Wednesday 13 December 2023


 Hello again fellow deskers.  Wednesday dawns again.  time for WOYWW .   It's quite scary how fast the weeks are going..

so I did succumb to some new Paperartsy mini stamps (designed by Alison Bomber) and whilst I was buying them, well, oops, the reindeer so loved by Angela fell into the basket too.

They arrived on Thursday last week.  

I made a card for my brother and sister in law.

I tried to crackle the background but the crackle paste didn't  -  er  -  crackle. It's been a while since I used it so forgot if I needed to put a layer of something underneath it, rather than straight on the card.

still, the fussy cut reindeer are nice! 

as for my other cards, they are written and in the post.  I have a few to finish off for hand delivering, to neighbours and some friends at work.   that's this weekend's job.

Saturday was a very wet start to Kew, but the rain very kindly (and unexpectedly) stopped at 10 at opening time... it was forecast to last until mid-day so I was grateful.  A puddly blog post here  

but I did find some colour even if the sun didn't appear until I was on the way home...

I may be a bit later than usual to visit today as I am off work for the day, thought it about time I did some Christmas shopping....  
wish me luck, I don't have many to get but no idea what for those I need...   said brother, sister in law....  

I did think about going to London (and seeing the lights at the same time) but decided against it, Kingston will do fine, I am sure....   this coming Friday is the office party, and then it's Kew on Saturday; hopefully I will wake up in time..  (I know I will, I never sleep after a night out!0  


  1. Good luck with the shopping Helen. Glad you managed to get all your cards posted. Stay safe and Happy WOYWWW. Sarah #1

  2. Hope you have a good day off and have a successful shopping trip! Wow, the colours on that dogwood are amazing, so bright, they almost pulsate. Love the reindeers but am sorry your crackle has lost its snap and pop as well…..
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  3. Of course I love your new stamps Lol! Hope the shopping goes well and you find what you're after. We've had lots of rain here again which is not good in parts of Lincolnshire as there's a lot of flat land but we're managing so far. Take care and have fun. Happy woyww, Angela x10x

  4. I think in a day and on my own I could probably do my Christmas shopping, however many....and in Kingston it would be nice, a huge John Lewis and lots of independent shops...just my kind of shopping ! I hope it's going well for you! I think Angela may be a dangerous enabler you know, get you, fussy cutting the reindeeer! They look great, and the crackle thing...made me laugh, and you totes got away with it because the card looks great!

  5. Such cute stamps! Not going to give in till I make all the cards I can and kill that kit LOL! Enjoy your shopping.
    Happy holiday WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (2)

  6. Enjoy your Christmas party - photos please, I love party photos.
    Love the puddly pic!
    Also love the fact that you went stamp shopping, I am being good at the moment but my wish list has disappeared so I think Santa has seen it. Ooer!
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  7. I love those reindeer! Thanks for my beautiful Christmas card so pretty and delicate. Yours is winging its way as I type. xx Jo

  8. Those reindeer are one of my favourites. I hope the shopping goes well.

    Annie x #8

  9. The reindeer are so cute - no wonder they hopped into your cart! I like the Kew photo with the arch reflected in the pool of water, so pretty! Have fun shopping! Lindart #16

  10. What fun stamps and the rain reflection photo is stunning. Hugs BJ#13

  11. Love the reindeer stamps and the others are great too. There is just something about that reindeer I really like it. I hope you managed to get your Christmas shopping done. Angela #3

  12. Such cute reindeer! Lovely colours in your Kew photos too, Helen.
    Take care
    Lynnecrafts 12 xx

  13. I love that reindeer too!
    Good luck with the shopping... I too need a few more presents!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #5


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