Sunday 25 April 2010

Red Hearts full of Hope

(Well, Liverpool play in red and we need to win some games for a change...but we're not doing so at the time of writing!)
After the quite dark grungey tag yesterday, I am back with bright red - barn door in fact - for this square tag.
I did use a little rusty hinge in the centre for a bright spotlight. After inking, I used some spray (a perfect pearl/distress re-inker mix). The stamps are from the Tim Holtz "urban chic" set that arrived yesterday and I added some idea-ology and glitter.

As Hels' Sunday Stamper challenge lasts this week too, for her 100th challenge and she wants as many entries as possible, I am entering this with it's "free" theme.

**EDIT** it worked - we ended up winning 4-0! Yay!!!!


  1. Love the red and the stamping. I've just done a journal page and used the same sentitment and stamps.

  2. lovely artwork and congratulations on the 4-0 scoreline LOL. This colour looks fab in your artwork. Tracy Evans

  3. Well Helen I don't have a clue what URL I published there, oh dear, its Sunday and my brain has ceased to work LOL. By the way I love your Wednesday desk. You left a comment on mine saying I must hate your space, well I don't I love looking at all your stash, its great fun. Tracy x

  4. Woohoo gorgeous creation Helen. Love all the different elements. :)
    We have a happy household! DH has supported LFC all his life & of course our 2 boys now follow the reds. They couldn't celebrate too much tho this afternoon as we live too near Burnley & lots of our neighbours are BFC!! Great result.xx

  5. Ooo, love the barn red color here. That rock star stamp fits in with the barn red, RED HOT! lol Great work!

  6. Come on you Reds!!! lol!
    Love this piece Helen!
    Lesley x

  7. Fabulous tag Helen, love the colour :)
    Anne x

  8. Gorgeous tag Helen...lving those colours too..thanks for joining in with the Sunday Stamper again x

  9. Absolutely fabulous! Congrats on your team's win! x


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