Sunday 20 September 2009

The start of autumn - Kew Gardens

I went to Kew Gardens yesterday morning.  I try to go as often as I can (I have a season ticket so it only costs my train fare) as I really enjoy walking around the gardens.  Ever since I watched a BBC programme a few years ago, "A Year at Kew" I have tried to do the same taking photos along the way.  The trees yesterday were just starting to turn, so in a couple of weeks it will probably be wonderful - last year I timed it just right and got some great photos.  Here are a couple I took yesterday.  I am obsessed by the way the light catches the water on this fountain in the lake outside the Palm House, even yesterday when it was quite dull, it just sparkles!


  1. Fantastic pics Helen. I haven't been to Kew for years, not since the kids were little. Autumn is a wonderful time for taking photographs though, isn't it?

  2. Beautiful pics, love the shot of the fountain with the fuzzy leaf foreground! Autumn is my fave season, except for crane flies! x


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