Wednesday 29 May 2024


 After the fun of the crop, life is getting back to normal... work, a bit more work and more work.. Good job I only had a 2 day week last week and then a Bank Holiday weekend to get used to being back!

Anyhow, it's time for another Wednesday meet up.. the end of another month!   Sarah will have the link 

with my extra day at the weekend, and some typical bank holiday weather, I had a bit of time to play in the small kraft journal... the page is black because I didn't like what i did to start with... 

I don't much like the second incarnation of this paghe either

but did have fun on the facing page with lots of splatters!  

I nearly left it just as splatters but had to faff!  

this is a page that I started on my and Cindy's play day after the crop before we came home..
I had intended to paint over this too but decided to push through and see if I could improve it.

I want to do something more to the letters but ran out of time.  

Saturday was of course, . Kew day.

it was the nicest day of the weekend, sunshine and warmth.  

we loved the gosling creche... 36, and of differing sizes so they can't have been all the same family. 

trying to get underneath the daisies in the rock garden 

sadly this weekend looks like it may be damp, but that means raindrops!  

Happy WOYWW and thanks for looking.  

I am hoping the links work, blogger was being funny!  


  1. Oh I do love a splatter and daisies are my "thing" just now, love your angle on them. Hugs BJ #?@silly o'clock

  2. Your journal pages are fine, I think sometimes we stress too much about what we produce. Love the splatters and can understand your initial thoughts but i like the two heads on there too.
    Love the floral selection and the goslings must have been adorable to see in real life.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  3. Your pages are fab and you obviously enjoyed working on them so that's all that matters really . I love that daisy picture. I really think you could publish a wonderful calendar with some of your beautiful photos.x x Jo

  4. Hi Helen, thanks for the reminder about changing the links. I've not had a very brilliant week and almost didn't post at all but we're getting there. Off to the care home today to pick up mum's stuff. Loving your pages and the gorgeous photos, looks like it was a nice day. Happy woyww, Angela xXx

  5. See! told you I wasn't with it forgotten to leave my number x10x

  6. You really allow your AJ pages to simmer don't you? I tend to begin and end them in a day, two usually at most if they need drying. Lovely Kew in the sun!
    Happy Knitting Day (for me) WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  7. I like a dark background to work on, it makes you use colours differently I think and your pages are fab, especially the splatters! The said pic is wonderful, that would make a great card!!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  8. I like the splatter page! I'm sure you will be able to fix the page you don't like...again! It happens to the best of us! Sometimes it just takes one thing to make a huge difference (I would suggest removing the 2 extra "you matter") Gorgeous Kew pics, and only you could be excited about rain! LOL! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #15

  9. Your pages are fab and you’ve such a good photographer’s eye. There’s a photo of a lily at Kew in your shapes and shadows section that’s just perfect.
    Happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 12 xx

  10. Love the view of the daisies and the splatter page. So much cuteness in those goslings. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

  11. Making quick visits while away as the Wi-Fi is good at the villa. Thanks for joining in and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  12. Lovely pages and your Kew pics are fab.
    Annie x # 7

  13. A great array of colourful splatters that would make a fab card! So effective on the dark background. You take a great photo too Have a great weekend - Michelle #13

  14. Hi Helen, I thought you gave me an ATC too! I’m still looking for it. Thanks so much for your kind comments on a Sense for Silver, Goodreads or Amazon reviews are always welcome! I’m trying to work out where I go next with the story! Thanks again
    Lynne xx

  15. Super pages - especially the splatter!
    Lovely Kew pics as usual!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #4


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