Tuesday 6 April 2010

simply butterflies

I made this tag yesterday evening (after the slide mailer in my previous post) but didn't get time to scan or upload it.

I used some bundled sage (for some reason I keep muddling the name of this with the tumbled glass one and want to call it tumbled sage...) over the tag, just lightly in the middle and wild honey (its so still my favourite!) in the middle and used Tim's numbers and Wendy's leaf border in the same colours.  I stamped some 4 small Wendy butterflies on white card, two in each colour, then cut them out and stuck them back to back and mounted them to the tag.  I stamped (yes, it's wonky, oops!) the message over the top. If I was doing it again, I'd stamp it separately and stick it on... doncha love hindsight!

Hope to play - sorry, make art - again tonight so I could be back.  If not, boy do I have a treat for you tomorrow...


  1. Oooh, intriguing.... I shall be sat here waiting now for the next post! Lovely tag, I love this colour combination

  2. Lovely tag, I like the butterflies, my favourite. Can't wait for what's to come.... xx

  3. Sure, keep us in suspense. Love the colors on this tag, where can I get Tumbled Sage? lol Too funny. Like the addition of the butterflies!


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