is beautiful, loving those great colours even though you are a debauched

Lori said...

What the hey is going on over there??? lol! This is a great piece Helen, dare I say even better than the piece you saw on TV? No? Ok then. Love your flowers!