Thursday 2 September 2010

Tag Tuesday - Butterflies

This week's Tag Tuesday challenge is butterflies. Now, those of you who follow my blog regularly may not be surprised to hear  that I have a fair few (ha ha) butterfly stamps.... So which images to use and what to feature on the tag?

I started a tag that featured on my WOYWW post yesterday that a) I wasn't convinced about; and b) I didn't think was finished, so tonight I started another one, hoping that something would hit me. (figuratively speaking of course).

So I've ended up with 2 tags!
The bottom one is the first one - mustard seed and peeled paint DI's, the small Wendy Vecchi butterfly and an acetate butterfly (from Craftwork Cards) that I used alcohol inks on and Tim H's alphabet stamp on the front (well, it was going to be the back till I forgot about reversing letters.....) Not sure what kind of acetate this is, but I had the devil of a job to get the alcohol inks dry (in fact it's still smudging 2 days later....)

When I was looking for different images today, I found a couple of Stampendous butterfly stamps.  The one I have added to the acetate butterfly is part of a stamp called Buttefly Safari and but I only stamped the butterfly and coloured with Twinkling H2O's. I wasn't going to put it on here, but it didn't seem to 'go' with the other tag....
If I hadn't already stuck the acetate down, I'd have done something else to the tag for a better background. I didn't want to use the sequin waste again. Ah, hindsight!!

This tag is today's effort and the tag is coloured with wild honey DI and spritzed with both water and a perfect pearl/DI reinker mix, before swooshing the tag through it several times. Once dry, I stamped the'sketch butterfly' (also Stampendous) several times and coloured with twinkling h2o's again - well, they were out!!

I have then added rusty hinge DI through some sequin waste and an extra butterfly on a scrap of cardstock.  Spent ages trying to find a suitable sentiment to add, but in the end just used this Impression Obsession 'dream'. Some multicoloured ribbon finished it off. Although I really should learn to tie decent bows.
So, you takes your pick, you make your choice.  Still not sure about the first one, but I thought I may as well add it anyhow!


  1. I like them both, really. I love the AI on the butterfly on the first, and I love the sequin waste background on the second, so I like them both! Great job!

  2. They both look wonderful.. Well done..

  3. Hi helen

    I'd never have guessed you like butterfly stamps ! We are probably equal pegging on that one, but you can usually find a place for one on most creations.

    B x

  4. I love your colorful butterflies and tag. Love the sentiment, too (reminds me of myself -- I only ride my bike at night when no one in the neighborhood can see:)

  5. Great work on both tags. My favorite is the first. Hope you will come by and visit. Have a blessed week. Debbie


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