Tuesday 27 April 2010

Sneak preview of my desk on the floor

I've been working on the Tim Holtz Ruler book this week, some pages I'm ok with, some not so, so they may get tweaked some more before anyone sees them!  This, though, I quite like.

It's the cover, fairly obviously! I mentioned in a previous post that the first attempt at stamping the plaid background failed cos the distress ink I originally used wouldn't dry over the painted base coat!  This is an archival ink in coffee. 
The flowers are by Wendy Vecchi on grungepaper and inked with distress inks - forest moss and crushed olive forthe leaves, the rose is rusty hinge and I used the numbers and splatter backgrounds for two of the petal layers.  The large flower is one of my favourite images from the latest release of Wendy stamps and I used wild honey, with a light layer of distress stickles (rock candy) - the bottle is just about empty now.


  1. Wow grunge paper looks really interesting. I saw it on Tim's blog ages ago then never followed it up. I love your stuff-so utterly different from mine. Pity we haven't got a space transportery thing so we could pop over to each other's pads and have a play.Love Betty

  2. This is looking fantastic, love the colours you've used.

  3. Ooo I love that flower!!!!
    Lesley x

  4. Looks lovely, as I just posted on your WYOWW post, doh! Should have went here first! Love that plaid stamp, don't you? It's my fave, er, I mean, ONE of my faves....


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