Monday 21 September 2009

Ferro wheel

The other day I was thinking about how I could add some more texture to the Viva Ferro product.  I tried stamping in it but didn't get the desired effect.  Then I had an idea to use one of my TSS wheels.  I added some Ferro (blackberry) to a chipboard piece I had previously coated in black acrylic paint.  Leandra (Paperartsy) recommends wetting the stamp - or wheel in my case - to prevent too much sticking - using a babywipe.  I then rolled the wheel through the ferro and got some quite deep marks - a bit like a tractor track. it did take some cleaning - on the baby wipe - but it did come clean after a bit of rubbing.  After the Ferro dried, I stamped the Snowman (Paperartsy) on a piece of card and coloured him with gel pens.  I put a piece of metal through my cuttlebug with the numbers folder, and sprayed it with glimmer mist in Jazz Blue and Snap Dragon, and decorated the edge with another TSS wheel.  I stuck the Snowman and metal to the chipboard piece with humungo tape.


  1. That is so cool! I love what you have done with the ferro. I've not been tempted by that up to now as I didn't realise it came in different colours. Oh well, another thing for Saturday's shopping list

  2. Love it Helen. Works so well. Fabulous fuity colour.

    Not sure re the weekend...if I do it will be the Sunday. You?

  3. Saturday always for me - with my sister in law and her daughter - I always worry things will sell out if I leave it to the Sunday.

  4. WOW, that is one cool technique that I would never have thought of doing...thanks for sharing!... love it x

  5. Great technique with the wheelies! Love the metal embossing too, one of my fave folders! I'm going on the saturday BTW! x


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