Wednesday 8 December 2010

WOYWW - 8th December - a mess!

Hi, workdesk snoopers.  This is the state of my "desk" - patch on the floor - after I finished Tim's Tag 7..... today (well Tuesday night but it won't change any!)

No, you are quite right, it looks the same as always!
And this is my pile of tags so far.  At the end of the 12, I want to try and put them together somehow so I can remember what I did - not sure how yet - although I do have a cheapo frame I may try and fit them into.  I think they are resting on my Christmas wish list!!

Is everyone ready for Christmas?  I haven't bought a single present yet - although I don't have that many to get - but with all this faffing about with opticians and things, and then last weekend the awful weather (plus I had a bad cold and was off work at the end of last week) means I haven't done anything useful for the last 4 Saturdays.  And they are my only real opportunity to do present shopping!  I still haven't finished my cards either, let alone got them written.  Maybe this weekend....

I had the appointment at the hospital on Monday for the echo - which all seems normal, so that's good - and my GP has just phoned me with the results of the my blood tests from a couple of weeks ago - I am hugely anaemic so got to have a load of iron tablets. (I am writing this at 9.30 on Tuesday evening and she's literally just rung!)

Ok, I was going to keep this short and sweet, as everyone has lots to do and many many desks to navigate round, starting here at our beloved leader Julia's.  Happy Wednesday. I will call on as many of you as I can, and thank you in advance for stopping by here!


  1. I'm so glad to hear your test came back good, now take those vitamins!
    I hope you enjoy your holidays and don't sweat the small stuff!

  2. Snap im about as prepared as you are for Christmas .I am today going to make effort to write and post my crimbo cards,although have sneeky feeling i need to make more!Shopping well started yesterday buying couple bits on line that way stay warm,dont get crushed!
    Have fab wednesday hugs judex#6

  3. Same here - only just realised it is December! Hope you get organised soon xxx

  4. Not ready for Christmas yet. Good for you that you can keep up with the tags.

  5. I hope those iron tablets do their stuff really soon. What a relief about your tests too.
    Do you have all the products to make Himself's tags or do you adapt what he does?
    Chrissie #7

  6. So it sounds like things are looking up? Don't forget to eat your spinach too - like Popeye! And maybe you don't have the rest of Christmas done, but those tags are looking awesome! The frame sounds like a winning idea!

  7. I only admired from afar the tags Tim Holtz created on his blog. WOWee, you have created them. Great tags! i want one.

    Moy Yin #2 xxx

  8. I rarely feel "ready" for Christmas, but it comes just the same - ready or not. I love your reindeer tag. I've seen so many marvelous ones!

    Terry (17)

  9. Hey your "desk" looks tidy to me :)) and take those pills! As for Christmas, it is on hold this week.. start next week.. got no pressies, no cards are made..and I have 5 more tags to finish ! rofl
    Great set of them btw
    Hugs x

  10. Good morning lovely creative desk, glad your tests are ok, got no pressies, mum's robbed me of my my cards so need to start again! Jo (24) xxx

  11. Hi Helen!
    I am glad the your hospital results are not bad - get those iron tablets and eat a lot of spinach!
    I have been following your 12 tags of TH and I think you have done some lovely work so far - I haven't done any yet but I hope to make some today!
    I haven't got a single gift yet either so I am hoping to get the shopping on this weekend!
    Lots of hugs,

  12. What's Christmas... oh the thing everyone is panicking about, heh heh! Glad your health probs will be treated at last so hopefully you'll soon be on the mend. There's a nice clear space needs filling on your desk.... get crafting!
    JoZarty x

  13. Love your tags! I have not even thought about Christmas yet. May wait until the 24th just for the crazy

    Hugs, Marjo #45

  14. Iron tabs...take the warnings about potential constipation seriously! I know I shouldn't talk about things like that really, but I have your better interests at heart! Am very relieved by your eye news..and very envious of your tags. And very much in the same boat over christmas preparations, but without your legitimate excuse! argh.

  15. The tags are just beautiful and I can understand why you want to keep them on a frame. It could be the beginning of an advent calendar. Can't believe you still achieved all the tags while feeling so unwell. Pop your feet up have a nice glass of red wine (full of iron) and admire your work.

  16. Sent my hubby out today to get the last of the presents so I am pretty much done. Except for my Christmas cards. I thought I had a great idea but they ended up looking terrible. Have posted them on my WOYWW! Need to think of something else and fast!
    Susan xxox #13

  17. Oh Helen, hope your health improves. I think we both need some sunshine (and maybe some R&R) to get us back on our feet.
    Some great looking tags on your desk, wish i had that texture fades with the trees but sadly I don't have any of them. Am having to ijprovise like crazy! #21

  18. Morning Helen,
    So glad your tests were good. You must keep taking the iron tablets. Lovely tags you've done so far. thanks for stopping by. Big Hugs.*22*

  19. Iron! Remember the prunes to go with it :-)
    Hope it all sorts itself out really soon.
    A x

  20. Glad your echo is ok, is ok, is ok.....Love your tags - I follow them on my blog list side bar - I print off the instructions daily - not really to be recommended, costs a fortune in ink - but I have a record of techniques I can have to hand especially when we are away in the motorhome. As for displaying the tags, I'll wait to see what you come up with.
    Luv Joanne xx

  21. Beautiful tags, and I'm glad you are thinking about putting them together as a display; it would be such a shame not to see them in all their glory.

    Glad the tests worked out ok, and that you are going to get plenty of Popeye's best.

    Bernie #81

  22. Looks like Tagmania is going well - great work. Hope you feel well soon - had a blood transfusion in the summer and huge doses of iron since - feel like a new woman - loads of energy AND optimism have returned!
    sasa 10

  23. It does amaze me how late Drs seem to work these days!

    Tags are fab hun - thanks for stopping by!

  24. Great tags and as ever, a really busy desk! Great your tests are ok so keep taking the vits!!Have a Happy WOYWW!

  25. Fabulous tags! Glad that the tests came back good, you'll soon be back on track again. And Christmas will come, no need to panic.

    Maarit #37

  26. The tags look super! I hope you get lots of goodies on your wish list and that you stay take your iron!
    Thx for visiting me...

  27. You sound as behind as I am. I hope your weekends free up soon, or you will be standing in those last minute shopping lines.

    Love your tags and that craft sheet looks huge(#4)!

  28. These tags are a mystery to me...does everbody do the same one??
    They are very pretty but I seem today to be seeing two the same!!
    Tags is definitely fun, though!
    Sue xx 70

  29. Your tags are fab! I say frame them as they are each a work of art! It's quite expensive to follow along with Tim's tags. I'm finding I need MORE supplies! Thanks for stopping by my desk. Happy WOYWW! #11

  30. don't forget to find out Why you are Hugely Anaemic

    i have a sheep on my desk so I can start felting my rug

    and it's a bit different. Takes my mind off Christmas fever...


  31. Great news that your tests came back clear Helen, wonderful news before Christmas. Lovely pile of tags there and great to look back on. Hopefully your anaemia will be sorted very soon after taking the medication. Take care. Tracy Evans x x

  32. thanks for the crafty snoop. helen..what a busy I ready for a word NO...hugs kath xxx

  33. Beat ya...all bought and wrapped...
    Happy WOYWW
    Sarah - Stressed Stamper#17

  34. Have bought all mine, at the end of November before the snow started, but nothing wrapped yet and no decorations up, just haven't been in the mood really! Your desk doesn't look messy to me by the way, seems organised.

    Have a good week x

  35. Hope the iron does a good job... Your tags are fantastic

  36. Your "Tim"-tags turned out beautifully! I like them a lot!

  37. I think there are plenty of us who aren't at all prepared for Christmas, oops! I do plan to do most of my shopping online though.

    Great tags & glad you've had some good news from the hospital :-)


  38. Glad to hear your tests are coming out ok. Tim's tags, I would never be able to keep up and would not have the many, many things he uses. Admire those that can do. #92

  39. glad your test are ok and all you need are those iron tabs.
    great job on the tags!

  40. Glad to hear your test was fine. Your anaemia should respond to the tablets in time and that will help you feel better. Your tags are gorgeous and it would be shame not to display the finished 12. Elizabeth #95

  41. I'm no-where near ready for crimbo but thats nothing new.. same old same old, i'll start earlier never do syndrome lol

    I had seen someone put all there tags on a garland and hang them as decorations, i'm tempted to try that myself, it looked really pretty.

  42. Good news on the dr's visits and test so far, at least nothing major has been found. Love the tags so far, todays is amazing. Can't believe you of all people have a wish list, is there really anything left to buy!!! Must get me one of those TH distressers.

    Brenda 83

  43. I'm far from ready for Christmas

    The red and white thing on your board looks interesting and the tags are lovely

    be blessed
    from Angela #69

  44. Ready for Christmas? Are you insane? I haven't even started making presents yet. And cards are so not happening this year. But you have a gorgeous stack of tags. I'm very jealous.

    cheers, rachel #40

  45. Great tags they are all stunning - glad your test was ok and remember you can alway drink guiness thats good for iron - Nicky # 16

  46. What a busy looking desk. Those tags are brilliant. I've got a long way to go before I do things like that. Best wishes, Kym xxx


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