Friday 28 January 2011

Play Date Cafe - 66 - colour splash

As soon as I saw this week's Play Date Cafe challenge was a colour splash (one of my favourite themes) I knew I HAD to make time to enter this week - it has been too long since I managed.

This was the amazing inspiration:
I LOVE lilac and purple....

I cut a piece from the Paddington 7 Gypsies pad I recently got, as they are all black/white or white/black designs, fixed it to a card.

Cut the Tim Holtz stylised canvas label that I sprayed purple last week and didn't know what to do with it - it's kind of wristwatch shaped, don't you think (well, before I cut it, it was...)

Stuck half to the top and half to the bottom, stamped a clock (Paperartsy) cut that in half and stuck it to the canvas (killing time, get it?!)

Ok, it's just me then.... 


  1. Killing time, clever theme and love the clock split in half, great idea. Tracy Evans x

  2. Well done with the theme! lol! This is wonderful, Helen, love that purpley shimmery goodness. That Paddington paper is really cool, I love it.

  3. Helen what a great card :) Loving your papers/stamps you've combined! Thanks for playing along at the PDCC :)

  4. Very creative Helen, Love all the clocks!

  5. I agree, very creative and clever, love what you've done. xx

  6. Love a bit of collage, me! Lovely jubbly.

  7. I love that sentiment!! Such a cool clocksworks project! Thanks for sharing it with us at The Play Date Cafe!

  8. All those clock images are so fun! And I love that bit of shine! Thanks so much for playing along with us, this week, in the Cafe!

  9. LOVE all those clocks--and what a beautiful use of glimmer! Thanks so much for playing along with us and for joining in the fun at the PDCC!!!


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