Wednesday 3 January 2024

WOYWW 761 - Happy New Year

 Happy Wednesday deskers, time for another WOYWW  and I'd like to wish a happy 2024 to you all - I hope it brings you health and happiness. 

I don't make resolutions, but I was inspired by Julia's post Christmas/New Year blog to create something not just for a Wednesday WOYWW post!  (it's the post below this one) 

this was the journal page I made (not one of my photos but a page from my Kew calendar for last year)
and I made my brother's birthday card which is now on it's way to him (his birthday is on the 6th)

this is for Mary Anne - not sure if you can read it, but it's from the book I got for Christmas that she was surprised at... it's kind of a potted history of the notebook..I'm not quite sure what you thought it was....
I've read a bit so far ad there was an interesting bit about the history of the Moleskine.   

it's a dip in and out thing not a read from cover to cover book, I think.

I had Saturday at Kew and did get to London as well during my time away from work, I think some of you saw the photos. 

most of the colour at Kew was in the glasshouses 

It was a struggle being back at work on Tuesday after a nice break, but no doubt I'll settle back into a routine soon enough!

Till next time, happy WOYWW  


  1. Your journal page is just beautiful! I like your brother's card. I think seeing birds on the front of a card lifts the soul. It is so freeing!

    Thanks for the lovely comment!
    Chana Malkah, WOYWW #2

  2. Hi Helen I love the honeysuckle that’s something you done see in our temperate climate, and great work on publishing other than Wed. My goal his year is one post a month! We will see!
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and keep you and all whom you love safe and well in 2024!
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X  

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz} {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  3. Good to see your Kew inspired page and that beautiful swallow card. I really do need to get back to some crafty activity. Happy New Year. x x Jo

  4. Good to see your Kew inspired page and that beautiful swallow card. I really do need to get back to some crafty activity. Happy New Year. x x Jo

  5. Hi Helen, I'm sure you'll soon settle back to work but I can understand how you feel. The book sounds interesting, I had no idea there was one about notebooks. Better go as we have some travelling to do this morning, going to a funneral. Wishing you a very happy woyww new year. Hugs, Angela x11x

  6. Going back to work…boooooo….I must admit, I don’t miss it one bit, hope you’ve managed ok. The book on notebooks sounds fun, bet there’s lots of info in there. Like the journal page and your brother’s card, I admire your aim to blog on other days but I just don’t think it’s going to happen with me.
    Happy 2024 and WOYWW!
    Hugs, LLJ 7 xxx

  7. Love the journal page Helen. The history of the notebook looks interesting too. A quick visit this week dues to new windows being installed (and of course it has started raining). Stay safe and Happy WOWYW. Sarah #14

  8. It's been lovely to have a bit of time off but I'm ready to get going again now and, like you, will soon get back into it.
    Happy New Year.
    Annie x #8

  9. I certainly do not envy you having to get up and go to work, retirement is good for that aspect of life.
    Lovely work and gorgeous photo of the honeysuckle.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  10. oooh, yes I did expand it, could read it, and I agree. Looks QI but also a dip in and read a chapter every now and then rather than cover to cover page-turner LOL! Lovely card and another great Kew photo. So sunny and bright, that orange, it seems out of place on this dismal day! Just the ticket 'tho.
    Happy 2024 WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (6)

  11. Always hard to go back but after a few days it will be like you've never been away! lol
    Love the journal page with the calendar ... super idea.
    Have a good week, not long until Friday
    Christine #13

  12. Oh great way to not have to part with the beautiful calendar pics, very clever. I was hugely amused to read that the post 'inspired' you, but I'm happy to stop by and look at everything you make, Wednesdays or not, so long may it last! Bet getting back to work was exhausting.

  13. Super page from a calendar, I've saved a one too, bet I won't do anything with it half as cool as yours. So glad you got into London and toe Kew too, hope work isn't too tiring. Hugs BJ#12

  14. Hi Helen, great journal page and card. Your Kew photos are beautiful- I loved the witch Hazel
    All the best for the new year and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 17 xx

  15. Love your comment at mine....cracked ne up. Thanks xx

  16. Hi Helen, great journal page and card. I have just ordered a moleskine sketchbook, I am looking forward to receiving it. Wishing you a happy New Year. Angela #18

  17. Cool journal entry and card... and your Kew visit is just lovely, so lovely - thanks for sharing that!

  18. Love the page - what a treat to have a whole calendar of your amazing photos from Kew. The book about notebooks sounds really interesting - may I ask the title?

    And aren't people with January birthdays a nuisance... just when you think you've got the present and card thing done?! (My mum is on the 20th!)

    Hope you settle back in at work soon - January is always when there's a grinding of the gears back into action. Happy 2024 to you!
    Alison x

  19. ooh interesting, chapter 8 of that book sounds interesting!
    thanks for visiting my desk already


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