Wednesday 12 January 2011

WOYWW - 12th January

Welcome to another WOYWW (what's on your Workdesk Wednesday).  First, let me start by saying sorry that time ran away with me last week, so I didn't get to visit that many of you last week.  I will try better!  I also forgot to take the camera to work so still no pics of the new office workspace! (but hopefully the heating will be working by the morning - i..e today!)

I've been on a bit of a creative surge recently, and have been bashing out work regularly - long may it continue!

At the weekend I "accidentally" found myself buying some new stash - well, I had some money for Christmas from Mum, so that had to be spent, didn't it..... the fact that I spent more than I received is not to be mentioned.   So far, the new stamp sets have arrived and they are sitting on my workspace... well, they were before I ripped them open and used some of them on my Tag Tuesday tag (see Tuesday's post)

Here they are in their lusciousness! (and I saved money, because Jennie (The Artistic Stamper) has them reduced this week)  I thought I'd better get some because the new release is being previewed byWendy Vecchi prior to the CHA show in the States later this month, and I already want all the ones she's shown us!! 

Thanks for dropping by, see you soon - and I will try to get to more of you this week.  Maybe next week,the rest of the new stash will have arrived and I can show you that too!


  1. Morning Helen,
    Your stamps look fantastic. Hope your new office is now comfy. Have a lovely day. Hugs JO.xx

  2. Gorgeous stamps and how wonderful that you too 'accidentally' buy things - I have that affliction! :-)

  3. I really like the ATC back stamp. I need one of those. I print mine out on the computer. This would be so much easier.

    Congrats on getting the Pole position this week from (# 7).

  4. Morning Helen ,Hope your feeling better.Your stamps look delish and well a bargain so thats even better .Have fab wednesday
    ]hugs judex3

  5. Oh lovely new stash Helen, i too have the lace one, but as of yet it's unused, naughty me!
    Minxy #2

  6. Hiya Helen! So glad to hear you are having a creative surge! Love your new candy! Have fun using it all! Happy WOYWW! #11

  7. That's some lovely stamps. Congrats on being #1 this week.

  8. oooh great stamps.. wonder where you got those! lol Have a great day!

  9. Hi Helen,

    New stash is always so much fun to play with. I just have a hard time finding space to store

    Thanks for the peek and sharing, Marjo #23

  10. HaHA! are awesome AND you are #1! You keep on spending that moolah girl! There are masterpieces to be made!
    AmberInk finishes at a lagging #16 methinks this week!

  11. Morning Helen, looking forward to seeing the new office pics, and I do love those stamps can't wait to see what you create! Jo (34) xxx

  12. I love the phrase '"Accidentally" found myself buying some stash'... you see that happens to me too!
    Have a great day!

  13. Congrats on #1 and gorgeous new stamps. Lucky girl.

  14. You accidentally bought some stamps? Ha ha, love it!

    I must use that one myself!

  15. Morning!! Your new stamps look fabulous...all thing in packets look fab! Coz you know you just have to use them Happy WOYWW
    ((Lyn)) #57

  16. Oooo yummy, yummy, look at those lovely stamps! Kim

  17. Ooh, they are wonderful, you'll have so much fun with them. I accidentally shopped more then just a sheet of EZ mount yesterday; a magazine, glue, two Stickles, adhesives...well I'll have good use of them too!


  18. Fab new stamps. Hope the heating is working today!
    Hugs Pam x

  19. Congratulations on being #1. Luurrrve the stamps, look forward to seeing what you do with them xx Debs #62

  20. Happy "accidents" are the best kind! GREAT stamps!

  21. Love your purchaese and I know you just had to buy them of course. No option!
    JoZarty x

  22. love the stamps have a great Wednesday

  23. I've drooled over those stamps myself,so I fully understand how your budget may have run over. Your Mum will be happy that you've treated yourself. Love that creativity flow!

  24. Ha, ha a good start to the New Year! You just had to buy all that loveliness - I got some money for stash and also went over the budget! We just can't say NO to stash!

  25. fab stamps, tfs
    and nice to meet you

  26. Fab new stash....hope you have fun playing with it.
    A x

  27. Not possible to stick to a budget where stamps are concerned ! Love what you have chosen and look forward to seeing them in use.


  28. Oh such lovely cards and tags on your earlier posts! Enjoy your new stamps too!

  29. Its great having new stash to play with isn't it. Especially when they are bought for you. I need to get some sort of order running through my stamp collection. Every now and then (usually post Christmas) it gets REALLY chaotic- even more than usual lol

  30. Have fun with those new stamps

  31. I accidentally added a few things to my stash at year-end too - I blame the sales. Your stamps look promising - enjoy!

  32. I know just what you mean, I accidentally bought all the new Sugar Nellie stamps the other day.
    Tertia 93

  33. Looks like you are going to be having some fun real soon! I think it's great to receive money as a gift; then you can buy more stuff!

  34. Oh what fun it's always nice when something NEW is on the workdesk.

  35. Oh I can understand your excitement, I love to receive new stamps as well!

  36. Always nice when you get new stamps :)
    My boss decided to get our office re-vamped today so I expect we will be "up neck" in it shortly!
    xoxo Sioux

  37. Those stamps look gorgeous-have fun:)

  38. accidents happen, my eldest son is living wonderful proof.

    Not that stash can be compared to people, that would be inappropriate, no

    stash is far more useful....


  39. all us crafter accidentially buy stash - and why not...
    Sarah - Stressed Stamper #28

  40. Ya gotta spend it if ya love stamps! They look like lots of fun. Enjoy!

  41. I am very good at "accidentally" clicking on the "wrong" button - you know the one that says buy or confirm. But after all, you really "needed" those stamps. I love the one with the hand holding the pen.

  42. Thats the fab thing with January is getting bargins with Christmas money even if we get more bargins that intended - Nicky ~ 45

  43. I like looking at other peoples stamp collection.I need to gleen ideas.Does that top left really come out looking like lace if so I need it. Just remembered that Mum gave me some money so perhaps I don't need to be on bread and jam for the rest of the month after all.
    Hugs Mrs A. #98. Thanks for stopping by my desk.

  44. Love those stamps by Wendy V, will have to get over to her blog if she is showing new ones.
    Thanks for the comment.

    Cathx 115

  45. so frustrated your photo wont load, grrrrrrr, but spending a bit more than you have sounds fine to me, siobhan 100

  46. Oooh fabby new stamps Helen - enjoy using them!

    Thanks for stopping by my desk earlier xx

    Sherry (103)

  47. It is so impertant to have stamps that we fall in love with and the ones we love are often the most expensive. Have you tried Darkroom Door stamps yet??
    Sue xx 67

  48. LOL - I always do that too... that unmentionable thing... get a bit of ££ and obviously to make the parcel worth while to Postie, I get more than I have ££ - if you know what I mean... i am waffling LOL x

  49. LOL Helen would have been rude not to bump the parcel up a little, I always do :O) enjoy your new goodies. Joey x

  50. Wow Helen, you are No 1 this week. What time did you get out of bed? I am very late but have a good excuse. Am really in a purchasing mood and just love your stamps - might have to look them up.
    Take care and hope the bad weather stays away for you.

    Hugs 134

  51. Oooh, lovely stamps. I've put myself on a craft splurging diet this month but I do know how easy it is to get carried away when there are so many luscious goodies out there to tempt us :( I'm now taking vicarious pleasure in looking at everyone else's new stash and consoling myself with making good use of my tons of stuff I have already. Enjoy your new stamps and thanks for sharing. Regards, Elizabeth #87

  52. I have never tried stamping and actually have no clue about it but it seems like fun. Will have to learn through visiting all you keen stampers.

  53. Ooh, I love your new stamps! Have fun with them!

  54. Good to hear the muse has a hold on you...spending more than we receive is just paying it forward -don't you know!!!

  55. congratulations on winning the WOYWW jackpot this week! great to hear you have had a creative surge! double congratulations!

  56. What great stamps! Lots of beautiful projects for you this year I am sure! Patsy from

  57. Now you see, to a fellow scrapper your reasoning for spending the Xmas dosh plus some is perfectly reasonable... especially if there are new stamps soon to become available!! Annette #18

  58. Oooh, lovely Studio 490 stamps! I had mine out this week and decided I HAD to have a couple more sets. Xmas money burning a hole in my pocket, lol!
    Happy WOYWW!
    xoxo Karen

  59. I love the way you accidental bought those beautiful stamps. I think we all do this!!!! Christmas money is OK though, it doesn't count!!!!
    I love the tag you've used them on.
    Thanks for visitng.
    hugs Lisax

  60. What fabulous stamps you have got there! I too spend more than I receive - rude not to if you ask me! Thanks for sharing. No. 29.

  61. Wow, the equivalent of $27 a stamp set! If you heard a thud that was just me fainting!! I just got a pack of 7 number/date border stamps and a pack of 8 circle stamps, with patterns, birds, greetings on them for $11 for both, on clearance in Mikes! Granted, they're only Hampton Art and not W.V! However, I'd likely buy the dear ones too so I'm hardly one to talk!!

    Brenda 99

  62. Gorgeous stamps! Wonderful Christmas presents :D


  63. Looks like some wonderful stamps! Sue #94

  64. LOL at you Helen...I see that you are rather 'accident' prone! *Ü* Lovely stamps. TFS. ~Glen~

  65. Oooh what pretty stamps! New stash is always fun - I hope you enjoy playing with your new goodies! :D

    Ali #77


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