Sunday 21 November 2010

Simon Says - Show us What Makes you Happy

Well, what makes me happy at this time of year, is getting my Christmas cards made! And so for this week's Simon Says Challenge  "show us whatever makes you happy", I thought I'd show you one of my quick and simple makes this year - with all that is going on I haven't done any really fancy ones yet!

This is a new Stampotique stamp - Jo Capper-Sandon's "Chilly" snowman, who came to live with me just this week!
 The background paper is by Paperartsy and the little Happy Christmas stamp is from Impression Obsession.
I've done a few of these, very slightly different - think I'm up to about 40 now, so hopefully only half as many to go - must write the list out so I know how many I need to get to!!

Hope you are all ok.  I had the appointment through for the neuro clinic referral about my eye - next March! In the meantime I have been phoned by my GP surgery who have heard from the hospital, and have to go on Tuesday for some more blood tests etc to make sure there are no other underlying health issues. I got my glasses - trying to adapt to the distance ones, but the reading pair weren't right so have had to be sent for adjustment!  The saga continues.....



  1. Lovely card Helen, I really like this snowman and the background paper is gorgeous, lovely winter colour scheme. Tracy Evans x

  2. Hiya Helen, thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp and Show with your wonderfull Christmas card, simple but classy and usually simple gives you the most wonderfull creations as yours is. Hope to see ya again sooon. Hugs Terry xxxx

  3. My favourite colours on this card, I love it. xx

  4. wow you have made a ton of cards. I love this card. Annette x

  5. March...oy....
    Wonderful card, I love the snowman!

  6. Hi Helen

    On the positive side if your appointment is not till next Marchm they can'e be overly worried. I think they do blood test as a matter of normaility nowadays, I was amazed having them done when I went for a recent eye appointment.

    Loving your "simple" blue Chrismtas card. Blue seems to be the 'in' colour this year.

    And yippe, 3 - 0 and without Stevie. I to was worrited, but equally worried that we always seen so reliant on him. Puts a huge burden on his shoulders, but he has such a wonderful ability to lift the team and the fans. Just like Istanbul, when was it 2005.

    B x

  7. Nowt wrong with simple cards Helen when they're as lovely as this, fun image :-)
    Anne xx

  8. Hi there, just popped over from Julia's loved your comment on the glitter!
    You have 'Chilly' I really would love it if he came to live at my house too:0)
    Like very much what you have done with him:0)
    Sorry to see you are having health problems and have to wait till March to see the specialist(not surprised though)appointments seem to be like gold dust now :0) xx

  9. Great snowman! Love your card design!


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