Tuesday 8 February 2011

Two tags - Two challenges!

I had two challenges I wanted to do tonight, and used tags for both.

Firstly, Tag Tuesday - is to use a tag on a tag.
I sprayed the tag with sunset orange and lettuce colourwashes and used Paperbag Studio stamps from the 'doodles and daters' sheet, and part of a Wendy Vecchi stamp on the small tag. I was going for a "home is where the heart is" feel though didn't have a stamp saying so, which would have been easier!

The second challenge is for Simon Says Stamp and Show - some embossing.

I was keen to try a technique Lin B showed us at Stevenage on Sunday with gilding flakes on metal and which  you then put through a bug or bigshot in an embossing folder - this is a new one of Tim's (new to me) I picked up on Sunday!  As is the Tim stamped sentiment. (well, I had to use my new stuff didn't I!)

Again I used greens/oranges - I can't seem to pick up any other colours just now...

I had fun doing both these, so much so that I didn't watch "Holby City" properly! (a medical drama for anyone here from the US!)


  1. I like the colouring and stamp of the Tag Tuesday one

  2. Isnt it just the best playing with NEW toys! LOl, great tags Helen
    Hugs Lynn

  3. Awesome tags, Helen, and I always love when you share what you did at the stamp shows, especially where LB is concerned, lol..

  4. Wonderful tags you have shared! And fum with new toys too! Diann

  5. Nice results with your sprayed background...something I need to practice!

  6. Very nice!! I love the coloring on both! The metal on the bottom one is cool too : )

    Thanks so much for entering the Simon Says Stamp & Show Challenge!!!


  7. Great stamping on your home tag...and great use of color, too!

  8. Hiya thank you for sharing your wonderfull tag with the DT from Simon Says Stamp and Show, love the metal look on your tag. Hugs Terry xxx

  9. Both of these Tags look Wonderful..

    Hugs, Linda


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