Wednesday 1 December 2010

WOYWW - 1st December AND 12 Tags are here!

Hurray, it's December 1st - a Wednesday - that can only mean one thing. Actually, today it means two. Firstly, it's the day of the "big snoop" round craft desks of the world linking from Julia's - here for What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday. BUT, also today, being 1st December - it's the first day of Tim's 12 Tags of Christmas..... I am sure you all know your way to HIS blog! (but just in case check it here)  I have been waiting all year for this!!

So, what is on my desk today? Well, some tags, ready to use, when I get home, natch - I'll need one of them for sure!

and a "spare" birdcage and bird just in case!

This was the view from my living room come craft room at 8.20 pm on Tuesday. It's been snowing most of the day here in Sutton - took me 2 and a half hours to get home from work on Tuesday - including 45 minutes waiting for a bus.... I just missed one when I left (early due to the weather) at 4 - drat...... Couldn't run, pavements were too slippy in the melting snow.  Had I known how long I'd be waiting, I would have started walking - though as it happens, the buses were put on diversion before they got into Sutton and I ended up walking the last 2 miles anyway.... finally got home at 6.30. Sutton was gridlocked with traffic going nowhere.  I expect there are some people still out there (as I write at 8.30!) So, go check out the rest of the desks - I apologise now, I know I won't get round to you all this week! and also Tim's tags - if you're a Tim fan, we are in for a treat, I know...

EDITED. 7.23 AM I am in the office!!! Yes, the journey to work was lots better this morning - left at the normal time - buses no longer on diversion so I could catch it from my usual stop - and one arrived there as I did!!  What I am really editing this to say, is to thank Bleubeard and Elizabeth for nominating me as her blog of the day. Thank you!!


  1. Just left you a note on the previous message. I'm off to link up, then I'll be back.

  2. Helen i must be second in the que for tims 12 tags of christmas just love it!That snow looks gorgeous from the inside anyway.It's that cold brrhggg wind too makes even colder.Stay warm and craft thats my wednesdays tip.
    Have fun hugs judex4

  3. I am stupidly excited too.

    Loving the new UKSTamper logo.


  4. I'm ready for summer. Have fun at Tim's! Happy WOYWW! #11

  5. All I can say is brrrr to the long journey home - hope you've thawed out now.

    And happy tagging!

    Bernie #9

  6. No snow here just clear blue skies and sunshine. I am so excited today too. Hurry up Tim! (18)

  7. I was amazed that you had to walk two miles in that snow after you got off the bus. You really have it so different in England. But I sure love the look of your landscape. First pictures of snow I've seen this year. So, does this mean you will walk two miles to reach a bus to get to work? I'm pooped just thinking about it.

    Thanks for the link to Tim's site. I knew he did this once a year, but am so glad you showed me the way there. Have a great WOYWW and stay warm. (I'm Number 3 this week)

  8. What a bummer to have to walk two miles from the bus after working! Will check out Tim's when I get up in the morning, providing I ever get to bed. #15

  9. bloody 'ell Helen - how rude that you had to walk 2 miles... I bet you were knackered. I didn't even venture as far as the garage door - or the dustbin.

    Liking the look of this 12 days tag lark - i'll check back seeing as i won't be taking part in it - i'll just enjoy yours...

    Paula x x x

  10. Hi Helen
    look forward to seeing your tags, i hope you have a better trip to work today, no snow here only a dusting, keep warm,have good day, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  11. I hope you are all warm and toasty now! I guess it IS December. Thanks for the timmy linky. I'll have a look.

    AmberInk got lucky @ #1!

  12. Love the snow! I was tempted to buy Tim's birdcage and bird today. Do you use it a lot? Thanks for sharing!

    Terry (24)

  13. Love looking at Tim's Tags can't wait to see what he does and that's alot of snow ... only rain here :)
    hugs Nikki

  14. We too have snow...shall we all just stay home and craft...enjoy tagging the 12 days of christmas...would love to join in but dont have much of Sir tim's products....

  15. Hay Helen you have the perfect weather for staying in and making tags.. i'll be tagging too only 34 minutes to go lol

  16. Yup, got my tags at the ready too. Terrible weather, we are marooned in this morning, lots and lots of snow, very deep, all the buses in Sheffield are off the road, no way of getting the roads cleared, so no one is going anywhere. We live one mile up at the top of a steep hill, over 1000 ft above sea level, so we've no chance, lol.

  17. Well done on making it into work, I hope the journey home is uneventful!
    Look forward to seeing the tags!

  18. Snow is great when you don't have to go anywhere! LOL
    Havew fun with the tags
    xoxo Sioux

  19. I'm really pleased that I work from home in this weather. Glad your journey to work was better than your one home last night.
    A x

  20. That is such a beautiful photo. I know it means that you have to wade through snow to get to work, but it's gorgeous!

    cheers, rachel #54

  21. Hope your journey home tonight is better than last night, have fun with tim.

    hugs Carol#48

  22. What a rotten commute! Good luck getting home and look forward to seeing all your finished tags xx

  23. Gosh, blog of the day and Tim's tags and in the've achieved and planned more than me this morning already! Not so much as a settled flake of snow here. Hope it doesn't cause any more struggle thought. Although a day or two at home following Tim wouldn't hurt, huh!

  24. Thanks for the heads up on Sir Tims Blog - we don't have much snow in Liverpool but it is very cold thanks for sharing with us your lovely tidy desk have a great day :o) and keep warm

  25. Morning Helen, hope you are well. Well there's not much snow in Putney, so it's been easy getting and coming home from work. Lovely view. Hope you show us your tags when they are done. Have a lovely day. *71*

  26. Another one who is awaiting that first post. Such a long time till Pacific time :( Love that birdcage

    Sorry about the snow - when it comes this early it just makes the winter seem to last FOREVER. Glad the buses are a bit back to normal!

    Mary Anne

  27. we have not had any snow to speak of so I am a little envious..I have that bird cage die...good isn't it.
    Sue xx

  28. Good luck with the tags - sounds like fun. Keep cosy and safe in the snow.

  29. Can't wait to see the tag. The snow looks lovely I wish we had some.

  30. enjoy tagging - looks like you will need your whole TH stash....hope you get home safe too
    sasa 6

  31. The snow is great until you actually need to go somewhere in it! I'm so glad I am able to work from home, I dread to think how long the 12 mile drive would take in these conditions.

    Have fun with Tim & tags!


  32. What a terrible journey you had to suffer - hopefully no more!
    Love how you have everything ready for the first tag of Tims.
    Just had a couple of real snow storms but thankfully slowing now. I love to see it but I hate to drive in it.
    Happy WOYWW anywhow.

  33. I see you are ready for your tag making ...cant wait to see the results. Wow that is some snow ...used to live in the Norwood area and it was only like that very 10 years lol

  34. Glad your journey back to work was better - cannot wait to see what you do with the tag - will have to have a look on Tims blog not visted there before ~ 30

  35. Enjoy your tagging. Hope your journey home is better tonight.


  36. Well, while the snow looks pretty, it's awful trying to get around in it! Can't wait to see how your first tag comes out!

  37. Can't wait to see the tags you make with the help of TH himself. Glad to hear you got to work. I'm off to Elizabeth and Bluebeard to see what she has done to you! elizabeth #85

  38. The snow came to us Monday night and I haven't stopped shivering since. When do we lose that immunity to the cold that kids have?

    Can't wait to see what you do with Tims tags :)

  39. I've been waiting for the 12 tags too!

  40. Wow Helen, quite a journey home for you. I remember those days when I was still living in Germany. I was partly okay with the snow, but I really feared the black ice! - Enjoy Tim's 12 tags, I'll pop over there as well.

  41. Oooh fab snow, Helen. We've got tons too, I love it. Lovely Tim work, I must admit I follow the 12 tags every year religiously, but never make any!!!

    Julie :o)

  42. Loved my snoop around your desk, but that snow looks very cold! Happy WOYWW!!

  43. The picture of the snow looks lie it could be in a (classy) children's book, it is lovely!
    Sorry that the snow made your commute so difficult.
    Have fun with the 12 Tags of Christmas!!
    xoxo karen

  44. Helen, hope the weather treats you better in the days to come. If it's any consolation I got stuck in a parking lot tonight...4 inches of slush over 2 inches of ice. Yuck! And we live in snow country! rofl Enjoy TIm's tags, I've just finished #1 myself. Keep warm. Vicki #115

  45. I want the birdcage... did have it on back order before I left the UK but it never turned up... should look around and see if it is still about!
    So unfair to make people walk in this weather... 2 hours would have done me in!!

  46. I didn't sense any ill-will to the sky or your transportation system...that's admirable! You must be sooo happy about the Tim Holtz series, nothing can bother you.... *smile*
    Thx for stopping by my blog... I have since posted The Card, if you can tear yourself away from Sir Tim. Happy day to you!

  47. Another week seems to have around so quickly. It's nice to see a lovely neat and tidy desk. Love the bird and birdcage. Thanks for sharing your workspace. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 40)

  48. Hope the weather has improved so you won't need to wade through the snow to get to work.

    Maarit (104)

  49. Ooh look at you all ready for Tim, great tags so far too, I've been enjoying seeing how everyone has interpreted them. Hope your cold is better soon and that the weather improves too.

    Brenda 90

  50. Hi Helen!

    Sorry I am so late commenting - life and all this snow got in the way! I looked at all your posts - including the TH 12 tag ones and you have done some lovely work! Sorry you had such a bad day with snow - we have loads of snow too, but I guess we are use to it!

  51. so very uber late but wanted to check out the desk anyway. Love the bird and cage. I don't travel for work anymore but snow lobotomizes drivers here and everyone runs a bit late on the first day it snows - guess it's the same everywhere.


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