Wednesday 14 August 2024


 Wednesday again, time for WOYWW  at Sarah's.  

another part done journal page.. it was too hot on Sunday to do much in the way of crafting  and certainly nothing that needed a heat gun.

I used some of the newest Dina paint colours 
as they are nice blues and a lovely pinky purple 

I had to glue the transparency circle on as my Tim Holtz tiny attacher (stapler) has stopped working  but that's ok. 

I may get this one finished for next week.. possibly! 

Had a nice time at Kew again - no Kim still but she says thanks for your good wishes! 

it was more fun time at the Temperate House with one of the sculptures 

Thanks for looking, happy WOYWW 


  1. Poor Kim, this is not her year, give her my best wishes.
    Love that blue, is it just one particular blue in the new colours or a mixture of more than one? Looks lovely and my favourite type of blue.
    Have a good week Helen.
    Hugs, Neet (right behind you) xx

  2. Morning Helen, sorry to hear Kim is poorly, hope she recovers from her surgery quickly. Do you know, I have Uncharted Mariner and I haven't even opened it yet. I have a new stencil, maybe I will try that, seems ridiculous to have things and not use them. Those Rudbeckia look stunning, I mean to try every year to get them established in the garden but they either fail or I forget. Gardening has not been a priority this year. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindy #4

  3. Loving those blues on the journal page Helen. Hope Kim is fit enough to join you at Kew again soon. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  4. Pretty colours for sure. I agree, far too hot! Now raining - I know what I prefer LOL! Sorry your Kew-mate is still felling poorly. Hopefully you will be back together at Kew soon. Your photo really elevates those simple black-eyed Susans!
    Getting as many in as I can before knitting…
    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (6)

  5. Hi Helen, gorgeous colours on the journal pages today. I bet you're missing Kim and hope she'll be able to join you again soon. Enjoy the rest of the week and happy woyww, Angela x12x

  6. You’ve had it so hot, it’s been more pleasant over here in the west - I still prefer it cooler though, must be my Viking blood, lol!! Love the colours of the page but the stand out for me are the yellow daisies, properly in your face!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xx

  7. Hoping Kim returns to full health very soon. Those yellow daisies are gorgeous...really made me smile.
    Annie x #7

  8. Lovely journal page, Helen, with beautiful colours. The blue flower with the Rudbeckia (a blue variety?) was the one I’d like in my garden! I loved seeing the goose taking off. Btw after your post last week I’ve been looking for that Tim Holtz moon stencil. It was out of stock everywhere, it seemed, but I found one today at a shop called Cuddly Buddly crafts.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 11 xx

  9. Lovely blue journal page and those reflections are amazing! Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

  10. Those colours are amazing! I did hear somewhere that some of her colours are being discontinued in the larger sizes so I assume that's the way they will all go (although it might have been an old video & that ship has already sailed!) I hope you get your Tiny Attacher fixed - so annoying! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #9

  11. Love the colours in your journal! Too bad about the stapler, hopefully it can be fixed. Kew photos lovely as usual, even the wacky sculpture one! HAve a great week, Lindart #16

  12. Yes lovely blues/purples and can't believe your TH stapler has died, I would sure let him know. I had problems with Distress stains once and I think he replaced them for me. Worth a try. I'm continuing with a journal page a day for the rest of this year, bit of a 60th year challenge for myself hence quite a few to show each week, well 6,7or8 depending LOL. Hugs BJ#9

  13. Great blues/ purples colourway there Helen. Yes it has been a bit too hot for crafting but Kew would be perfect! x x Jo 🌈


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