Thursday 8 July 2010

Penny Black at Allsorts - Summer Challenge

There's a new challenge site with Penny Black at Allsorts that launched this month, and the current theme is "A burst of summe colour".

I have made a birthday card with one of my favourite Penny Black stamps called "letters and flowers"
and this great quote stamp.

The background paper is from Art from the Heart.
I have decorated the paper flower with some chipped sapphire (which is what I used for the main image) and a flourish stamp (the only one that's not by PB) and some glitter.

Here's a slightly closer view.

I've got the day off work tomorrow, as I am going to Hampton Court Flower Show - normally I go with a friend but she's on holiday this week, so I;m going on my own.  Should be a good day - just watching the TV coverage at the moment. Wish the forecast wasn't for quite such a hot day, but you can't have everything - a couple of years ago it was nearly washed out!   Stop by my "photosbyh" blog hopefully at the weekend for the pictures.


  1. I'm johnny on the spot today! Well, this is a gorgeous card, the colors of the background are delish... and I love the glittery flower. Still hot here, too, I hate it. Supposedly some relief tomorrow. Have a good one at the show, drink lots of water! lol

  2. Lovely card, great colours and I have that sentiment, I love it. Hampton Court sounds lovely, I'm off to The Tatton Show this month and it's always a fab day. Have a good time, Tracy Evans x

  3. Hi Helen

    A really beautiful card with somm beautiful stamps, PB really do have some wonderful quotes don't they. And the flower one is a favourite of mine as well.

    I so hope you have a good day tomorrow, if the weather is like today is should be just right.

    Thank you for joining us at Penny Black at Allsorts this month and good luck.

    B x

  4. Lovely stamps and a great sentiment. Great card!

  5. Lovely card - beautiful colours and great quote

  6. What a lovely card! and great quote too!

  7. Simply Beautiful card. xx Zoe

  8. Love this card - the layout and the background colour just compliment that beautiful image.


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