Wednesday 1 December 2010

Tim's 12 Tags of Christmas - Day 1

Well, Tim certainly packed in some techniques to his first tag! When I saw it at work, when it posted around 8 o'clock, I was stumped - I mean, I don't have any of the major items he used!

So, when I got home (early, because I have a stinking cold, - honest I do, it isn't an excuse - if you will pardon me saying, I am dripping everywhere!!) I couldn't wait to get started.

This is what I came up with.  It is a very wonky photo, sorry!

 I don't have the rickety house or the picket fence die, so I used a Paperartsy castle stamp which I coloured with distress inks and put through a cuttlebug folder "branches" I think it's called - to create some texture.  I found my mica tiles - I knew I had some and suddenly knew which drawer they'd be in - so that was the "window" created - Leandra's castle doesn't have a window but I cut out one of the "walls" to improvise!   I used a white Inkessentials pen in the embossed grooves, as I forgot to paint the grunge white before inking it.  The fence is an Art Impressions stamp, I should have used grungepaper but used card so it's a bit fragile!  I cut the holes with a craft knife and covered it in picket fence distress.  Improvised the wreath with a stamp, used Tim's pine trees stamp instead of his fab branches. There is meant to be fluffy stuff along the fence and the top of the roof,  for snow, but I forgot, till it was all assembled!  Blame the cold.

The background is made more or less as Tim did, although I used marshmallow glimmer mist on the inks on the craft mat as I don't have any perfect pearl sprays (yet...) and his small snowflakes stamp
Here's the "house" stuck to the tag, with the ticket in the backgrouund, ready for attaching.

I hope I do better with tomorrow's (if my cold is better, as at the moment I feel rotten, so will be going to bed early and hope I get a decent night's sleep, unlike last night)


  1. Gosh you've been quick. It looks fantastic. I've not finished mine and have given up for today, busy watching Corrie xx

  2. you have been quick hun I too have none of the dies,but boy you have done an amazing job here hun,just brilliant,hugs cheryl xxxx

  3. I LOVE it!! it is so brilliant.. now all you have to do is join ArtyJens splinter group.. her link is on my blog if you haven't got

  4. Well done Helen, your tag looks great, love the background its really pretty x mine went really dark!

  5. Great impovising Helen!! Looks wonderful!

  6. I love this and I love the fact that a lot of us don't have all the Timmy things and are making it work still.
    Look forward to seeing your tag tomorrow.


  7. Love the castle! Looks great helen.....oh must really doooo want that pearl spray...I'm not really into glitzy glittery stuff but OMG that really is the bees knees! LOL
    xoxo Sioux

  8. Loving that castle Helen, and a fab tag. Annette x

  9. Well done you. Especially as you have a bad cold. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs

  10. Well done Helen for improvising, great tag, house and fence. Wonderful 1st tag. Hope the cold goes soon. Tracy Evans x x

  11. Beautiful! And with a cold, and runny nose to boot! lol! Love what you substituted, that's what it's all about!

  12. what a great tag, I love how you used the castle as the house ! I don't have the Tim stuff so had to improvise too !

  13. Oh this is fabulous! I love the twist of the castle - so creative, and I love how you've used what you had to make a perfectly beautiful tag! Hope you feel better soon!

  14. Helen, sorry you're not feeling well, but by jove, you've done a great job without all the Tim bits. The castle idea is awesome, am in luv with this! I used the marshmallow mist, too, how fun was that? Hope you're getting a good sleep. Hugs

  15. Wow that is gorgeous hun.Yopur quickI havent got the dies nearest thing is shed die cut which im at present trying to alter.Tag 2 will be here before i get finished tag
    hugs judex
    p.s i will pop back later to see tag2¬

  16. This is so cute :D what a fab interpretation :D
    Julie xx

  17. Love your version Helen! It's brilliant!
    I have the lurgy too - cough splutter sneeze! Hope you're feeling better today!
    Alison xx

  18. Looks great, Helen. The castle was a superb idea!

  19. Well I haven't seen Tims but yours is just gorgeous Helen :)

  20. This is fab Helen, I had to imporvise loads too, I love the house you chose, looks really cool and your wreath is so pretty, can't wait to see your next one xxx

  21. Just fabulous and i'm so enjoying seeing everyone's creative improvising. Yours are very clever and work so well.

  22. Your tag is wonderful! The trees really work in the background and the wreath looks great. Good luck with your cold. Mine has been hanging on for weeks.

  23. A great take on the tag Helen, the castle works well

  24. Great version of tag 1, especially your wreath and the castle :)

  25. What an ingenious thing to do - use the Castle from Paperartsy. Lovely tag Helen.


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