Wednesday 8 December 2010

Tim's 12 Tags of Christmas - Day 8

When I saw today's tag from Tim here - I knew I would have some serious improvising to do. It has taken me all evening, and suffice to say it is NOT my favourite!! (only because of the trouble I had.. the idea is good!)

I did have some of the blank mask sheets, to cut your own but that is easier said than done - what tough stuff it is to cut!!   It would have been better & easier if I had had something seasonal I could have die cut.

I chose Tim's snowman, and was wondering why it didn't cling to the tag till I read the instructions properly and - took the backing sheet off.... yes, I know.  (that is why my leaves I die cut don't cling either... must rectify that!)

So the tag - I followed Tim's instructions and inked the tag, but didn't really like the colour - so the snowman (pumice stone originally) is spritzed with irridescent gold glimmer mist, and the tag itself (tumbled glass and chipped sapphire) with a broken china reinker/forever blue perfect pearl mix. Overstamped with Tim's snowflakes, as the stamp is designed with snowflakes.  (May as well have just stamped it, I know, but I am entering into the spirit!!) 

Cut the town house die from grungeboard - boy, do the windows/doors get stuck into the die when you use grungeboard!! still, got all the bits out in the end....

Did quite like the sanded houses in the end, but forgot to make some smoke before I stuck them down - don't have any thick enough wire anyway,  so drew on some squiggles with a white pen (badly, I have always told you I can't draw!)   I used a piece of plastic packaging behind the houses for windows.  
Didn't use one of my clock face embellies as i don't like this enough to "waste" one on, so just left that off, and don't have any of the corners so ignored them too.

Off to link it with Artyjen here - there are bound to be some crackers - check them out. Roll on day 9 - may it be a good one!  Night night!


  1. I Love your snowman and tyhink you did a fabby job!!
    Julie xx

  2. Oh, Helen, you ROCKED this tag! How beautiful. I love how you made this your own. :)

  3. Your Snowman looks really great. :)
    I can't stand to waste good T!m stuff on things I like never mind things I hate! LOL
    Thanks for linking
    xoxo Sioux

  4. LOL at your antics Helen, thought I was on my own with doing things like have cheered me up no end. I love your snowman and using packaging behind your houses is a brill idea. Terrific tag. Annette x

  5. Oh hun I have not even attempted todays tag yet as have nothing tim used again,but will try and make something tomorrow,yours is just stunning hun really love your take on Tims,hugs cheryl xxxx

  6. I think this came out great, for all the troubles it caused! Have yet to work on this one, hopefully tomorrow! But thanks for the great ideas!

  7. The snowman looks fab Helen! x

  8. Very innovative, Helen! (Could not come up with inspiration for this one at all and had none of the stuff I needed.) Your tag is great!

  9. What a great tag, good interpretation of T!m's. Glad someone else forgets to put some of the elements on. I assembled my poinsettia the wrong way round and had used my glue gun, so no chance of taking it to bits, lol.

  10. Love your version with the snowman Helena and your colours are lovely, great job with a difficult technique xxx

  11. Stunning work Helen, sorry post is short, still the eye issues - hope yous are OK !

    3 poins.........

    B x

  12. I'm loving all your 12 Tags of Christmas so far! Just beautiful. :)

  13. Cute! I think you did a fab job improvising!

  14. Aw i like your version very much Helen, a good bit of creativity x

  15. Fab tag! Well done!

  16. Really lovely tag and great improvising.

  17. Another one I haven't done as yet. Boy do I have some catching up to do.
    You are being hard on yourself - there is nsothing wrong with this, in fact I love it!

  18. Beautiful!
    I haven't seen your tags until now.


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