Wednesday 1 September 2010

WOYWW sixtysomething -1st September

Hello, fellow snoopers, it's Wednesday again - and September already! We meet here at Julia's each wonderful Wednesday so we can be sent off round the world checking up what each other have been up to.

This week here on the floor, a couple of stamps fell into my online shopping basket at The Artistic Stamper and shock, I've had them since Saturday and not mounted them up yet. And those cute little suitcases to alter...

Also, is a sort of Tag Tuesday tag that I'm not sure about yet.
(theme, butterflies) Am not very good with acetate.... so the finished entry may be something completely different (as Monty Python would tell us)

Some many weeks ago, I mentioned being a bit of a book-a-holic - and Carmen said, show us, I love books too.
Ok. brace yourselves. This is one of the overflows that won't fit into any of the already overful bookcases in my very crowded flat - and the reason I can't craft on what is still laughingly called the 'dining room' table!!! You should see the piles in the bedroom. I can't stop buying books!! I know I should go to the library, but I like the feel of new clean books too much. Ready? Don't say I didn't warn you.
Much as I have a list of my stamps in a binder (that I take to stamp shows, so I don't duplicate), I have a spreadsheet for my books.   And yes, they are bottles of wine at the back by the wall, left by my ex many years ago, and don't ask me why I never drank them.  Suspect they will be like vinegar now and one day I will open then (plug on nose) chuck the contents and send the empties to the recycling. It's one of those things on the very long 'to do' list to sort out the flat, which greatly needs taking in hand (or I do, at least!)

Oh, and in case you missed it here, (with full deets),  this is the finished wedding card. They fly off to Italy later today.

It is probably going to be impossible for me to get in any snooping today at work, we will be thin on the ground in the office, so I will get to you when I can, later on, peeps. Thanks for checking in, sorry this is such a long, rambling post.


  1. Well, you certainly are a book-a-holic. But like me, the wine could sit there till hell froze over and I wouldn't touch it. However, wine doesn't spoil in the bottle, unless it's been opened. You might even have a bottle with a "vintage" year in the lot (grin).

    Happy 65th? WOYWW.

  2. oooh books.. yummy love books.. and err what do you mean you haven't mounted or used the stamps yet!!??? rofl.. Look forward to seeing what you do with them:))
    Happy Woywwing!

  3. Wow...that's a lot of books! Fab new stash, can't wait to see what you do with the suitcase...I think I may have to order one of those!

    Happy WOYWW.....xx

  4. I love that card and I declare you are a serious bookaholic :-)
    A x

  5. Wow wow look at all those books - how fabulous. Love the butterfly tag too :-)

  6. Ooh, would love to come snoop through your books - I'm a book fanatic, but fortunately, my son works for the Book People so I have the privilege of 'testing' the online basket, lol. I give mine away, though when finished cos I read WAY too many. Happy WOYWW!

  7. You could certainly be called a book lover, your lounge reminds me of my in-laws house, there wasn't a spare bit of wall that didn't have book shelves on, they had thousands. Love the tag.

  8. Don't work too hard and when you get home, put your feet up and read one of your books.
    Luv Joanne xx

  9. WOW WOW WOW you sure have heaps and heaps of books, Gotta say tho I do love a book just need the time! Love the suitcases I really must get one of them to alter. Joey.x

  10. wow so many books. I love books. I bought 29 in August, mostly second hand though.

  11. Hurry up with the stamps Helen...I need to copy!! Also just as I was getting dressed this morning, an article on the radio was telling me that this is the best time of year to de-clutter - makes you feel that winter isn't closing in apparently. I'd rather just talk about it, thanks! Am a bit jealous of your book collection too.

  12. I really love the butterfly!! Thanks for the peek :)

  13. Books and wine couldnt ask for much more lol. I think ive only got a quarter of that amount of books.
    Kate x
    PS get them stamps mounted and inked up you know you want to :0)

  14. Hi ya
    funny how things fall in our baskets!! Im with you can't beat the feel n smell of a book in your hands, my gr was gona buy me one of them computer books!!! NO THANKS.
    gorgeous card, Have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  15. I just wrote a lovely long reply for blogger to eat it up argh!!!! Love the books I am a fan of yummy smelling new books

    Love Dawn xx

  16. The stamps look realy interesting. What have you got planned?....we will find out eventuall.

    I think that you cannot have enough books. Are som eof them design books?

    best wishes

    sue xx

  17. i have a LOT of books too and it's hard to resist buying more. but old ones are just as wonderful to me.

  18. Totally agree with you on the new books thing! I stopped borrowing books from the library after a dead spider fell out of one into my lap! New books are definitely the way to go! hehe. Love the wedding card, it's fab

  19. You are going to have to open your own book shop!

    ** Kate **

  20. Hiya !

    Like your new stamps and tag, the wedding card is lovely and boy do you have lots of books! He, he you can't beat me though as I have a whole library full of them!

  21. Fab pile of books, I have a few overflow piles myself so I can relate to that piccy!

  22. Oh my goodness ... look at those books :0) Where exactly do you find the time????

  23. Your tag looks great I love the way the acetate shows the colours. Aw your books look fab. I love a good book while I am away in the caravan.

  24. Can I come and play at your house? I'll be very quiet and sit in a corner and read, you won't even notice I am there I promise!

  25. my goodness that is a lot of books!!! Happy woyww xx

  26. I hope you have time to read all those new books in between crafting. There may be some bottles of sheer nectar amongst that wine. It never gets to be vintage in my house and I can't afford to buy vintage!
    JoZarty x

  27. Everyone needs books, even loads and loads and loads of books like you have! And well done for being so organised about what you have. If that was my house there would be a good few duplicates in there

  28. Those new stamps are fab - have fun playing. I too love books and always vowed that I would never get rid of any but I have had to start decluttering - have given about 200 away to a charity recently and still dont seem to have made any more space! Havent been reading too much though since DS2 but funnily enough this summer I have made some more time and am now enjoying reading Hamish MacBeth. Wine certainly never gets to be vintage in my house - in fact it never even has time to get dusty!

  29. OMG Helen you dont need to go to a library.. you are a library lol

    and if there is any red wine you should be ok, if its good stuff it usually gets better with age

  30. Books, wine and stash, what could be better? lol! I'd be drinking those babies. Think about it. Then you could put metal on the empty bottles for home decor, with some hot pick flowers in them...just a thought. rofl.

  31. I would have said that there wouldn't have been any room in your flat for anything if it wasn't crafty but obviously I was wrong.... very wrong!! I love books too, but I started using the library to save money... only I now spend the saved money on craft stuff instead! Hey ho, such is life!!


  32. Oh my you do have a lot of books! Some one I know is cutting up books to make back into a tree....Hmm, that sounded better in by head. I do know very strange people. Have a good woyww, I'm very late getting linked today

  33. A lovely space and amazing amount of books. I find it hard to throw any books out and have shelves in my craft room full of them - they are all doubled up on the shelves (which are now tipping forward with the weight)!
    As for the wine - give it a try - but dont open too close to your stash!

  34. Enjoyed your post and all the pics of your new stamps, latest creations and all those lovely books.


  35. oh wow how many books,gosh and those stamps oh they are just lush,hope you get to play soon,hugs cheryl xxxx

  36. I can relate to your overflowing book shelves and book table. I'm a book-aholic myself.

  37. That is a lot of books....
    Love the new stamps.


  38. Wow Helen I have never seen so many books before apart from in a Library LOL. You could use some in your artwork LOL with die cut Tattered Florals, I can here you shrieking now. I'm still amazed at how much stuff you have and now you say it's in your bedroom too LOL. Have a good day, Tracy Evans x

  39. Hi,
    I'm visiting from last weeks so a little late tee hee!
    I really like your tag & wedding card.
    PS I have candy!!

  40. There is something great about a brand new book and don't even get me started on bookshops! Have u heard of thats like a library by post, it really is a great idea but it does mean lots of trips to the post office! I thought those stamps look familiar n they look just ur style too, njoy!

  41. WOW What a lot of books you have, they are amazing. Love some of them too. Thanks for the look round. Jennie has done well this week cause a few of us seem to have accidentally had stuff jump in baskets there!!! LOL
    Love Hazelxoxo

  42. I decluttered my book collection a few years ago's a difficult one!
    xoxo Sioux

  43. thanks for sharing your crafty corner helen and wow look at all those books...hugs kath xxx

  44. hahaha Carmen - Trust her to get you to admit your sins....wait till I get to HER desk!!

    give them away

    or you will never have any space -

    dare you - we have reduced to four walls filled with full book shelves - anything of value financial or emotional(our first editions/gifts, etc) we keep - the rest are sent to's quite liberating to get space back...

    really really - will you read them over and over - ???


  45. Your desk surprises me every week we know that you are a secret book collector too!!! Have you read them all?


  46. Great snoop hun! Happy WOYWW Hugs Tina xx

  47. Great stamps, lovely tag, Wow...lots of books! ~jeni :)

  48. Hey Helen, thanks for stopping by my blog. Lovely looking new stash and wow thats some pile of books!
    hope you had a great WOYWW!

  49. That is a bunch of books! You are like my hubby. Love the stamps and tag.

  50. Great willpower with the wine, it wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes with me around ha ha!

  51. so crack open a bottle of that wine, mount those stamps and start playing then you can kick back and read! LOL
    most important enjoy every moment!

  52. I'll be round to yours! A glass of wine and a good book is my idea of a great night in!!!

  53. My word you and an ex Fiance of mine could be twins! He had a stash of books so high you couldn't see past it and I was always lecturing him on the benefits of the library too. But like you he preferred to buy his own.

    Loving that congratulations stamp on your wedding card. Very artistic.

    Lin xx

  54. After I picked my jaw off my desk I just sat and laughed at your dining room table. Absolutely brilliant! And I can so understand it. My library is directly opposite my house. Seriously. Open door, walk across zebra crossing and about 10 steps away is the library. STILL I am drawn to the book shelves in Tescos. I agree with what Doone said about the liberation of books though. I used to have... maybe not as many as you but a fair few. Had to get rid of some of mine because we just literally have no space. Kept my favourites and pressies etc... so much more space, which I promptly filled with stash. AHAA! Took all mine to the Macmillan stand at the hospital. CAn't do that now because of the stoopid superbugs going around apparantly.

  55. now that's a lot of books and I love your tag!

  56. I understand the book thing... I am having to give up a few or we won't fit in the house soon. Well not quite that bad. Please show us your tag when you decide it is finished, I do like the acetate! As for the wine... if it were mine it would most likely be in the same place!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving your kind words.

  57. First off, I love the wedding card! Too sweet!
    As for books, ah, yes, I can smell the new books! lol Now that I have retired, I mainly have to buy used books, and they just lack something, maybe its the new smell? haha

    Have fun, and looks to me like you still have some stacking room!

    Hugs, Pat

  58. Good grief, that is one huge pile of books!! I presume this the read pile? Love your wedding card, very stylish!!

  59. Love the look of your new stamps but, blimey, I can't get over that pile of books. You must be a speed reader. I think it'd take me a lifetime or two to get through so many!!!!
    Hugs Lisax

  60. The books look great. Maybe you should stack them to form a sculpture? That way you could kill two birds with one stone.

  61. I can wholeheartedly empathise with the book thing you have going on - my place is similar, though the overflow remains in boxes in the loft rather than on the dining room table..... oh wait.... we don't have a dining room table.LOL Maybe that's why! Love the stamps and the suitcases!

  62. Gosh Hel, you are amazing with your disclosures (lol) - now books - what else have you got stash away....I wonder!?!?!?


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