Wednesday 24 November 2010

WOYWW 24.11.10

Hello, fellow WOYWWers - standard phrase to follow - I can't believe it's Wednesday again already. By the time you read this (unless you are real early birds) I will probably be sitting in a(nother) queue at the hospital waiting for more blood tests!   Got to fast from 9pm Tuesday  - and not even a cup of tea first thing in the morning. Yikes, not sure I'll cope with that!!

Some of you may have seen that I got an appointment for the referral to the neuro clinic - next March..... (so presumably it's not life threatening!), whatever is causing my blurred vision!  So I have decided not to worry - although getting a call from my GP surgery asking me to go for a follow up (been tonight) freaked me out a bit.  Hence the blood tests and as routine will also be sent for an echo-cardiogram to make sure my heart is ok.  She didn't seem too worried about the heart murmur though, so I think it is just precautionary.  (You never know what they will find though...)

Anyway, onto proper things, that you will (may be) interested in!! What is on my workdesk tonight (as usual preparing this on a Tuesday night) Well.  Nothing actually, although I have got some more Christmas cards made - had a bit of a blitz at the weekend. 

 (paper from Tim's Seasonal Stack) Chilly - great snowman by Stampotique.
I got the singing hedgehogs done!
 Oops, went shopping again. Not had a chance to use the Art Parts (Wendy Vecchi) yet, but Chilly you can see above!
Here's a treat for you - my pile of WendyVecchi and Tim Holtz stamps - they live here in the corner of my sofa! The earliest Wendy ones are in a binder which is STILL not decorated! The rest are just in huge rings to hold them together.
You can see my new glasses case - the reading ones had to be sent for re-adjustment (they seemed to be focussing when I hold a book at arms length - which I don't - although they were ok for the computer! so they are being redone now) Having to make myself wear the distance ones, it's hard to get used to them so far! The TV is much clearer though.....  And the book "Rebels and Traitors" I nearly finished in surgery (had a LONG wait tonight for my appointment.) It's a novel set at the time of the English Civil War, a period I studied for History A Level back in the late 70's (yeh, I know, showing my age) and which I loved. It is a very good book, I recommend it to anyone fond of historical novels.
And finally, a gift I received from Lynn Stevens who had a blog giveaway recently and whilst I didn't win the main giveaway, she had some RAK's for some extra bloggers.  Thanks again, Lynn!  I love that lace! Check out her fab blog, if you don't know it!
Sorry I have rambled on again, hope you are still with me! Check out the other desks here - there were over 150 last week and I am sorry I didn't get to you all - I did my best! Thank you to all of you who left me comments, I appreciate them all, and to my new followers, welcome.


  1. Hiya ,
    Love all your crimbo cards my you have been a busy bee!Hope echo goes ok for you im sure it will be fine,and March will be here before you know it!
    Have a wonderful wednesday hugs judex#3

  2. Hospitals are the vain of my DH and my lives just now too. Love the hogs. (12)

  3. Looks like you have been really busy with Christmas preparation... well done you.
    I hope all your medical probs will be sorted very soon.
    Chrissie #5

  4. Aww tests can be such a worry. But if they arent concerned, be comforted by that! Hope all sorted for you soon
    Try not to worry too muhc

    Great card on your desk

    Happy WOYWW mandi x

  5. Hope all goes well with the tests - and I echo what Mandi says.

    Love your singing hedgehogs and the sofa shelf. That photo of the fountain is spectacular; the angle is just perfect.

    Bernie #11

  6. HMMM. I can't decide if this is good news or not so good news. I hope you get your heart murmur straightened out. And your vision could be connected to your blood problems. I'm early, but you may already be gone. I will keep you in my thoughts during the day (yours). And I must admit. You have more stamps in that blue book than I own or probably ever will own. I am in total awe!

  7. Hope you are not sitting too long and that the outcome is a good one.

    Cannot get over those stamps - what a lot you got!

    Thanks for sharing - happy WOYWW. #27

  8. Helen, great set of stamps, and you seriously haven't opened that bag of art parts:)) what you
    Glad the glasses help.. hugs to you
    Happy Woywwing!
    Jennie #23

  9. Love your cards on show today. Really hope all the hospital/blood tests come back ok. Stay positive. :-)
    A x

  10. Lots of lovely things on your desk Helen, You poor thing, I do hope everything goes well today. I will say a little prayer to your angels and they will be looking after you. Love your cards well done on getting so many done and also getting around so many desks! I will be getting that book as my partner loves all things historical. Big Hugs and lots of love
    ps yes blogger played up this morning but there is a picture now but not the original shame. xxx Jo*24*

  11. Hope all goes well with your tests.
    Love the finished Hedgehog cards.
    Susan xxox #12

  12. love your new goodies. And your snowmen are definately chilly looking. I'm glad the sun is shining through my window.

    hope all goes well with your tests and you get well fast

    be blessed
    from Angela #68

  13. No tea? *thud*

    Hope it all goes well for you today and you get home in reasonable time.

    Am in shock at all your Wendy Vechii /Mr Holtz folders. I've only had one of mine (I have a massive TWO!) less than a year and already they stamps are stamping to not stick to the white card anymore - I do use them a lot but is it something I've done? I just clean them by running them under water... cos I use paint on them... have I just answered my own question?

  14. Hope they sort you out successfully and you can put all this in the past. Nonetheless it's good to see that it hasn't stopped your creativiy and you are still crafting. Lovely stuff there. Good luck and happy WOYWW!
    JoZarty x

  15. Hi ya
    hope all goes well with the test, gorgeous cards, luv ya pile of stash,have great day, happy WOYWW sue,x (16)

  16. ooh stash, creativity and shopping too - great combination!
    Victoria (#55)

  17. Great cards & loving all those stamps.

  18. Hi, hope all goes well at the hospital and they don't keep you too long:0) Great hedgehog carolers, going to be lovey Chrisstmas cards. Look at all your lovely stamps, green with envy here:0) xx

  19. Love your cards, all the best for your hospital appointments. I've spent far too much time in hospitals so completely empathise :D (43)

  20. Cute hedgehogs! Sorry about the blurred vision. Nothing worse. Best of luck with the tests - march seems ages to have to live with that. And lovely lot of stamps and very organized. Have a great WOYWW

    Mary Anne (7)

  21. Wow Helen you have been busy with the old Christmas cards, I really do like that snowman. Like the art parts, not weakened yet for those. How many Tim and Wendy stamps do you have, you put me to shame LOL. Good luck with the appointments Helen, thinking of you. Tracy Evans x x

  22. Hi Helen

    Hope all goes well, sending you love and hugs. Sure everything will be fine.

    B x

  23. There is nothing more worrying than having to worry about health issues you're not quite sure about! Er did you understand that?! LOL
    Great pile of stamps ;) Got to do that fasting lark myself for tomorrow's blood test!!
    xoxo Sioux

  24. OMG March??? Well thats the NHS for you! I hope that you at least see better with those new glasses! Your Christmas cards are lovely ! I envy all those Wendy Vecchi and TH stamps - I have only 1 plate from each!!!

  25. Hiya Helen

    thats an impressive set of stamps! my stash lives on my sofa too lol, I need a room of my own! I hope March whizzes round quickly for your appt


  26. Everyone's started their xmas cards and I've not even started yet! Aaaargh! Maz (65) x

  27. Love the Christmas cards. I have my stamps in lots of Really Useful plastic boxes - you've got a great collection!!

  28. Hope all goes well with the tests, I know from experience how stressful it can all be. Loving your collection of crafting bits, I'm so envious of how many cool things everyone has! xx Becky (#100)

  29. That's quite a collection of stamps. Congrats on winning Lynn's giveaway.

  30. Love the carol singing hedgehogs and that fabulous collection of stamps on your sofa - perhaps we can have a closer peek at those next time!

  31. Great little Christmas cards - esp hedgehog one! Hope tests all ok and you are soon on top form.

  32. Now that's a pile of Tim Holtz stamps! Congrats on winning Lynn's blog giveaway! Beautiful leaves! Thanks for commenting on my workdesk. # 66

  33. Love the way you store your stamps, love those hedgehogs, Penny Black HAS to be my favourite !!

    Have a Happy WOYWW
    ((Lyn)) #54

  34. Rebels and Traitors sounds just lke my kind of read. I love historical novels. Is it by Lindsey Davis?
    You might like this one. 'Mayflower' by Nathaniel Philbrick. It's a story of courage,community and war.

  35. Thanks for the look at your stash - fab collection of stamps ! Hope the test results bring you some peace of mind ! Have a fun crafty week ! Ali x

  36. Hope you got on okies hun... big hugs x

  37. Hope your blood tests go ok - love your stack of stamps on the sofa - thanks for the nose x #127

  38. Super cute Christmas cards.. I need to get more done myself..

    Shirley Pumpkin #47

  39. hope your tests go ok. gotta love the hedgies.

    have a wonderful wednesday.
    caroline #2

  40. Oooh I love your Christmas cards.. especially the first one, it's a lovely fun card! :)

    And how jealous am I at your big pile of stamps?! :)

    Thanks for sharing.

    Ali #87

  41. I sure like your singing hedgehogs!
    Hope those appointments at the hospital are over soon and that all your tests come back clear. I hate not to know what's going on! I wish for you that this will be over soon.

  42. Love the finished hedgehogs! That's a crazy amount of stamps and I love that you keep them on your sofa! Too funny!

  43. I see you have a production line going too! Great cards! Hope all well with your eye now xx

  44. Love these cards you have made. And what a treasure trove of stamps.


  45. Enjoyed the glimpse into your stamping life. Great piccies and cards. wishing you better health and fewer trips to the MD and hospital. They do take their toll, but I have faith in your positive attitude. Congrats on the lucky gift from Lynn. Hugs.
    A little inkling

  46. Afternoon, Lovely exciting desk and great Christmas cards on the go and great stash of stamps! Trying to catch up and have a nose at everyone's work areas.....thanks for sharing. Big hugs JO xxx (33)

  47. Helen, you ramble on if you want to. Any health problems can be a worry but if the timescale for an appointment is next March it looks like the appointment is precautionary. Fingers crossed for you.

    All I will say is - I want to come and play with those stamps. I've only got one set of Tim's but would LOVEEEEEEEEE them all along with his paper etc etc. Oh I can dream. Thanks for sharing your workspace with us. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 42)

  48. Good grief, how many wendy vecchi stamps have you got?? and you use them all? I'm just a bit green here...
    Hope you are sorted with your eye problems soon... how can they make an appointment for next march when you can't see now? Its insane!!

  49. My goodness, that's a serious amount of stamps! Great images on your desk - love the singing hedgehogs. Elizabeth #44

  50. Hay Helen, loving your chilly card, think i need that stamp lol
    Hope your tests are all ok and they find and treat whats wrong, sending hugs x

  51. Sorry hear that you're not well, hope they can start a treatment soon.

    The cards and the rubber pile are fabulous, wow, wish I could play with them!

    Big hugs
    Maarit #96

  52. i hardly got to any desks this week and i'm trying to get to a few before the next post! hope you get well soon!


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