Wednesday 31 July 2024


 Hello deskers, we find ourselves at Wednesday again, and desk sharing day/ 

Head over to Sarah's for the link up 

I don't have much to show this week - the Olympics have taken over here!

another journal page based on a you tube video by Alison Bomber and her most recent stamps for Paperartsy

Saturday saw nice weather at Kew and some bright sunshine (before it turned too hot the last couple of days  - never happy are we)

playing with some angles 
sunlit flowers in the Temperate House
and some gorgeous sunflowers

I can't believe tomorrow is August -  the year is running along at a fair old pace - but Happy Birthday tomorrow to our lovely Jan  - hope you have a great day! 


  1. What a pretty page that is Helen. Very summery and meadow-like.
    Love the Kew photos, especially the one where you are experimenting - some gorgeous shapes there - would make a lovely background some time.
    We have not had it as hot as you, thank goodness, it was quite bearable up north but still a bit too warm to sit in direct sun for me.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  2. Glad you are enjoying the olympics. I've watched a bit and quite disappointed they aren't showing any live badminton. Lovely journal page, it's great watching videos and playing along. Hugs BJ#5

  3. Thank you for the pre-birthday wishes, I’ve got nothing planned at the moment but our days do tend to fill up! Did you hear me shouting during the men’s 200m x 4 relay? I’m an Olympics fan as well, am sitting here with the triathlon on as I’m going through the blogs! Love the sunflower pic, that would make a great card xx
    Hugs LLJ 3 xx

  4. Hi Helen, I'm not a big lover of the heat either. I have been watching some of the Olympics especially when the diving was on, Tom is such a great athlete and a nice person too. Loving your journal pages, that's another nice person and a great artist. I love Alison's stamps. Keep cool....if you can. Happy woyww, Angela x9x

  5. I love your journal page, the colours are beautiful. Your Kew photos were excellent as ever. I love that play tunnel and the jasmine at the entrance makes me think we must get some. The irises look gorgeous with the light shining through them.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 12 xx

  6. Nice page! Now ICAD is done I am hoping to shift to Junk Journal July but in August LOL! I think it'll work. Did not know about The Temperate House. Interesting name! Love your shots of Kew for sure and the iris is really a winner.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (4).

  7. I can finally comment. Have had to change browser. I have enjoyed dipping in and out of the Olympics. Great page. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  8. Great photographs and a lovely journal page that looks summery too. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

  9. Your little lady looks like she's sitting on one of the circles - what a great effect! Have a wonderful week, Lisa-Jane #10

  10. We are enjoying the Olympics too - a good excuse to keep out of the sun. It's been lovely here. We have had Ben so have been playing table tennis on a makeshift table in the garden. A quiet weekend so hope I can have a bit of crafting time. x x Jo

  11. Hello Helen, your page is lovely. It reminds me of my early childhood growing up in the countryside. Your Kew photos are, as ever, beautiful. Love the sunflower in particular. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth x #14

  12. Loving your tags, they are just beautiful! and that moon mask is great! I really like your wheat with the uncharted mariner also on the white so pretty and cas. All the best with your friend's recovery and hope you have a great rest of the weekend Michelle#13 x


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