Monday 5 April 2010

Slide Mailers

Several years ago I bought some slide mailers from Lin but haven't really used them much. So today - after I'd (whisper it) done some tidying up in my living-come-craft room (yes, I know!! check out the results on Wednesday) I came across some in a drawer.

The outside is coloured with chipped sapphire, the inside with tumbled sage.

I stamped Tim's mini flourish front and back in walnut stain and outlined some of the flourishes with a white Inkessentials pen, the "believe in  yourself" is Wendy's.

On the inside I used chipped sapphire for the flower border (Wendy Vecchi) and stamped the penny black Gandhi quote on a scrap of white card and stuck it inside the mailer, edging with glitter glue.

This is the finished piece - the Wendy heart is grungepaper coloured with barn red distress ink, some silver bling and rock candy distress stickles on the top part.
It kept me away from the chocolate for a while!!

Hope you've all had a great Easter.


  1. Hey, way to use up that stash, Helen! lol This is great! Love the colors you chose, and the flourish on the front is really cool with that white pen! Adding the heart was a great touch!

  2. Fab mailer Helen...I have some too...lurking in a drawer...guess I will find them when I finally pack up LOL Hey, while you are in tidying mode, dont spose you fancy helping me pack LOL x

  3. Love this, the colours you've used are fabulous. xx

  4. Love your slide mailer. I've never used these but what you've created is lovely. Just found your blog and, really like what you are doing here x

  5. Oh how lovely that is. Tidying? Horrors!


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