Wednesday 9 February 2011


Hello fellow desk snoopers! Time to check out the mega hop that IS What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday that the lovely Julia hosts....

Well, as promised I shopped on Sunday at Stevenage but I've already shown the many many goodies that told me they had to come home with me.... ahem!  You can see just HOW much here

I have also continued "upcycling" from the office.... all stuff that wasn't going to be used:

A large box - I thought it would be good to use to do my messy spraying in, to keep my pristine (!) living room clean.....
And an unopened pack of A3 sized photocopy paper - will use it for scrap probably as it's obviously not mega thick.

And now my upcycling is going to ridiculous lengths.  When I was out for a pizza the other evening with a couple of girlfriends, I decided that the soft drinks bottles we had were ideal for "altering" (Lin B of LB Crafts did some fab ones a few months ago, and ever since I have wanted to do something similar - click Lin's name to see one of hers)
I doubt mine will be anywhere near as good - and I have no idea WHEN I will start them..... but it pays to be prepared!

And yes, Julia - that IS a bag of foam bananas in the background - yum!!
Anyhow, that's it from my ever more cramped space on the floor, I'm off to see what you all have been up to!


  1. Hi ya
    oh look forward to seeing what you do with the bottles, good idea for sparying box, i nicked a couple of bananas, yum yum, have good day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(11)

  2. Wow Helen,

    You are a girl after my own heart. Upcycling and recycling are at the heart of all my art. No fancy tools and toys for me. BUT, I like those bottles, especially the coke one. We only get plastic in the US anymore. I think we have forgotten how to make anything in glass. Happy WOYWW from number 7.

  3. Oh, do I hear adddddiction? At least it is reasonably priced ;)

  4. Look forward to seeing your altered bottle(s) Helen. Lin's was fab wasn't it and real inspiration. Good Luck!


  5. Hi Helen I love your up-cylcing - from the floor level :D!!
    its a shame to waste anything.. thanks for sharing off to peek at others!!
    Shaz in oz.x

  6. gosh you did have agood old spend hun!good for you!Hels article in craft stamper also inspired me so im awaitng my beeswax to arrive.Good luck and have fun creating.I have started on my wee coffee bottles before i started my clearout must get them finished and cant wait to see what you do with yours even though they are bigger.Have a fun Wednesday
    hugs jude:)16

  7. Good for you intending to alter the bottles, I'm slightly obsessed with altering jars at the moment. Foam bananas - I don't think they taste like they used to or perhaps my memory is just bad! :-)

  8. I can't wait to see what you do with the bottles! Great space; thanks for sharing!

  9. Oh, love the shape of the not-Coke bottle! Must check out LinBs versions. I can see them all on a sunny window ledge with a flower in each one - spring is on it's way!

    Happy WOYWW!

    Mary Anne

  10. Hi Helen, thanks for your comments over on my blog, would LOVE to know of any other Alice Cooper, fans! Loving the bottle altering idea, Lin's looks pretty good - I love altering unusual stuff, I just bought a leather type jacket that's crying out to be added to.....xx

  11. They are going to make fab bottle people :)
    xoxo Sioux

  12. ohooo foam bananas!!??! now, what are you going to do with them!?!
    I save bottles too...I must get a life!!


  13. Wow, here I thought those were real Great upcycling, love all the great ideas!

    Thanks for the peek and sharing, hugs lucky #2, Marjo

  14. Mmm bananas. Save me some, I'm coming round! The bottles are perfect for the LB project - I love the English pear shaped one!! I ordered a 5 pack of McVities biscuits when I did the grocery shop this week because they came in a nice box - perfect for a spray station!! Sad minds or great minds???!!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Thanks for hoping by my blog and sharing yours!
    Looking forward to your banana project!LOL
    Love your spray booth! I use plastic lids for my glimmer mist so i can recycle the left over spray with a bit of misted water.
    happy woyww
    xxx fairy leonie #21

  17. Looking forward to seeing what you do with all you upcycling items.
    Thanks for dropping in on me....spring is on it's way here....everywhere I look I can see little shoots emerging :-)
    A x

  18. Avid "upcycler" here too...but I'm wondering if the correct term is "hoarding"??? ;) Happy WOYWW!

  19. Hi Helen. Thanks for popping over to my desk. And you are right we passed in the crowd at Stamperama. I actually saw you though did not realise it was you until I saw your post that night and saw your post. I saw you shown Hels what you got from LB! Lucky girl. Have a lovely day. I enjoy keeping up with you on your blog.

  20. well done on the upcycling ... what is it they say, one mans rubbish is another mans treasure :)

  21. My son actually did a wonderful decoupage wine bottle a few years ago, that is still displayed with pride. How fun!

  22. Thanks for the foam banana - haven't had one of those for years! good luck with the upcycling.

  23. Great bottles there - are you living in the shed yet ? Just saw your stash - my word - party on! Have fun with it and great tags too.

    sarah at 17

  24. Foam peanuts? I assume they're the edible, candy kind? lol! Your stash looks fab, and have to check out Lin's bottle, I'm sure it's total drool material!

  25. The front bottle has a lovely shape, look forward to seeing what you do. Hugs pamx

  26. We crafters hang on to all sorts for altering dont we? thanks for the peek
    have a wonderful day
    Hugs June x

  27. Can't wait to see what you do with the bottles.

  28. Oooh have fun altering those bottles - I use a box to spray glimmer mists in too - works a treat! Thanks for sharing (46).

  29. Happy WOYWW, didn't have time to join in myself this week, but couldn't resist a good nosey around anyway.

  30. Wow, looked at your haul and what a lot of lovely goodies you brought home. That box looks a perfect size for a spray booth - I use a slightly smaller box and it works a treat. Lin's penny bottle is fab so can't wait to see what you do with yours. Elizabeth x #79

  31. Wow what a lovely load of bottles, am intriqued as to what you will be doing with them. Looking forward to that post. hugs Heidi x

  32. PERFECT SPRAY BOOTH and looking forward to seeing what you do with the bottles.

  33. Can't wait to see what you create with the bottles. Sounds like you've been busy finding new ways to create :-)

  34. Very nice desk. What are you going to do with the bottles?

  35. The box is a good idea...only just beginning to even think I might spray...have upcycled some spectacles cleaning bottles carefully cleaned within an inch of their lives by hubby...will see if hey do the job one day...Shirley #52

  36. I use a (smaller) box to do my spritzing in too! Amazing how it has helped keep the Glimmer Mist off the computer! hahha Star 102

  37. I followed both your links and I am in awe of that altered bottles. And all the stuff... yum!

  38. The box is a great idea for spraying! Why didn't I think of that? Thanks. Off to look for a big box.

  39. Great idea to use the box as spray booth - will look forward to seeing what you do with the bottles ~ Nicky no.9

  40. Would love to see how those bottles get altered - get crafting!

    ** Kate **

  41. Mmm, just realised, there are foamy bananas!!!!!!!!!

    ** Kate **

  42. I find it's better to have supplies on hand before specific inspiration strikes because when it strikes it can be difficult to find the products. I've never had foam bananas, but they look delicious :D. TFS! #101

  43. Fab bananas and can't wait to see the finished bottles

    Thanks for the peek, Marlene [55]

  44. Can't wait to see what you do with the bottles! xx

  45. Yummy-foam bananas, my favourite. Make sure you save me one!!
    Your upcycling things look very interesting, I can't wait to see what you create with these bottles.
    Hugs Lisa (127)

  46. Gosh those bananas bring back childhood memories for me! Love the Raspberry lemonade bottle, bet it tasted good too! Off to see the new goodies now!

    Brenda 89

  47. Helen, I thought...why would you have foam banana's, but they are probably not real foam but candy right? LOL In the states we have orange slices like that!

  48. OMG.....I love foam bananas, and Lins blog her altered bottles are brill, thanks for the visit

  49. fab desk ,, love the idea of a spray box !! I need one !! and foam bananas,, haven't had any of them for years ,, yummy !! :-) will have to keep an eye open for what you make with those bottles too ,,, !! :-)

    Lols x x x
    I am joining in this week too ( 94) :-)

  50. oohh ,, just realised ,, Lin B !! I met her at the CHA a couple of weeks ago ,,, I have a piccy with her on my blog,,, going to see her bottles now !! :-) ,

    I am now a follower too :-) xx

  51. I'm sorry I'm so late in visiting, but what with my new grandson and my new challenge blog and other family commitments the week seems to have flown.
    Thanks for the snoop.
    Chrissie #4

  52. I like the idea of spraying in a box, might try that idea I'm forever getting ink where I don't want it! I'm off now to have a look at what can be done with bottles over at Lin blog. Thanks for the link and I can't wait to see what you do with your bottles.

  53. My spray booth (aka large cardboard box) is invaluable and is saving my brand new carpet from being covered in glue and glitter etc. I look forward to seeing what gems you create with those bottles.

  54. oh no, i'm not going to look at what can be done with soft drink bottles, LOL. i am already too prepared for all sorts with all sorts of things just waiting to be altered! and so little time!


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