Wednesday 11 August 2010

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday - week 62

Hi, all.  Wow, last week took some getting round - but lovely to see you all and thanks again for so many of you dropping by here too.

I'm not quite sure where this week has gone to (again!) I've been having fun with some challenges (see Monday and Tuesday posts) especially the great Linda E's new Simon Says Stamp and Show - do have a go if you haven't already! There is a great prize up for grabs.

Anyhow, this is my work desk as I was getting ready for bed Tuesday night and it won't be any different till I get home from work on Wednesday - a load of empty business card boxes I "rescued" from work - imagine, they were going in the bin!  I love these ones especially because they don't have holes in the bottom!  I tend to use these for things like buttons and washers and things, so they'll be really useful.

Also, "Eric" from my Tag Tuesday post is hanging around in my beautiful easel, although in the end I scanned him for the challenge picture!! (the light was too bad to get a close up)

I was recently sorting out a box of patterned papers that was getting very crowded and divided them into two (apart from the A4 and 12x12 papers which are in a box by the side of the sofa under a load of other stuff that is a pain to move each time I need a large sheet of paper - there has to be a better solution!)

These are all papers from Craftwork Cards and in front are some chip shapes (mostly Maya Road) and some double arches from Paperartsy that I am really looking forward to decorating.

Don't forget to stop by at Julia's to catch this blog-hopping extravaganza and follow the links round the world to see what everyone - it seems like - in the world - has been up to this week!

I'm going to Stevenage on Sunday for the Stamperama show - so there may be some new stash on view next week!!  (May be, she says.....!!!)  I love this show, because although it's small, it is always good - and I can get home in time for the Liverpool v Arsenal game at 4pm - yes, football season is here again - yippee......


  1. Hi Helen, See you have been creative again. Lucky you getting all those boxes for free !! I normally buy mine from Craftbarn and then put all my little beads,brads in different colours in them. You are lucky to be going to Stevenage this weekend. The stamp addict girls are lovely. Have a nice WOYWW. Hugs Jo.

  2. Hi Helen, nice boxes.. I always seem to get the ones with holes in! Do come and say hello at Stamperama, we have lots going on.:))
    Have a great day
    Hugs x

  3. I can see lots of uses for those cute boxes. And FREE is always good. It was smart of you to rescue them. Have a wonderful WOYWW.

  4. Cor... how many papers??? I will be at Stevenage on Sunday too hun... Hope we can catch up for a natter... and you get to do the Make n Take this time :O))

  5. You can never have enough boxes
    :0) well i cant need more in fact lol.
    Kate x

  6. What a great pile of free boxes - have fun filling them! also love the pile of chipboard books - I have a pile like that too and one day I will get around to decorating them I am sure!

  7. Well I am off to raid the desks of colleagues for their business card boxes today, I know I have a few in my draw too.

    Thanks for the idea and sharing your desk


  8. Hi Helen
    oh more boxs to fill!! lovely tag, have great day on sunday, good spend up to fill ya boxs!! have great day, sue,x

  9. How lucky are you to have all those business card boxes - great to have a look at your photographs.

  10. Me too and those little acrylic boxes, I'm cheered by snaffling them, like treasure! I love your tag and am very impressed by your new box of organisation - love the chip shapes. Have fun in Stevenage. What am I saying - be moderate in Stevenage!!

  11. Great adoption of the boxes, they will be fabbie for storage.

    I might go to Sevenage on Sunday too.

  12. I think Eric and his tag says it all, but it's other people you have to convince! The boxes will be so useful, I have to hae see thro so I can see inside with out pulling them all out! have a great woyww!

  13. Ohhh I just love Eric !! Fab stash !!

  14. well done on the rescue mission, I only have one card box that size, but it is a very handy size. Great tag, love the stamp.

  15. After reading your post, I wanted to say that our NIGHTS are in the mid to high 80s. It has never had a chance to cool these last few weeks. Like you, I hate heat. This has been a really bad summer with several records set. Thanks for making me remember that 80 as a high would be wonderful!

  16. Oh great rescue Helen, you can never have too much storage.
    Also a fabby tag.. reminds me i have 2 new stamps that need a good inking!

    and come on the pool {not a big footy fan but i too support liverpool x}

  17. Those boxes are so useful, well done you for rescuing them. I just love the Eric tag, it makes me laugh. I'd like to see you not spend any money at Stevenage, an impossibility, lol xx

  18. Those boxes r ace, aren't they? I found a compliment slip sized one when I was tidying up at work, sadly I orgnaised my desk drawer with it instead! Have fun at your show!

  19. Business card boxes are soooo useful - I can't believe people throw them out!
    I save stuff ('too much stuff' says my oh, lol) 'just in case' or 'it might come in useful'
    Thanks for mentioning Stamparama - I hadn't realised that was on - might be worth a trip....

  20. Great bit of rescuing there Helen, very useful little boxes :-) Love the 'Eric' tag. Ooh loads of lovely chippy bits to adorn.
    Anne xx

  21. Gosh you are getting yourself organized, the little boxes will be glad not to be going in the bin! The storage of 12 x 12 made me smile - I keep mine in the same place. Enjoy Stevenage. ikki

  22. enjoy your stamperama show and do us all proud with the retail therapy look forward to seeing your stash
    thanks for the snoop

    Kate x

  23. Well done for grabbing the boxes :)
    Bet the arches look fab when decorated...have fun at the's a bit far for me...wish I was going sounds a great show.
    xoxo Sioux

  24. I would have rescued those boxes too!

    ** Kate **

  25. Morning Helen! Eric's looking fab! Hope you have a fantastic time at the show on sunday and get to pick up lots of bargains!
    Hope you have a wonderful WOYWW!

  26. great rescue hun, have fun filling them :0)
    *hugs* Heather x

  27. Fab tag! I would have rescued the boxes too, they must be great for storage.


  28. Morning Helen well done for rescuing the little boxes can't wait to see them filled. Awe, I love your tag. Eric is so cool. Have fun on Sunday. Yeah! Up the Reds. :)

  29. Hiya Helen

    I think I would have rescued those boxes too! ove the tag


  30. Great array of stash there ... and I am going to Stevenage too ... and I have a little belated birthday something for you :0)

  31. Beautiful project - enjoy the show!

  32. Hi Helen, love the tag for Tag Tuesday, only just had a go at this one for the first time today. What a great find from work too, they would be great for all those bits and bobs. Eh you have been organising, you will be coming over to the dark side soon with me, the tidy freak LOL. Have a good day, Tracy. P.S. love the sound of those arches too.

  33. Well done getting those boxes. I love recycling especially when it's crafty stuff I can use. Nice craft and neat storage, thanks for the peek!

  34. Hi Helen, great boxes and love all of that chipboard! I love Eric the tag, I must join in, hugs Heidi xx

  35. Love your paper box!


  36. Eric looks great! I have some candy :0), would love you to have the chance to win, it's Here

  37. oh loving all the goodies,here,love that tag you have on your desk,brill image,hugs cheryl xxxxx

  38. Great little boxes. I use the ones with holes in the bottom for ATCs. Nice little stash of chipboard and arches.


  39. Business card boxes are great. Unfortunately mine are still full of business cards! enjoy Stamperama, I've never been to the later one, always the feb/jan one. Is it just christmas stuff or just general still. Have fun either way!

  40. So much look for you that you could save those boxes! They look very useful indeed and we could all use some storage space don't we? And your papers look so organised! Amazing
    Have a nice day!
    ** Evi **

  41. Love the little boxes - are they atc size? - Jacqueline xx.

  42. Great space, those little boxes look just the job for itty bitty crafty stuff. Love your tag.

  43. oh i love free stuff and you're right those boxes are perfect for little things. eric looks so cute!

  44. Love your Eric tag - fabby dabby. Great boxes, too - can't wait to see what you do with them. I'm a bit like that, I'm afraid - rescuing junk - but I often end up having to bin it in the end, anyway. Too many ideas and not enough time!!!!!!!!! Happy WOYWW!

  45. Have a look at my blog and see what you think of my flat storage boxes for paper? It works for me ....

  46. It always makes it better when you get stuff for free!!
    Love that little tag!

  47. Hope you enjoy sorting and filling your new free boxes :-)
    A x

  48. I love the tag sooo much!! love the colour that you created on the background of the tag...
    what a soft colours ^_^

  49. Oooh, rescued boxes - that's a mania of mine, I looooove boxes. Don't actually DO anything with most of them, but hey, they might come in handy some day!!!!

    Love that tag too, stampotique freaky stamps are on my wish list!

    Julie :o)

  50. Great save on the little boxes and they are see through. Cutie tag also.

  51. Fab little boxes and fab projects on your previous post,especially love the music one for Hels challenge.


  52. love little boxes you can never have too many

  53. Have fun at the show!!! I hope you get lost of fabulous goodies!

  54. I always collect those boxes from work too, they are so useful! Have fun at Stevenage... I'm saving up for Ally Pally

  55. hi sweetie, thanks so much for the bday've got tons of goodies..i need to find some cardboard albums too so i can scrap with my little cousins..k hoe u're having an awesome woyww! and enjoy the stamp show and i cant wait to see the goodies u get..xoxo hugs

  56. Who can resist such wonderful little boxes and for free too! Your papers look lovely and neat... should do something about mine which are piled up on the floor at the moment!

  57. Eric looks great in the easel!

  58. Hi Helen
    I have a couple of those little boxes too - very useful ! Enjoy the show & share your new stash with us next week !

  59. Hi Helen - Ive missed your space (FLOOR) so come by...

    The business cards were a great haul - can't believe what people throw away when us crafters see so much potential in everything!!! Prob why my garage is full to bursting!


    Paula x x x

  60. Those empty containers look really lonely, you better fill them up fast! lol! Another stamp show??? Holy cow! Well, I'll be anxiously awaiting the stash report!

  61. thanks for sharing your crafty space helen and look forward to seeing your stash purchases from stevenage..hugs kath xxx

  62. Loved seeing your stash and hope you find some wonderfulness at the show!

  63. Ooo shopping spree sounds great, bit far for me to come though!! Great little boxes, what madness some folk think " Going to throw them out" what does that mean???? From an offical hoarder!

  64. Those business card boxes look ace! What a waste that would have been to put them in a bin!

  65. Lovely snoop and loving your challenge entries Chanelle xx

  66. ohh great boxes you can never have enough things for storage, Have fun this weekend at the show.

    Thank you for your kind words on my blog too.

  67. Thank you for your visit. Great tag, I really should join in with the tag-ness!! Can't believe they were going to throw the business card boxes out - fab save!!

  68. Hooray for freebies - those little boxes will be so useful, maybe you'll be able to fill them with new goodies after your trip to Stamperama!

  69. Love the Eric tag & I'm drooling over your chipboard collection :)

  70. Ohh I have a Craftworks Cards addiction too!!! Love the stash, Hazelxox

  71. Love to see a reuse for those boxes. Love the tag.

  72. what are you like, football , pah. . .LOL I get those boxes from work as well unfortunately theyve gone all green and they come in cardboard now, boo hoo, I too have loads of paper nicely sorted but very rarely touched its like an old comfort blanket :)

  73. "I'm going to Stevenage on Sunday for the Stamperama show - so there may be some new stash on view next week!!" ...... THAT is the understatement of the century young lady!!! I'll be looking out for your news stash next week!


  74. Helen, thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I love WOYWW even though I've only recently joined it! I like your "Eric"!

  75. The tag is so cute. Those boxes are a great find too.

  76. Haha, the 'under the sofa' storage...
    I have the under my bed storage, in my towels closet storage...
    but beneath the couch houses board games.
    ...for now. :)

  77. I get all kinds of things left on my desk at work to use in crafting - boxes, coffee jars, plastic envelopes and shoe boxes. Maybe one day I'll actually use something!

  78. Hi Helen, i wish I had some of those little boxes, us crafters can never have enough storage can they lol xx

  79. Great boxes! Nice to see you work space.


  80. Look at all those lovely papers.. jealous! Robin


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