Saturday 10 July 2010

A little bit of this, a little bit of....

I had a fab day at Hampton Court Flower Show yesterday (click the fountain on the side bar for my photo blog to see some of the 140+ photos I took..... ) but I was too hot to do anything when I got home.  I think I had too much sun as I felt quite dreadful for a while and couldn't eat anything for dinner!  However, I'm fine again today.

I started this tag on Thursday night, it was meant to be another shabby chic attempt but hasn't really worked as well as my first one! 

I used rusty hinge and wild honey smooshed on the craft mat for the bottom layer and the dandelion stamp I bought at Newbury (it's first outing, or should I say inking!)  For the top layer I've used an adirondack dabber, in clover.  I don't think I left it to dry enough before I wiped it off, so I added some perfect pearl reinker mix for a bit of fizz!      I overstamped the dandelion in black.   Rembemer how we used to blow the dandelion seeds when we were kids, counting the time? (it really annoyed my dad, spreading the seets round the garden, lol) That's the idea for this....    Hence, to finish it I found a metal clock (remember that red sheet I embossed on the wrong side - using it up, see!) and made a mini tag that I stamped 'wish' on (Wendy V)

I did put this photo from Hampton Court on my photo blog but can't resisit showing you here too - the name of the display meant I had to take the photo, don't you agree?!
Finally, today I had this belated birthday card from Paula - have to show you - with all she has going on I think it's fab that she's got time for such beauty!  Thanks, Paula, it is lovely.
Have a fun evening, keeping cool as best you can!


  1. How cool your art is Helen... and.. loving that pic from the flower show :O))

  2. I really like that dandelion stamp, whose is that Helen? Love flower stamps and that one is right up my street. Great tag and lovely colours. Like the shabby chic pic from Hampton Court. I watched it on tv instead, with my red hair and pale sking don't think the heat would have suited me. Hope it's cooler for when I go to Tatton. Tracy x

  3. Love this tag and the dandelion stamp is fabulous, great work.

  4. Love the use of the dandelion - and what memories you evoke - my dad was just the same!
    Love your HC pics.
    And thanks so much for the fab birthday card; bloomin thoughtful. Will blog about it when I eventually decide to un-display them!

  5. Beautiful tag! Love your image layering.

  6. Beautiful tag! Love your image layering.

  7. I really, really, love this tag, Helen! The colors are just gorgeous, and I love that stamp!

  8. Love love love your artwork - two of my favourite colours for the combo. This is really beautiful.
    Glad you enjoyed the flower show and thanks for the picture.


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