Sunday 5 December 2010

Tim's 12 Tags of Christmas - Day 5

I don't know how Tim does it - every day he comes up with more fabulous techniques - some of which I've done before and some new - today's tag is no exception.  Not having access to Tim's own stash store (I wish!!) I had to improvise again. 

My Santa is too big I think, it looked on Tim's as if he used the small version of his! I also didn't have the "sparkly stuff" but did uncover my white fun flock which is I think similar, just not sparkly. Tried to add some glitter but it didn't really stick.
I don't have the die Tim used for the banner, but used the baroque one, on card stock, and cut it apart to fit.
Didn't have any green distress powder so used a prima leaf with the foliage pieces.

No white UTEE so had to do a couple of layers of ordinary white embossing   Finally, didn't have a small enough Tim greeting, so this one is by Paperartsy.
My white dabber resist technique still leaves a lot to be desired - but it kind of worked!
Not really a holly coloured glitter but its under coloured with a green gel pen (glitter glue by Suze from a very old pack..... still gorgeously gluey though!)

I won't be getting tomorrow's done on time because I'll be back at work after the hospital, and am out for a meal with friends in the evening (all weather dependant, of course!) so will be playing catch up for the rest of the week!

Am linking this to Artyjen's splinter group again, and Hels Sunday Stamper "wonderful Christmastime".  I should be finishing my Christmas cards - maybe later!!


  1. Love your tag :D Its gorgeous :D
    Julie xx

  2. And there was me all pleased that I had the right stamp! mine is the large one too... guess this one won't be a tag either then! Good luck for tomorrow at the hospital and hope you have a lovely evening. x

  3. Really gorgeous tag Helen.
    Sus xx

  4. Looks great to me, there's a lot of us making do. If you find Tim's stash, please let me know. If we go out and buy this years must have's, he won't use them next year.

  5. It's fabulous - I've started checking out his tags to see what you are all inspired by. Yours is fabuloso!

    Haven't read the sequel to Chocolat - I'll have to stick that one on my wishlist, thanks for that :)

  6. Fabulous job. Love Santa's beard. xx

  7. Another great tag Helen! x

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  9. Hi! Gorgeous pretty:)
    Best of luck at the hospital...take care and thanks for linking at the splinter group;)
    TTFN xoxo Sioux

  10. You have done brilliantly Helen, I love your interpretation and alterations. Mine is still drying and realised have run out of room for the greeting....daahhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Hope all goes well at the hospital and you have a great meal out. Annette x

  11. Have a lovely meal Helen tomorrow and I hope the hospital appointment goes ok. You may not have your Christmas cards all done but you could use these tags as Christmas cards and attach them to cards they would be lovely for Christmas. Tracy Evans x x

  12. Hooray for the voting public! At last they see the light! LOL
    All three boys still have a fancy for that Artem chappie too ;) will be sad that any of those left have to go
    xox Sioux

  13. Another stunning tag Helena, your variations look fantastic - thanks for sharing - hope all goes well tomorrow xxx

  14. Another lovely tag Helen - love the beard!

  15. I think it's even more fun when you DON'T have all of the supplies that Timmy uses! Your tag is beautiful *smiles*

  16. Great work on this tag, Helen! Love your improvisations, really makes it your own!

  17. Beautiful tag, H. Ditto what Lori said above. ;-) Hugs

  18. Great job Helen! I hope things go well tomorrow, Healing thoughts sent your way!
    hugs Lynn

  19. I LIKE the way your Santa turned out, don't think he's too big at all. I think you did a great job adding the coloring to his beard as well. Really a great tag!

  20. Hi Helen

    A realy quick catch up visit to say hello, still only able to do short bursts on the computer, but don't want you thinking I've forgotten you.

    Keep it all crossed tonight.

    B x

  21. Stunning tag, love all the glitter. xx

  22. Love all your tags but this is my fav so far

  23. FAB tag Helen, loving your improv! thanks for joinin in with the Sunday Stamper x

  24. Great improvisation on your tag. Looks very christmassy!

  25. Again a great interpretation which looks just like TH's - I think your Santa looks fine as he is - mine is really small as I don't have the proper stamps.
    Don't those numbers look good done this way?


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