Wednesday 31 March 2010

WOYWW 31.3.10 - it's not Wednesday AGAIN, surely??

Here we are, another Wednesday!  Once again I have had to cheat a bit with the timing of the pics, owing to my early starts in the morning and my eagerness to get posted!

I have done another couple of swing rounds, although I'm kind of back to where I started, but there were a few extra bits to include.
The blue box contains all kinds of bits of "ephemera" that are too small to store anywhere else, the red ones under the cardboard drawer units are some of my card stock boxes and I'm sure you'll recognise the pile of stamps standing in shot proudly!

and these are some little sectioned boxes with things like brads and small chip shapes that I will use - one day!

I may have unintentionally mislead some of you last week as I had lost this pic of my boxes of cardstock (I saved it in the wrong place on my computer) as I think you thought I'd lost the card stock..... you may agree it would be hard to lose this lot!!  They live just outside the living room and are colour co-ordinated by box (yes, I buy a lot of card stock!!) The drawers on top contain bits of coloured wires, packs of fibres etc. The lead hanging down oh-so-tidily (not) is my camera charger!  They used to stand inside the doorway itself but I couldn't get in and out...!!

Finally for this week is an area we haven''t explored together before - the other side of the sofa!

This is one of my boxes of (mainly 12x12) papers (it's sitting on top of the other one!) I can't quite remember what's in the one underneath as this one is sooo heavy the bottom is sagging and when I lift it off one day soon, everything is going to fall out in a big mess..... what d'you mean, another big mess??!!
You cheeky lot.

I don't seem to have shown you anything ON my workdesk.... lets get that sorted.

(speaks in Aussie accent) "Can you tell what it is yet?"

Well, I have seen various examples of Zentangles around recently and am determined to have a go - so I have prepped a sheet of card so far..... Not sure when I'll get it finished, mind!

I don't think I'll get away with hopping round to see many of you during the day at work, I am going to get caught soon.... so I'll catch up with you as soon as I can.  In the meantime, pop over to Julia's to see what this is all about - and why not join in? The more the merrier!


  1. OMG thats some stash you have there and I bet you can put your hand on just what you need!

  2. Thanks for sharing your stash around this morning Helen! Very generous! Lol! What a lot you got!! Mind you, I can't talk! Good luck with the zentangling! xx

  3. Hello! Thanks for your comment last week on my WOYWW - thought I'd come and have a nosy, and WOW!!!! Loving the masses of crafty goodness!! Must admit I've never heard of a zentangle, but will have to look now!

    Esme xx

  4. Never heard of a zentangle either - oh no something else to do! Can't believe your card stash mountain -wow!!!

  5. OMG what a lot of crafting goodies, how do you ever find anything or do you know what is in each box, I have never heard of zentangle either, heard it mentioned but dont know what it is.
    Christine x

  6. Oh my. I've never seen that much card in someone's house before. lol. You're too funny!

  7. I have realy really enoyed looking round your space and your stuff - you're so creative I totally get your need to have it around you. Good luck ith that zentangle, I love the look, but they idea of doing one -ooh I dunno!
    An don't thnk aout getting caught at work - this is meant to be fun!

  8. Wow what an amazing amount of stash you have. Bet you can put your hand on anything you need too.
    A x

  9. LOVE the aussie accent ... I even read it in one :0) I did have to laugh at the thought of you losing all that card stock though ... great entry this week ... so much to look at and stroke :0)

  10. all you stash! Oh my! wow, love it!


  11. Well if the bottom of the box fell out would see what it held lol

    Have fun with the Zentangle ...I have just got hooked in the past couple of weeks ....cant wait to see your result.

  12. What a lot of stash you have Helen, you'll get hooked on the Zentangle, I have. xx

  13. O

    HOW MUCH STASH!!!! I thought I was bad ROFL...I am working on a Zen-jobby now too...tis all your copying ya xx

  14. LOL I wish....but they have been saved up over time!

    You have some amount of stash there!

  15. Love all the STUFF. Good luck with your Zentangle. Can't wait to see it.

  16. bloody hell Helen - you've got some stuff havent you??? i'm sure there is more and more each week!!! Lucky you that you can get blogger at work - wouldn't know if i can cos only started blogging since i was first off work in Jan.

    whats a zentagle - this is new to me?!!

    Thanks for popping by mine earlier and your comments. always a pleasure to receive.

    Paula x x x

  17. you've got nearly as much card stock as our craft shop has. Great stash

  18. oooooh what a LOT of boxes of stuff - they all look so intriguing - I wouldn't mind having a good old rummage to see what's inside!

  19. Mmm yes you do have a lot of card! Great though innit? :)Fabby stamps of course ;)
    Anne xx

  20. oh my goodyness me! I'd get lost in there!!!You have sooo much stuff!! Love your doodling, see, your doodling lead to my doodling!! Oh, pooh yes, my eldest daughter gave me and hubby grandparents mugs as stocking Christmas pressies, as our youngest daughter, had our first grandson at the end of September last year, but we don't see him as they live in USA...I guess, my blog pic is about four years old, I picked it cos you can't see the wrinkles!! An up-to-date pic will/might be appearing in a crafty mag next month!! wowo! that could be scarrrrry!


  21. OMG what an amount of stuff you have. Have seen your finished Zentangle it's brill I assume the aussie accent is something to do with the Zentangle :)I must say your post made me smile quite a lot, thank you.
    Pat xx

  22. Ha, ha I guess that is what my stash (flat) will look like in a few years - loads of boxes filled with stuff for crafting....dreaming....lovely!
    Zentangling is quite interesting will be back to see how it goes!

  23. WOW! glad you found your cardstock - pic that is ;-)
    my cardstock would fit in one of your boxes. Zen thingies sound interesting, will have to investigate and become a follower to see what happens next.


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