Tuesday 11 January 2011

Tag Tuesday - fabric

Louise has asked us to use fabric on today's tag for the Tag Tuesday challenge.  I missed the last one - don't know where the week went! so it was nice to play again today.  (and on the day of the challenge, too...)

I had some new stamps come in the post today, so that was a good excuse!

All stamps are by Wendy V.  Come back tomorrow to see what I got!

The fabric is a small piece of muslin type material (I am so not a seamstress!) on which I stamped one of the new stamps in sepia archival ink.  Not done much stamping on fabric, so didn't know if it would work ok, but it seems fine.  Folded the piece into a sort of shawl shape, fastened with a tiny attacher and stuck with glossy accents to the tag. (really don't know how I'd exist without this!)


  1. Helen, your tag is so gorgeous! I do love the colors you've used and the fabric looks great.

  2. Great use of fabric on your tag, lovely rich colour, think I'm in need of some new stamps LOL. Tracy x

  3. Wonderful tag, beautifully created.

  4. Looks almost like a piece of lace - just lovely :)

  5. Ah yes! A lacy shawl, how cool! The tag colors and stamping are great, Helen! Love that fabric piece!

  6. Love those colours, Helen... this tag is gorgeous... thanks for your comment about my tag for TIO this week... you going to have a go???

  7. Gorgeous tag Helen! xx

  8. Your tag is so pretty - love the colors and the stamping.

  9. Great composition here and lovely texture from stamping on fabric. Well done!

  10. Your stamped fabric looks great.. Love that image. What a wonderful TAG!

  11. Like the stamping on the muslin, Helen. You're also making me like those Wendy stamps:):)

  12. Wonderful tag, love the images and the colours.

  13. Great tag. Love the folded fabric. Blessings, Debbie


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