Wednesday 31 March 2010


Well, I have doodled my way through the footie this evening, not really concentrating on either properly!  I don't think I like it - the doodle, that is - I think I was - thinking too much about it, but for a first effort I suppose it's ok...  and I don't think I used the right kind of pen.  Looking at it now it's scanned, I think there is too much white space.. hey ho!!


  1. Amazing.... my sort of doodling consists of square boxes with crossesinside, usually done whilst hanging on the phone waiting for the next operator to be free..... aaargh

  2. wow! this looks fab - very effective and I bet it was fun to do, too

  3. It's wonderful, I don't think it matters how much white space you have. The first is the worst, I'm totally hooked, got a journal just for the Zentangles, love it. xx

  4. Just because there's more white than others doesn't mean it's not good, I think it looks great :) Know what you mean about thinking too much about it though that's probably what I'd do. Must have a go though.
    Anne xx

  5. well I love it!

  6. Well done ...from one new doodler to another. I really dont think it matters how much white there is and if you are not happy add a bit more background. Have a look at lots of work on the net varies so much any other craft. As for my remark about being able to draw is an advantage for some of the patterns that benifit from depth. Love that you used a circle and broke it into sections to start with....what a good idea.

  7. Great use of different patterns...I find it hard to come up with the variations!!

  8. VERY cool Helen! *smiles*

    Thanks for stopping by and checking my zentangles out as well. I find this form of doodling very relaxing!

  9. Brilliant Helen - and I like the space!!!!
    Lesley x

  10. Helen, from one doodler to an other I think it is great, reminds me of a round quilt, and woulod make a great stamp! I would buy it!

  11. Hey Ho! I think it's GREAT! You people that do these Zentangles are killin' me by how great it comes out the first time! I haven't tried it, but I don't think it would come out this good! Fantastic, Helen!

  12. billige uggs igvytyra ugg norge lbogyqxf ugg sko vszqxyjl ugg dptvnewm uggs australia iwdkzite uggs norge nziqhwvx uggs p? nett hyqweese uggs sko dshggoee uggs mvghpqlv


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