Wednesday 1 May 2024


 Morning deskers, it's Wednesday - time for What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday... Julia has all the details.  Week 778,,  nearly 15 years we've been meeting up.  so it's time to start thinking about atcs... belatedly, despite Mary Anne mentioning them for a couple of weeks!

but in the effort to keep some things secret  I have a card....
I painted a sheet of card with Mattints and stamped a leafy stamp (one of Dina's) over it

this formed the basis of the card above. 
desk shot... not done one for a while... that tiny patch of stripy rug is the bit of floor I sit on to craft....

the 2 sheets of A4 card on the "desk" might be secret prep for atcs... everything else is piles of "stuff " that lives around me - things at hand...

Last Saturday was Kew, (obviously) - dry, but cold; this week ahead is meant to be warm and wet.... great!  But at least we get the chance to go in at 8am   Hurrah!  

this is from a plant in the alpine house, it's been fascinating me for weeks!  

I love tulips even when they are going over

Happy WOYWW, catch you soon!  


  1. Love your stripey sit upon. Couldn't manage it myself - once down I'd not be able to get up.
    You are certainly giving those new paints a try out - can't blame you, they look good from here.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  2. Glad early opening at Kew has started up again Helen. Great card. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  3. The colour way on your card is similar to my ATCs but mine are woolly😃 gorgeous. Tulips are lovely this year aren't they. We have some very dark purple in bloom at the moment. x x Jo #6

  4. Oooh - cant decide if the card or that gorgeous purple flower makes me happier! So lucky I get to see both. See you at the crop? Save an ATC for me!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  5. Hi Helen, I am so loving those colours. It's time I brightened things up a bit. I am guessing we will swap ATCs at the Crop and one of mine has your name on it already. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x12x

  6. Beautiufl photos....loving that purple tulip It looks like it's welcoming you. I also love that leafy stamp. I am so anxious to have time to create, whirlwind here this past week. HAPPY MAY DAY

  7. Love the card. I'm looking forward to the crop.
    Annie x #9

  8. I think I have a picture somewhere of you sat in a square that Julia had laid out on the floor in masking tape! Adore that picture of the tulip - they come in such wonderful colours don't they? Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #7

  9. Love the colors on your card, and the floral visits! Robyn20

  10. Your card colours are very pretty! Can't believe you have been crafting on the floor for 15 years (possibly more?). I looked briefly at trains a while ago, didn't look too difficult.... but I've no idea of our timeframe or where we have to get to when we arrive. I know Julia would have liked to travel together but it doesn't seem very practical. Are you coming back Tuesday -I think that was what we proposed initially. Perhaps we can try to have a chat over the w/e, I should be about most of the time. Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #14

  11. I love the background colours of your card and that leaf stamp! Your photos are beautiful too, I haven't been back to Kew in years. Have a great crop! Michelle x #19

  12. Hi Helen, I think tulips are more interesting when they start going over, but of course then the petals fall off! Arrived at our first site of the year yesterday. Beautiful views. The wind started in the evening, kept going all night, then about 7 am two of the bands holding the awning down snapped and as my husband was trying to do something, the awning flipped over the caravan! Disaster, ripped awning, broken poles! What a start to the holiday! Angela #15

  13. Love the stamps and the colours used on your card...I have to make one for a 90 year old...and so far my brain has no ideas!! Your Kew pictures are lovely. I doubt very much if I'll ever go again now I'm on my own. I do miss our trips out to gardens.Have a great WOYWW week-stay safe and keep on crafting!! ((Lyn)) #16

  14. Yes a good job the SWAP was mentioned the past few weeks else it might have passed me by with all the freebie courses I have signed up to! Managed to make ATCs 4 last night, so that's a start, will make more if I can, I guess the group has become rather manageable from the dizzy height of a few years ago too. Love your stamp which you have on your post today and last week so I've been drawing my own, think my new Woodys will be good to draw them with too. Your tulip photo is fantastic and yes a very curious yellow plant. Hugs BJ#11

  15. What a beautiful tulip pic! I love the colour! Your card is lovely too, I have some of those stamps, I really should use them! Have a great week, Lindart #22

  16. Love seeing the 'desk'! It serves to remind me that I like having a's not my knees I've decided, it's my back that would give in first. Also I'm such a fidget that I'm not sure that I'd be able to sit still long enough in that little space without wanting to kick my legs out or something!! Having a mild panic about not being at home long after this holiday and not having mad a single ATC...but these things have a habit of working themselves out don't they. Don't they?!! Still enjoy those pastel inks in your hands, absolutely love the card.

  17. A gorgeous card Helen, I love those Dina stamps and the Matt Tints look good.
    Enjoy the rest of the bank holiday.
    Alison xx

  18. Good morning, Helen.
    Okay, that first floral fascinates me, as well. Wish I could see it in person. You sit on the floor to craft? My heavens, woman, I wouldn't be able to get back up - or move properly for a week once I had. LOL I remember sitting on the floor to play games, sort stuff... not any more LOL.
    Creative Blessings and Hugs! ~ Kelly #21


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