Monday 6 December 2010

a Rocking Candy Christmas

Well, my meal out got cancelled due to the weather, so I find myself in, and a little while ago trying to watch 3 different programmes on tv at the same time - difficult!  Also, trying to work out how to do Tim's Day 6 tag with nothing whatsoever I can use...... even more difficult!!  May have to miss this one out which is a pain, as I really wanted to do them all. Course, I could go shopping!!!

So, instead I turn to my Monday stalwart - Linda's Compendium Challenge - we're on page 47, and the title of this post may have hinted at the subject matter.  It's a great one, and easy, so I have dashed off a Christmas card using some of the seasonal paper stack and Tim's snowflakes.

Hope the "candy" shows up!!

Somehow, I think maybe not! Although I do seem to have managed to get a hair stuck into it.  Thanks to the sponsors, there are some amazing prizes on offer again. Go check the entries out, there are already some great ones up, and it's open for 2 weeks.

Thanks for your kind wishes about the echo cardiogram today - it went fine - I was there early, they started early and - then I had to wait 30 minutes for the bus to work...... cold doesn't begin to describe how I felt by the time I got to the office......  Oh, and it all seems fine - they said my heart looks normal, so that's something else I can stop worrying about! 
Down to one thing at a time on the TV now - and Liverpool are winning, so that is a GOOD end to Monday!   Hope to be here tomorrow with a Tim Tag I can have a crack at.


  1. Great card Helen! Love that sentiment, where's it from? x

  2. Go Reds! Not quite sure why Torres felt it was more important to be present at the birth of his child rather than on the pitch, but we managed without him anyway :) Good news about the hospital x

  3. Oh wow Helen this is fabulous. Have got to check out Lindas' challenge yet, can hardly wait...woo hoo.
    Glad everything went well for you, big sighs of relief... Take care, Annette x

  4. Lovely card and yes the candy does show up. Glad the echo cardiogram went well, I had one in March and I got the trainee and it took over an hour, just my luck. xx

  5. Great job with the Rock Candy, always hard to photo, but you can see it! That's so great that the echo went well, and one less thing to worry about! Woohoo!

  6. I love seeing those images used this way! Great collage....and so much fun with the Rock Candy, isn't it?

  7. A lovely card, i just love tim vintage papers, there so fun :D

  8. I like that you made a card using the techniques.

  9. Lovely card, great choice of papers!

  10. Beautiful and festive card! Love the papers and I can see the shimmer just fine!

  11. Hello, sweet Helen! I love your pretty, sparkly, vintage Christmas card! Isn't that paper fabulous for making really elegant cards in no time at all?? The piece you chose is one of my favorites i the whole stack.

    I"m so glad you got a good report form the doctor! Now THAT'S a great Christmas gift, yes? I hope you have a magical holiday, and that Santa brings you lots of craft treats!


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