Wednesday 18 September 2024


 Morning happy deskers, we find ourselves at Wednesday again, so must be time for WOYWW again. 

I think I rashly promised your more crafting this week...

I made another journal page this is in a Seawhite journal - it's just over 7 inch square cartridge paper

the background was drops of the new Dina gloss colours in Malachite and Mustard and smooshed a bit with water before adding stencilling in similar coloured inks,

the image is a transparency. 

then I realised I needed a birthday card for Wednesday (I forgot to do it on Monday so it was a rush job on Tuesday evening)
which means the overhead light is awful  and I couldn't get the flash to fire on the phone. 

It's for Monica, my boss.  

Kew on Saturday was a gloriously perfect autumn day, even if it started really cold (had to put gloves on!)  

the light was fantastic at 8,  this is why I love early starts so much... only 2 more to go though before it's back to getting in at 10 with the general public!!

Thanks for looking, I'll be round to visit very soon. 


Susan Renshaw said...

Sorry I beat you to number 1 this week! Love those Kew pictures. What a good idea to use a transparency over your background. Super colours in this! Happy WOYWW! Susan #1

Neet said...

Wow Helen, a card and a journal page, you have been busy crafting. Love the journal page and the card looks very nice, I am sure the boss was well pleased.
Your photos of Kew are fabulous, love the first one especially although I do like the yellow flower the way you got it.
Hugs, Neet xx 3 (hope you get a food day for this coming weekend)

Sarah Brennan said...

Love that journal page Helen. You would never guess the card was a rush job - it looks fab. Wonderful Kew photos as always! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Julia Dunnit said...

Love that you've stencilled in the same colours as you've dripped, it looks so good! Not even Kew would entice me out of bed in the cold, I'm definitely getting too soft in my erm, middle age. Your pics though are stunning, and thank goodness you do it so I can enjoy vicariously! love the card for Monica, am very partial to bird silhouette images, dunno why!

ukmaryanne said...

Fab journal page - you know I always love them - and the card is great too. Kew photos always make me smile!
Quick scoot round before knitting WOYWW!
Mary Anne (4)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Helen, loving the new journal page and the Kew pics too. Got to be quick today as taking dogs for haircut. Hugs and happy woyww, Angela x6x

Diana Taylor said...

I love the journal page - fabulous summery colours and I good idea to use a transparency. The card is beautiful - I really love the stamped image and can't decide if it's two stamps overlaid or one stamp that you carefully coloured bits individually - either way I love it! Great pics of Kew, I'll be back for a proper look later!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #13

Lunch Lady Jan said...

The light is definitely autumnal in your pics, I enjoyed my visit to Kew through your eyes but am glad I didn’t have to get up early (such a wuss these days, lol!!) The journal page is fab but it’s the card that really caught my eye, love the bird silhouettes xx
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

brenda said...

Gorgeous journal page Helen.

Wheels fell on the bus Saturday, redeemed last night but still not sold on the new guy, seems to lack passion.

B x

Annie said...

Love the latest page and your early morning pics of Kew are fab.
Annie x #7 said...

A fab journal page - great colours and I really like your autumnal birthday card card too, brilliant! - happy WOYWW - Michelle #15 x

Lynnecrafts said...

I love your journal page and card, Helen. Your Kew photos are great as ever, particularly the water lilies and that cut leaf.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 9 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Great card and journal page. Did you have to buy special tickets to get into Kew early? Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

BJ said...

Yay some crafting, love the bright yellow and jade, super card too. Great that the weather was so good for Kew too.I'm feeling a tad better today thank goodness. Hugs BJ#12

Elizabeth said...

Hello Helen, well you've exceeded my crafty output by two projects! And both are lovely too. Like the colours on the journal page and the image on the card. I always enjoy your Kew photos wherever and whenever I see them. Your comment on my post made me feel a little better but I still need to get organised. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #18

Lindart said...

Great colours on the journal page! And I like the black contrasting with it! Beautiful Kew photos, especially the second one - a sculpture? Have a great week, Lindart #17

Lisa-Jane said...

It's my favourite kind of light / day when we get these sunny but crisp mornings. I find myself having the heating on in the car first thing and then the air con on the way home! I'm getting around eventually! Have a sunny week, Lisa-Jane #10